Venus's Followers
Leila thatisafatcat
hi O.o
Dr.Logan loganhenderson12
Well i am competitive ._. i can be really, really derpy I have no ''Best freinds'' or ''Bffs'' or whatever I treat all my freinds the same, no favortisim whats so ever Please, please bare with me, but, please i know its a lot to ask out of you guys, but just follow me ._. (sorry i have bad grammar :C) Well, thats it about what i am xD
ςαςςурαητς genesis072406
Hey I'm Jay! Oh, u wanna friend me? Cool, I wanna friend me too:) Zodiac: Leo♥ Music: Melanie M, P!ATD, FOB, Halsey, BVB, Set it Off, & MCR Games: LOZ, Tokyo Mirage Sessions, Pokken, Splatoon, & MK8 ★Creepypasta, Undertale, & Vocaloid★ Hobbies: SINGING, WRITING, BASEBALL, DRAWING, & ANIME †Miiverse needs holy water† What's that? Am i secretly Nyan cat? Hahahahahahahahaha yes. Yes I am.
chaseewza chaseplaz
Hello my players Chase here and Happy Halloween! Shoutout to AdamTF and he has inspired me to do a question thing? So im doin that soon. Ill see u later!!
anto Soylunaeslindo
me gusta soy luna comenten yo y les doy un personaje
★MMP★δшεл RussellFamilyCPK
facts: I am a member of the clans MMP, MX, MME and MCE! i love mario maker! i'm friendly and answer friend reqestes! my levels are very fun i have over 1k stars! feel free to friend me and/or follow me! by!!!(: ●¬● (^^) (^-^) (^o^) ^●^ ^o^ *_* ^_^ o_o =] :-> +_+ /_\ "." =_= -.- '_' :/ ?_? !_! \_/ :) ._. -_- :-: )( &_& $_$ #_# %_% @_@ (._.) -.- 7.7 \(^o^)/ {*-*} I DON'T DO WII U CHAT!!!![][][][]
louis mikadochou
◇★Hayato★◇ hayatoida8810
痛いよ今、顔にキズがあるんだよぉーー おふざけは、やめてこんにちは、こんばんは、◇★Hayato★◇です。 ・住んでいる場所 京都です。 ・趣味 特にありません。 ・学年 普通の6年です。 ・得意な事 絵を書く事、(これくらい…) ・好きな曲 いっぱいありすぎて分からん… ・私は、犬はです。←(どうでもいいww) ・彼女は、いるかって 内緒 ・年齢は、 12歳です。 いままで見てくださってありがとうございました!! もし、良ければフォローお願いします!! 建築が好きです!!(外装の方が好き) 特に仲良くさせてもらっているフレンドs (`^´)s つばさs (°д°::)s 好きなユーウチューバー ・1位 きりざき えいじ ・2位おるたな ・3水溜まりボンド じゃ僕の紹介を終わります!!投稿ぜひ見てね!!みんなバイビ
Vivi☆ 061067
Hi,I am Maria Victoria,a brazilian girl.My birthday is in January 28.I like to draw,and the carathers that I created are:Annie,Linnie,Furch,Ron,Jones,Mila and MR.Chocolat.I like to play videogames,whatch and read yaoi(lemon)and follow aleatory people. My favorite anime is Shingeki no Kyojin and my favorite Nintendo games are Mario Kart 7 and Nintendogs+Cats.
