Users おとうさん Is Following
★こう★ [サブ] 137946kou
まま hiromi724
りん* yukiyuki1160
♡♥♡ splatoon ♥♡♥ ♥♥♥my darling dark veronica love you endless please look at me my darlin please stay with me please in my eyes forever ♥♥♥ ♡my friend R☆crazy G ♡ ♡♪♪米津 玄師 ♪♪ his voice is soo feling good ♪♪ orion ♪♪i like your voice♪♪ ♡人崎 人避 優しいから好き♡否定しない ところ♡♡ ♡よいよいんぐ 面白い♡楽しい♡ ♡♡i like sooo much splatoon♡♡♡itis my first game ♡♡
そらりん mabu-king
小学5年生の、ゲーム大好き女の子! 一番好きなゲームは、スプラトゥーン です。 好きな人は、入るけど付き合ってません! 悲しい[>ー<] 好きな歌は、お邪魔虫、小さな恋の歌 です! ボカロ系が大好きです。 毎日聞いています! 好きな食べ物は、果物です。 趣味は、音楽を聴くこと ゲームをすることです。 宜しくお願いします!
はるき 1213haruki
おはようこんにちはこんばんはファローは、たぶん返すと思います。はるきですスプラトゥーン、マインクラフトやっています。 9月12日更新
DanieleBre MIKEHH2
I am a nice person i cant stop myself doing things also im a youtuber Favrioute Pet:CAT Fravioute fruit:Strawberrys Fravioute Food:pizza Age:10 Thankyou for your suppourt miiverse will be closing down soon so make the most of miiverse enjoying ur life enjoying entertainment from the pictures i'd like to thankyou so much miiverse for all of this, this just made my life really good 120! followers!
ミーバース、もう終了ですね・・・フォロワーさん、フレンドさん ありがとうございました フォロワーさんが640人以上!ありがとうございました 最後までたのしみましょう ↓ミーバースに関係ないこと 暇なんで自己紹介 高校生(2年3組)の暇人です! 好きな事はゲーム\(´∀`)/ そんなもんですかね、宜しく
Zed gianlumorgan
LET'S BE FRIENDS!!!!! :-D I love playng: Mario kart 8 Mario maker Splatoon Minecraft Almost 400 followers and 80 friends THANKS! :-D GOODBYE
s⇔g*ユイ yuichan25puri
今日ミバ引退しまふ 悲しいわ(;_;) 共感フォローお願いしますスプラ大好きですフォローよろです 無言フレリクスルーします! [自己紹介] 結璃(ゆいり) あだ名ユイ 性別 女 性格おっちょこちょい LOVE♡ Hey!Say!JUMP!(やまちゃん♡いのちゃん♡だいちゃん♡) つっちゃん♡ 大切なフレンドさま つっちゃん ちゆちゃん かえちゃん ちょこ姉...絶対にいじめたらだめですよ!!! つっちゃん とにかく優しい!!! ちゆちゃん 優しくてプラベでよく遊ぶ! かえちゃん とてもとても優しい ちょこ姉 s⇔g*のリーダー優しくてどんな話でも聞いてくれる とにかくみんな優しいです! つっちゃん相棒 愛してるよーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー [更新日11月7日]
KennethG23 kennethgamer236
Hi Everybody Im A Big Fan Of: Super Mario: Sonic the Hedgehog: Pac-man: Mega man: Harry Potter Miitopia Undertale Fnaf So that's Why Im Here Thank you Have A Good Time oh and i Almost Forgot Follow me So I Can Be Cool
☆ダッフィー☆ kirakira69
はじめまして! 私の好きなことは、ゲームとベイブレイドです(^_^)オススメかいぞうがあったらおしえてください! ゲームは、スプラトゥーンです。(くれないしゅう)と言う名前を見つけたらあおってください!
HC|Bö$$ómè dslkfjvftklntri
Welp, miiverse is dead very soon. Doesn't matter anymore about anything here. I enjoyed this service and sad to see it pass but I hope someday soon another service will exist that's new and improved. If you're reading this, comment #ripmiiverse on any of my posts, please and thank you. Why bother write up much. Thanks for the fun times, miiverse will be missed.
