★3мм★Jon's Followers
daddy-o wewill147
Si 579ZtF286
Hello humans! Tis I, Bee Queen! Im just a 6 ft. tall bee flying around Miiverse, that's all. I like to talk about bees. Alot. Out of Posts: Nope :D I currently claimed the B3 Gaming Expo for Bees Community. Also, I'll be making a series in Scribblenauts soon. follow me to become part of the hive. Bye!
dre repoclause
I am a game fenatic and dream of making a video game one day. Fav. Games: FNAF, Super Smash Bros., Mario Kart, WWE games, Undertale, and last but not least...Injustice
squeaker autumn_mitch1435
im 18 and from the bipolar sunshine# ohio i love gaming and music and art! When and if u seen me, you gonna be swang! Shot and disc is the bae! football is the bruh! no disrespect. call me ru smile :) gracias migos ;)
Andy minecraftking01
SlimeYoshi trf414
Friend NGです。ごめんなさい。 スライムヨッシーです! ピクミンとDQとFFとマリオとヨッシーが好きです! FF1~6を、2/26~4/25でクリア! <大学に受かった! > FF7を7/9~9/2でクリア! In English I am SlimeYoshi. Nice to meet you! <I'm university student!> I played FF1-6 2/26 ~ 4/25 FF7 7/9~9/2! I cleared them! I like Pikmin&Mario&Yoshi&DQ&FF very much! Please follow me!
Aiden Ahummel1313
Kathleen krm1993
Hi, I'm krm1993. I like music, video games, hanging out with my friends, sports, food, and adventure. I never give up, and I'm always in the mood for fun. My biggest dream in life is to travel the world. One more thing: I don't Wii U Chat, sorry.
Lunacannon Lunacannon
Hi there, I'm Luna Thanks for thinking of me... I'll miss Miiverse, but we can stay connected. I recently 100%ed Super Mario Odyssey, I highly recommend it.
XQuackerX asthatbeenmurry
Mario Maker Addicted- 2YMM/ 1YMM Level Creator Approved by Kiavik
ドラエモン[^^]" 040815
皆さん、フォローしてください、 フォローしてくださった人 必ずやフォローしかいします 目指せフォロー数 1000 フォロワー100人突破 (^*^)(^+^)(^+^)(^*^)
Timmy SonicandMario678
This is me Timmy! IT'S Late 2017 and you might never see m:'-(e on The NEW 3DSxl, my m@in c*mmun- 3DS: Never mind. Wii U: (°—°) So please look at my comments, drawings, and more! And Happy Gaming everyone… Favorite Series: Maro, Sanic, Kirb! The end is near.. Of Miiverse! Why, Why, Why! Nintendo should have brought this to the Switch... So many opportunities, Nintendo.. Many...
London Lillee11
Standing in the corridor Who ever thought we would be like this together? On this gorgeous day, I ask What is it that you want? I belive there was a time Where we could be pals, and things were better Eating bad food, enjoying laughs. Can we go back to that? Well, im back. Miiverse is ending in two months, maybe we all can do something special right before it ends?
Dom catdaddy6
Sorry Miiverse is ending next Tuesday. Thank you for all your support for all these years. I'm sad that Miiverse is ending soon. If you don't want Miiverse to end, go to one of my posts and leave a: "#DoNotEndMiiverse"! Thank you for all your support with all your posts. I'll try to "Yeah!" as many posts as I can before Miiverse ends. Bye Miiverse!
Eclipse SuperTalonX2
Profile comment hidden by admin.
ςнσ¢кщдνε★ MARIOYEH
Welcome to the remains of Wave's Miiverse. If you read this I am no longer on the site or responding to last comments. THANK YOU ALL FOR THIS WONDERFUL EXPERIENCE! Games I play are Mario Kart 8, (7.5k RVR) 7, (6k RVR) and Wii, (7000 vr) Splatoon (B+Rank) and Mario Maker on Wii U (4 medals) My dream job is music mixing and developing. I also like playing music!