τς★мαχφκαι tommyandjayden21
hi im a wommy,glitch person i love glitches♥♥♥ plz i need friends ü αгε ιη υκ *crys* ...i need more than hundred follows tip:do not kill others next to yall who came up with the word wommy? lol wommy,wommy,wommy!!!! best bud:dorito :3 best splatoon 2 bud:Sandwich btw i have a switch anyways just to tell yall goodbye :)
******** TNL2020
hello im a person who likes every one! ok... you can go now... *blushes* i do play scribelnauts unlimited. view my shop! and i like everyone and admins. ok... your still here... AHHHHHHHH! YOUR STILL HERE GO AWAY! and i dont like rude mii users only if they are freindly. i will anser friend requests
youtube770 pacman3656
dewott pokeboy987
NYAH HAH HAH hello humans it is me the EPIC DEWOTT here THANKS SOOO MUCH FOR 100 FOLLOWERS info for humans friends: qyoule: good pal (how do these shoutouts work) comment i take requests :3 and i draw (badly) :3 I LOVE UNDERTALE :3 favorite AUs: inverted fate, undertoad, modtale, storyspin, shiftedtale, and apathyswap. :3 ALL HUMANS WILL BE CAPTURED
Niya$bands iiWiiMaster
Hi random person viewing my profile (µ°˜°)µ I guess I should share some things about me.. ——————————————————————— I love to draw anime but only on paper :p I usually play Just Dance 2017, Minecraft, and Mario Kart 8 on the Wii U the most. ——————————————————————— ♥Kpop♡Pop♥Rap♡Youtube♥Brownies♡Friends♥puppies♡anime♥Netflix♡ Dont be scared to friend me :D ☆Thx for reading! i hope u have a supa–day☆
»Chance»↑ 05Chance
(U can join if u ask & add an ↑ 2 ur name.) Members: Chance↑[Leader] ↑Kris↑[Vice-president] Isai ↑ Thom↑ †Mena†↑ £Drago↑ Jonathan↑ м¢ƒ•ςрмL•↑ Owen enrique↑ Devon ↑ Mason↑ Wd.gaster↑ Kenshi↑∞ τεαcυρρυ★↑ Liam↑ ςλvλgε↑ «Zero»™ ↑ Konyan'w'↑ ↑«матίa»↑ ↓Aziid↑ ↑ Glade ↑ Mason ↑ ↑Miku↓ trent↑ ↑→Gяаρэ←↑ sulaiman↑ ♪★one eye↑ Austin↑ bendy ↑ Koala↑Bear »Cupcake»↓ ApolloRJR↑ Machai↑ ↑Pancake↓ ↑☆Pichu★↑ ect…
mamou 06mael12
wulffrith wolflover15
my name is wulffrith meaning wolf of peace anyone is a friend to me & is very important to me i'm a very peaceful loving wulff if you need help ask me ill be there for you i am also a proud furry & supporter for them i accept them all for who they are & what they love remember feuding will get you nowhere never betray your friends & always take care of your loved one for life
§€Firebolt Firebolt_ssbm
Heya! It's Firebolt, take a gander around my profile if y'like! - (s)uper (s)mash (b)rothers (m)elee player, i've spent a number of hours on that game. #5922 boys. xD
SEBS mario07ninte
Profile comment hidden by admin.
Cookie4110 Gamer4110
When miiverse ends......TELL MY STORY! ! ! ! ! ! ! 0—0 ♭♪♭♪♭♪♭♪♭♪♭♪♭♪♭♪♭★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞∞
ガール M.SHI-0920
This user's profile comment is private.
Andrés andresuribecancu
Hi,I am Andrés,tis is my profile, Welcome. Do you are one best person (^o^) \(^.^)/ (^o^)
Matthew Wiiplayer885522
Hello! I'm Matthew! Thanks for stopping by on my profile! About me: Age? 14 Birthday? July 17, 2003 Live? USA, California, about 1 hour away from LA Favorites: Sports: Soccer + Hockey Movies: Back to the Future + Star Wars Hobbies: Cooking + Drawing That's all! Every weekend, I post a quote on the YouTube Community. No blank friend requests and very little Wii U Chat. Follow if you want! Bye!
