ElricNeer's Followers
Max jeff3427
hey my name is max my favorite youtuber is logan paul i am a part of the logang im a maverick i will manely post about badge arcade but sometimes i will post about other games my goal is 10000 if i can make it to that followers thanks for following also if u folow me i wil folow you i yeah more than post comment more than yeah and follow more than i comment
Ninja Legion_Anubis
Helo Miverse. I Love To Play Minecraft A Lot Of Times Today
M. Simpson davdim
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Hi Im GENA, I like Anime, Films, Cartoons, Games, Music, Books, Light Novels, Comics, and Manga. I'm on Nintendo N3DS-XL and Wii-U. I use image share* and other Nintendo approved sites. *I can be found elsewhere on the net.[Being respectful of Nins Code, Conduct, and Rules, I will not post, nore answers any questions on this matter. Nintendo does have my permission to edit this out]
Enderpie Xavier_Vicens
Quien quiere ser mi amigo en linea?
AmnaSayyar AmnaSayyar
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macnchis macNchis
what up homies
davisito reinald2911
Cezdog NevClan
Hello I'm 25 I'm a christian. I'm married to my wife Francis who is also 25. And I have a daughter named Vanessa who is 10 years old.I have a pet cat her name is Molly she is 3 years old. I also have another daughter that is 2 months old,with grey eyes and a very light brunette hair color! ALSO BYE MIIVERSE I'LL MISS ALL OF YOU.*SCREAMING*
Aileen Donnie1984
Hola me encantan los juegos de Mario, animal crossing, donkey kong, kirby, pokémon, yokai-watch
★hannah★ doubleobutters
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marini Tiiscchh
Hallo,ich heiße Marini.Ich spiele gerne Schach und Tischtennis.Außerdem spiele ich Akkordeon.Ich würde mich sehr darüber freuen,wenn ihr mir folgt!!!
raphael Raphael_Blalock
TrollYT2.0 ibai999
ola ke ase artur_65rodri-45
Hola pueden pasar por mi canal artu vlogs y juegos hey you can chek mi channel called artu vlog y juegos
Anime Girl Norimakee
–_– frisk, anime, and panic!at the disco :D ps. if you get triggered easily stay away from me OwO pss.I love undertale...just thought you shou know My real name is a mystery...shhh CREEPYPASTA!! Idc if i get haters XD oh yea...i also RP (roleplay) :3 im...im...im DAT BOI Okie go away...:3 oh yeah I love UT nya...Now go...
Eclipse SuperTalonX2
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Serena *~* KAYLAstrand
Hello Im Me, And I Love Fashion And Am Always Open To Contents ALSO I LOVE FAIRY TAIL p.s. i only date fictional characters
Pichu Den! Pikadoom812
I'm Denzel. Nice to meet you all. You follow me and I'll follow you un less you are already followed. In which case you will still stay followed. I lead an army 90,000 strong on my other 3ds( that doesn't have squat on it as far as nnid's go). what GET OUT NOW OR DIE GEH THEM,GUARDS!
Jennie jennie053
Hi! I'm Jennie and welcome to my profile! I'm rarely ever online but when I am I always love to chat! So here's a little bit about me: 1. I love YouTube! Some of my favourite YouTubers are Dan and Phil, and Shane Dawson 2. I speak English (obviously), Spanish, and Russian 3. I love music! I sing and play the ukulele, clarinet, guitar, piccolo trombone, and piano 4. My favorite band is P! ATD
FierceCat PinkCat134
Hi my name is PinkCat134 and i like playing on the wii u! Favorite Game's To Play -Minecraft -Mario Kart8 -Just Dance 2017 -Nintendo Land -Spongebob Robotic Revenge Thank's For Following Me Love You All Kitten's!! <3 Favorite color: Light blue. I have changed my favorite color
yadi pinoburger08
hi am form freeport! my name is yadier. i love it here? it is cool! if your not form here you are missg all the fun.