Freud AshAB369
Cat boy447 frankenstein4444
I love animal crossing,Cats And Mario even Frogs #Slither.io Follow My 2 Musers on music.ly
Danny Dan-54321
Morgan bobandcat
Evan MonkeyMadness486
Hi Miiverse peoples! I'm Evan, my favorite game is Tomodachi Life, and you may see a lot of it on my profile! HAPPY GAMING!
karl karlduke10
i do mario and kirby and of corse pokemon and um um um um and clash of clans and angry birds that is about it
#R&Я>NAノアƒ lovelymoco0221
皆さんどうも、#R&Я>NAノアƒです! 僕は、#R&Яと言う、チームを、これから、作ります 入りたい方は、フレリクのコメントで、チーム入りたいですと、書いて、送って下さい。リーダーは、僕です。いま、副リーダーぼしゅうちゅうです。主は、きほんてきに、スプラトゥーンや、マイクラをやってます。ぜひ、フォロー宜しくお願いします! それじゃーせーの アドゥー(>ο’)ゝ
Meg 2.0 Megora
Bye Miiverse. I will miss you all. Ever since I started Miiverse, I was hated on. As I got friends, that showed me that there are people on the internet who care. I want to re-live the past. Miiverse gave me so many memories and friends, but like all dreams, you have to wake up. I would say "See ya later." but we know that's not true. May God be with you. This is Meg 2.0, signing off. For good.
Flufy 101 foodd2006
Follow me and/or other users!Like my sis Blue Tiger and my pal Joel and Sparta!!!.You can find me on the Fantantasy Life community or the YouTube community.I'll post a lot of Fantasy Life related things though.Flufy out!¡! BP
Ethan ethanshabba
hi i am ethan. I don't do wii u chat! i like to play minecraft! thats all are you going to keep going down? fine. i like spaltoon,all mario games and would like to know how to do mods in minecraft wii u editon i will be anyones friend as long as you have any of these games: minecraft, super smash bros splatoon mario kart 8. i don't expect blank friend ruoustest
:] xxRYD3ERxx
☆πσαн4мν★ NV63NV
Goodbye everyone...it's been fun. I actually might shed a tear or two tomorrow... But for a select few, our strong friendship will live on. Goodbye fellow memers. -Noah (Noer) 2017 :(
XPeraZLolo gorisse
Bonjour,Hello,Guten Tag je m'appelle Eloryss,my nam's Eloryss,Ich Heisse Eloryss j'ai 9 ans et j'adore pokemon rubis oméga,I'm 9 and i love pokemon ruby oméga,Ich bin 9 Jahre alt und Ich habe gern Pokemon rubi omega,je t'aime Orlane,I love you Orlane,Ich habe gern Orlane
CatLeila~ Rokiyum
Hey it's leila, im alphys' younger sis!♪ About me: ☆I'm ♀ ☆I love pasta~ ☆I love music♪ ☆And Undertale ^u^ ☆Follow AnimeKasey! (She used to be my irl bff b4 she moved away.) =' Bai! On ☆ Off ★
Ram Riv dragonred20
This user's profile comment is private.
B4N4N4 B4N4N4
Smash Bros. and Mario Maker sum it up pretty well. Play my courses!!
ZeldaLord ZeldaLord90
Hey there! I'm ZeldaLord (but just call me ZL), a SMM creator that has over 4000 stars! I recently made my biggest series yet called ZL Dungeon! My other series of levels are: Skewer Showdown, Tallest Mountain & Deepest Cave in the Land and Deadly Run. Coming soon: Skewer Showdown 5 (LAST LEVEL)
Gareth® Mr.MooDaCow
Hi, I'm a clone
david™ Mariobros250
Hello, my name is david and I hope to become a future professional smash4 player when I get older. I am 14 and currently am only good at smash4 for 3ds. Friend Request me if you want to play smash4, anything, or you are just bored. Current Favorite Games: Mario Maker Smash4 MarioKart 8 Splatoon Contact me at anytime and I reply quickly. I am about to move on with life's journey so, Bye for now!
Tzevi08 tzevi01
Hey, I am Jon, I play SMM,Splatoon,NES Remix, but I mostly play SMM.
My open discussion will alw...
Hey, I am Jon, I play SMM,Splatoon,NES Remix, but I mostly play SMM.
My open discussion will always be Tournament or Sign ups!