Daddy MinecraftGirl130
Hi! This is RainbowLisa's second account you can friend me here. Be Awesome Today <3
zorua illusionf0x.123
h-hello * shyly turns head * a-are you a f-friend just a little fox here that is out of post right now
VegaInklin Brooklyn45
Hello! here are some facts about me! 1. I love Splatoon and Smash bros. 2. I love Nintendo 3. I have a youtube channel! 4. I acept all friend requests 5. My nickname is "Vega Gamer" 6. My favorite youtubers are Octoling Girl and SMC1 7. My favorite weapons in splatoon are the permanent inkbrush and the .52 deco 8. I like to play as Wario and Greninja in smash. 9. I love calamari! 10: I'm fresh
BwarkCase bananas1215
Welcome to my profile! Favorite Pokemon (in order): Popplio, Goomy, Froakie. Currently Tranformed into: Popplio I wear a green hoodie with a fennec fox on it and wear black glasses with black pants. Yes, I am an object show fan. Hotel Bigley room number-726 *ON HIATUS*
M. Simpson davdim
This user's profile comment is private.
player STYurika
プロフィールコメントは運営者が非公開にしていません 遡り、連続共感全然OKです ども! Miiverse歴3年、 ゲーム歴9年目のplayerです(DS~) 3DSでプレイ時間が長いBest3 1st│フレンドリスト 約800時間/2011年12月~ 2nd│マリオカート7 約600時間/2012年1月~ 3rd│とびだせどうぶつの森 約400時間/'12.4月~ ───────────── Wiiuは別アカでやってます ↑コピペご自に! Copy and use OK. 更新日/2017.9.12
Lucifer Lucifer2.11
yo tlm c lucifer on se retrouve pour un nouvaux délire sur miivers Déscription: 12 ans-super gentille- assez forte en toutes matières- mon amoureux secret Alexandre- en 5ème- j'adore les animaux- je fait de la batterie, du téahtre-je suis fan d'Harry Potter! Dédicace: Linda, Gamer★Alex, lola, bashma, miss tsouk, Marie et... telement d'autre amis abonner vous svp je rends objectif: 300 abonnes
Riddler Skifire23
Hi im Leon Kenedy. Lastly,I dont have a girlfriend:( Finally, my favorite movie is Grease . And my character is from Resident Evil. Ill miss you all:( P.S. LET GREASE LIVE ON
Ťнίƒαηιε LoveUkrainian
I'm so sorry. Geoffroy I love you for eternity baby,you are so amazing! Login:frannce Rida thank you very much for all,you are extremely nice! Login:fati2010 Salah you are very great,thank's for all I adore you! Login:Salah-Dk3
icee bear starwarsdude123
♪hello darkness my ol' friend, i've come to talk with you again, Because a vision softly creeping, left my eyes as I was sleeping, and vision that was planted in my brain, still remains, within the sound of silence see you people later in life,maybe hope to see you again bye, forever, I will always remember my 720 followers *waves goodbye
♪ÅßİĞΔĪŁ★ mysprinks10
Hi! My name is Abigail. I am 16. I love playing piano (been playing for 7 years) and drawing(self taught)~gonna be my future career. I luuuuuv reading. I am a cross country runner [ for 3 years] Follow 4 Follow Favorite 3ds game: Luigis Mansion Dark Moon Plz follow my friends: yoshicoolB Jacob ♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪
Dad averykarsynmoore
awesomekid luchocobia
games i have mariomaker splatoon pokkentournament mariokart8 supersmashbros if u want to friend request u can i'll make space
tara.ble tarawalters
Thank you guys and gals for all your support! Do you like Minecraft, Pokémon, or any other games like this? ;)
♪Heyo! My name is Tessa and I'm 13. Here's some info about me!!♪
♥I'm homeschooled
♥I lo...
♪Heyo! My name is Tessa and I'm 13. Here's some info about me!!♪
♥I'm homeschooled
♥I love country music, metal, and rock.
♥I have anxiety, ADD, OCD, and ďερгεςςıοи
♥My OC is Venus; the wolf-human
♥No bullies allowed!
♥No Wii U Chat
∞Go follow these people!∞
C Meister
★☆That's really it! Byeeee!!!☆★