シンデレラ asrk17815
自己紹介 こんにちは けんとです。好きなマンガは、進撃の巨人、野球マンガ、メジャー ジョジョです。 趣味 野球。県大会進出。(やったー ガチ) 1回戦負けしてしまいました。 9-7 (くやしー) 好きな野球チームは、日本ハムファイターズ。 夢は、1 歌手 2 ユーチューバー 好きな歌手(バンド)は、1 アレキサンドロス 2 世界の終わり 3 ONE OK ROOK(ワンオクロック)です。 最近バンドの、エルデガーデンにも、ハマッてます 基本マインクラフトのPVPワールドをやっています。 フレンド募集中。 スイッチがきったー。
りゅうせい SNGKBSR2
フォロワー30人以上突破!ありがとうございます! フォロワーって嬉しいよねー。 好きなゲーム スプラトゥーン 好きなブキ わかば プロモデラーRG もみじ 嫌いなブキ ダイナモ系(テスラを除く) マジで煽りイカ多すぎじゃね? マイクラスケジュール 月曜 動物取り 火曜 冒険 水曜 クリエイティブモード 木曜 実績取り 金曜 クリエイティブモード 土曜 村へ出張 日曜 洞窟へ そんなわけで、今週も元気に行こう! 以上!
Jani Janttu
I've moved to Switch. Hey, nice to meet you all :). I'm a Nintendo only gamer since the NES days. The Legend of ▲ ▲ ▲ Zelda
SlipStream AE4WiiU
Hi. The name is SlipStream or Eric if you like. 18 yo. MK8 racer and SMM level creator. ~Facts~ •Achieved MAX VR as Mario on 18-10-17. Track was Mount Wario. 245WW. •44K stars and over 22K different WRs "2nd in the world" in SMM. •Taken by the most beautiful woman ♥Joanna♥ •I love to play basketball and just chill with everyone. •Extremely friendly. Always willing to chat. •DC - SlipStream#7767
{Leeshino} Leeshino
AW! Why would you punch my face off?! *cough* Welcome to my profile! I'm {Leeshino}, and my real name is "Alexandre". My actual favourite games on Wii U are : Super Mario Maker and Mario Kart 8. You can play and stars my levels in SMM and you can also join me in MK8. Here's my activity : Happiness ★★★★☆ Angry ★☆☆☆☆ Funniness ★★★★☆ Annoying ★☆☆☆☆ Hope ya'll have a nice day! \(^o^)/
RoboOrange immabananaa1
Hello, I am Robotic Orange. I have a Wii U, and a 3DS. I know a lot about video games, and I draw. I own an ATARI, a NES, a Genesis, a N64, and a Wii as well. I respect other's opinions. I hope everyone continues to enjoy my random posts I make from time-to-time. Sorry, but I don't Wii U chat. I would if I knew you personally. May all your oranges be of the robotic variety.
τν☆Kevin Kevin711711
Hi, I'm Kevin! I play Smash Bros., MK8, Super Mario Maker, Minecraft, and many other games. I have a Wii U, a 3DS, a Nintendo Switch, and other Nintendo consoles! Clans that I'm in: ин иχ τν☆
The Driz Da-Driz
Just another guy who loves Nintendo and its fans. I have another account I sometimes post on, Lil'Drizzo (id: littledriz), but this is my main account.
Evan pandaboy78
Hello! I am a Piano Performance Major in college who composes for some games, and consider myself a pretty good gamer, but not a major hardcore 360 Noscope gamer! I play in tournaments in SSB4 at my college as well! Also I'm extremely excited for Yooka-Laylee by Platonic Games! I love making Super Mario Maker Undertale Music Levels as well! I main Villager in Smash!
☆πσαн4мν★ NV63NV
Goodbye's been fun. I actually might shed a tear or two tomorrow... But for a select few, our strong friendship will live on. Goodbye fellow memers. -Noah (Noer) 2017 :(
uP'n'atOm upnatom
I was a child of the 80s. Raised on Arcade and all things c64. Now a dad, I get to play all over again :) Confessed MK8 addict! After the kids have gone to bed of course.