Fun14 :› KirbFun14
Hi!You can call me Fun14 :> & my favorite Nintendo series are:Kirby,Mario,Pokemon, EarthBound/Mother,Fire Emblem,Kid Icarus,Animal Crossing,Legend of Zelda,Splatoon,&Metroid! My mains in Super Smash Bros. are: Kirby,Rosalina,Lucas,Zelda,Marth,Dark Pit, Ness,Toon Link, & Roy! Thanks for reading & 197 followers!If you follow me I'll follow you back!No WII U chat.Stay Fresh!#Followallofmyfollowers
MandaPanda Manda4Panda
Hai! I #LOVE pandas and all my friends cuz they are amazin and totally fab ^ω^ also I love memes and potatos!:p lel #Crundee <3 And I love PATD and TØP cuz they are the greatest! <3 I love gaming!! xD who LOVE anime → Me =•ω•= Favorite anime!: Sailor Moon #ThxForEveryFollow! XD lolol #Fam........Lit.... :P TANK KU FOR 200 FOLLOWERS :D ^ω^ *If theres somethin about a Panda tell me!* xD
kaitlyn catloverkc
hi lm kailyn ,heres som stuff about me↓ poetry freak anmaie freak wants to be friends w/ gothic people loves tomodachi life loves cats also loves the color black loves music loves to dance loves to sing loves you tube i accept friend requests –––
Ani~kawai♪ bony_chicfy
Holiiii!!!!! Mimositos En este canal vereis: tags,concursos y diarios @subs4ever a por los 200 mimositos Este usuario es de mi prima y mio Seguirnos somos : ID:20jimena06 ID:20pedro06 alah los unicornios no vuelan ♡♥♥ Crossingeros: _☆Neki☆_ , #RB7# , Paula y Gabriel 11 I love LadyBug L♪dy L♪ver
Aidan speedracer5
Hi my name is Aidan. I'm 14 years old and I love cars, animals, T.V, my family, video games (mostly the Metroid series but my all time fav video game is Super Metroid), and my vary trustworthy and kind friends!!! I don't use Wii U chat by the way. I also love the legend of zelda. P.S. I love helping everyone and everything out, no matter how big and/or how small! (:->
Jacob G. joaby1980
I like to play mario games! can I get 111 followers pls : ) best friends everyone
Gloriafox1 amellulu1
um hi im Gloriafox♪ from before i cainda erase my data a lot of times but now i won't do it any more and i wish to have my old friends back but as you know i cannot give my friend codes to any one ok on till next time my old friends...!? :'3
host chichambana
Hi my name is chichambana (not my real name) or u can call me host i love to play mc even tho im a girl dont underestimate me i love getting friend request so plz friend request me i will accept just sum other games i like playing are splatton and mario etc. i like to watch Anime and one of my favorite tv shows are pokemon my favorite pokemon is hoopa so come join my mc world with all my friends
Sam Sam8717
I'm Sam, I'm a proud nerd and Nintendo fanboy. Metroid is my unhealthy OBSESSION!!! I also love Super Mario and Super Smash Bros. I love Metroid: Zero Mission, Super Metroid, Metroid Fusion, Metroid: Other M, Metroid Prime 1 & 3, and Metroid Prime: Federation Force, and Samus Returns! “See you next mission!”
peque pequeynini
every one is cool
DJ lightsaber137
I play Animal Crossing:New Leaf, The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask, Tomodachi Life, and Pokémon Alpha Sapphire. KPop is LIFE!!(Bands I know: BTS, Winner, Exo, Monsta X, Red Velvet, Got7, B.A.P...etc) (Bias in BTS: Rap Mon Bias in Got7: Mark) Follow and I'll follow back! If you do anything inappropriate, BEWARE! But seriously, I'll report. BYE. :)
CAT ShadowOfCat
I'm CAT. I'm 48 and love minecraft and harvestmoon. I have a large collection of games. Love anime, manga,♥Shadow the hedgehog♥, and my close friends Lordi, Lord $carfy and David. I'll miss all my friends and followers when miiverse ends. You've all been wonderful. Sniff, I'm gonna cry. Miiverse was home for me, I'll miss it and everyone on it. You are all special. I love you guys.
Samus StarSamus
hello everybody :) I'm Star Samus. My favorite Video Games (actually) is: SSB.4, Splatoon and Bayonetta 2. My top tier: Bayonetta, Rosalina, Lucina, Ryu, Robin and Samus. I'm Mexican and i like draw. Soy Star Samus Actualmente mis juegos favoritos son: Splatoon, Bayonetta 2 y Super Smash Bros. 4 Mis main son: Bayonetta, Rosalina, Lucina, Ryu, Robin y Samus. Soy de México y me gusta dibujar.
Phoebe PhoebeRain
I'm a Pokémon-addicted, Mario Kart-playing, cartoon-watching, book-reading, Dark Pit fangirl. If you wanna be friends, feel free to send a request. So until next time... Stay fresh! ;)!
lol mrlol215
im cool
Deborah deborah333
Hola -Mi cumple es el 17 de mayo –Mi color fav. es el rosa –Mi deporte fav. es el fútbol –Me gusta jugar a: –Tomo dachi life –Animal crossing new leaf –Inazuma eleven go chrono stone.... ★☆★☆Si me sigues te sigo★☆★☆
bug braelynn09
i love my dog max i like the coler blue
»—ιεмση–› rayrayrox4000
It Has Been Fun! I need to let this place go! But goodbye i hope we meet again another day.
cutepie101 kaylai1
hello my name is kayla
paul paulgene
im paul im 8 yers old i love to game i luv mincraft