Layzie Dalayzie1
Im Layzie and.......umm..........hmm.................uhh.............well?........................thats about it Age: Twenty-something In Las Vegas Want ARKHAM KNIGHT / FALLOUT 4 Follow me as I lead a path of happiness and delicious waffles HAHA :D If you want me to follow you, just YELL AT ME I also own a XB360 and 3DS
Ditto Gizmoiscute
The end is near. ;( Go follow me on I have the same username on there. Yo, I'm...Ditto, the OTHER clone of Mew. The one that was supposedly "failed". I've been here since 2012. Previously, I had taken the form of a Pikachu. And for the longest time, my identity as a ditto was an uneasily kept secret. (I hope you can forgive my dishonesty.)
Oh, Arin egolaptor
MacGyver MacGyver-1970
"Mac's Corner is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get." Do you have problems seeing all Mac's Corners? It works well on a 3DS, and you can also sign in to Miiverse using a computer. Then you can see them all! Thank you, Iwata-san, for all the great memories from yesteryear, today, and the future!
Rémi.•°ŤÐČ Lilipop2002
Boujour :): •Remi •15ans •Joueur ACNL,SDSW... •Gentil: ★★★☆ •Dans les delires:★★☆☆, enfaite ça dépends •Team ŤÐČ: la chef est Kiyo, pour plus d'info sur la TDC: Recherchez: "MorganeDina" •Dedi a tous les membres •N'hesitez pas à donné des ouais à mes dessin :D. Abonnez vous! et merci à tous mes 2860 abonnés \^ω^/
Nathan nathan-hatton
Hi Legend of Zelda is the best No clans im in (on this account) In my other account im in the GLƒ clan #GLƒ is the best other account name GLƒ★ηατнαη to proof im not trolling
James animalracer
Hi! My Name Is James And I Love Sports And Mario Games Especially Super Mario Maker. I'm a Beginner In Gaming (Despite My Profile). I Am Ok At Mario Kart 8 I've Got 9.3K vr. I Sometimes Won't Be On Miiverse (Probably Playing Football/Soccer). I Just Love Puppies Aswell!If You Follow Me I Follow You. Rules. 1. NO Bu11ying! 2.NO St@r Begging/St@r Exchanges. Dats All From Me,Have A Fantastic Day
Quacker 2 Whoisthatmemurry
Quacker's Ds mii
Raidman Nindoten
I'm a true Nintendo gamer since the NES era. I've played NES, SNES, N64, Gamecube, Wii, WiiU etc.. My favourite consoles are N64 and the WiiU. WiiU is on my favourite list, cause of Super Mario Maker. SMM is THE BEST GAME ever! I'm a very passionate and dedicated Mario Maker. Feel free to check out my profile on mario maker if you have the opportunity. Thank you for gaming! :)
Tom NintendoTom
Hi I'm Tom from Nintendo! Whenever there's anything new happening to Miiverse, I'll be posting about it on Miiverse Announcements. I'll also be sharing tips and other Nintendo news that (hopefully) matters to you. I'll occasionally be popping up in other communities, so keep an eye out for me!
Melσdy★CLM ConfirmCLM5
Hola! I am fun-loving and generally silly girl that just plays the WiiU!
Evgarre rkay234
david™ Mariobros250
Hello, my name is david and I hope to become a future professional smash4 player when I get older. I am 14 and currently am only good at smash4 for 3ds. Friend Request me if you want to play smash4, anything, or you are just bored. Current Favorite Games: Mario Maker Smash4 MarioKart 8 Splatoon Contact me at anytime and I reply quickly. I am about to move on with life's journey so, Bye for now!
Jordan jordan.oh4
ThirdMan ThirdMan333
Aki deepaksampath
hi my name is aki!!!and i thank u all for a beutiful mk8 community!!!plz be aware of my friend requests!! i like to gain friendz and play nintendo games!!i barely play smash though.mkw is my game but mk8 is awesome to.