Users matt Is Following
MemeSenpai scottdom
I like to play Call of Duty black ops lll,Batman ,DOOM,Madden 17,Splatoon,Minecraft,Wwe 2K,Mario kart 8,Super mario 3D world,Super Mario Maker,Mario tennis ultra smash and super smash. If you have a mario Maker level tell me I will play it and star it and probability follow you. And Also Friend me.Also I have PS4.
Phoenix phoenix644
Back Up Account
D666 Damian666
Hey game lovers!!! Wish u a lot of fun with de U ;)
tyler iamtyler08
hi. :D
Wallace WM0517
peanutsss5 2000Cul
Hello Welcome. My fav color is Blue. My fav books are: Harry Potter, Warriors, and Ranger's Apprentice. My Fav games are: FNAF (Five Nights At Freddy's), Minecraft, Pokemon, Roblox, and BATIM (Bendy And The Ink Machine. My fav FNAF character:Bonnie. My fav Pokemon:I can't choose. em y r u still here?? Mwhaha
ShadowZPA ShadowZPA
Hey. What's up. Thanks for my Miiverse Page. I am very Confident. I am usually Nice. I wish I can get better in SSB4. Smash Mains Little Mac & Greninja FTW! YouTuber. I got the Switch. Thank you so much for following me. Joined 02/07/2016 New Stuff will come!
Pablo MCPablo
-=- Hello! -=- I like: Video Games, MINECRAFT, Nintendo, Mario, Zelda, Sonic, Kid Icarus, Metroid, Kirby, Super Smash Bros., Yo-Kai Watch, amiibos, LEGOs, Pokémon, Yoshi, Starfox, Pac-Man. My no-no's: Horror jumps, trolls, and what I call 'Overdosed Fanservice'. I play on: NES Classic Edition, SNES, N64, Wii U, GBC, GBA SP, DSi XL, *new* 3DS XL, Tablet, PS3. -=- You're very welcome! -=-
Tails Devan1995
Tails was here Hi my name is tails miles prower but people call me tails i am sonic best sidekick to take out dr eggman from talking over the city.I'm a member of the ditto clan.Miiverse is going to end at november 7. First arrive is january 7 2017.Please give a like all my post i did and the past.
Skye NintendoSkye
Hiya, I'm Skye from Nintendo. I'll be posting videos with Nintendo-related stuff in the YouTube Nintendo Channel sub community, so make sure you swing by ;)
Oxygen ramenisgoodokay
i like to cry in trashcans if i let u down pls dont get mad im onlyt 13 i also likew pokemon and splatoom i gues i h8 coloring colorin iz stresful 4 me okayt tysm 2 peoples followin me raisez my selfg asteem a lil also pls coment construtctive critisyzism pls it'l help me a lot tysssm I know how to use proper grammar I swear-
Banned.Bye LightningChaser
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More tmii trex0599
hey,so miiverse is about to end...yeah so thank you people and followers for making a good place for me i don't really know were im going to draw now probably in the future i meet up to all things that made me here so yeah...thanks for having me here and maybe in the future i'll come back so thanks and by miiverse (and my real name is ta'ren) thank you. :) want more of me twitter: @Tmii0599
Esteve Esquico
Super guai XD ;) =) -Amigos de Miiverse: LuigiTime1(BFF) -Edad: 15 años -Nos gusta: Mario, Sonic, Bayonetta -Juegos favoritos: Sonic Colours, Super Smash Bros, Bayonetta 2, N.Sane Trilogy... -Personajes favoritos: Dr Eggman, Bayonetta, N.Brio, Tails (Quico) / Simon & Marcy, Dr Neo Cortex, Jeanne, Sonic (Esteve) ESQUICO= Esteve + Quico (Somos hermanos / We are brothers) By: Dr Eggman and Sonic
Dave David8X
Chinflap coopjack123
Sonic is still cool ok
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twilight lunacan
Friendship Is Magic Full Name: Twilight Sparkle Hobbies: Talking to friends, Reading books, Making Art Best Friends: Rainbow Dash, Rosalina, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Baymax, Cresselia, Fluttershy, Applejack, Link, Zelda, Celestia, Luna, Suru, Rockman, Cadance, Blythe Baxter, Timothy, Amber, Frisk, Sans, Hala, Poison Ivy, Star Butterfly, Taffy, Sunset Shimmer, Samurai Jack, Shantae, (Good Bye Miiverse!)
Michael lovely_0515
sup the names lovely also known as yvng flame the trap god (im a rapper) I'm 13 nearly 14 I like xxxtentacion my best friends are saltlord-amen,skittles4224,gamechanger1984,digdugdan00,yoshigodzilla, and other people (too many of them) I love anime So yeah friend me, and we can play games or wiiu chat together or whatever you're in to. anyways I hope I get to play with whom ever reads this peace!
Jiяºкгс 96 jirrrkfc
Follow me! Lets play sometime. 20 Y/o from the Netherlands! Favourite games: Mario Kart - Super Smash Bros Brawl - Splatoon - Mario Party 10 - minecraft
Proto OriginalNNIDWOW
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SRLAgent I SRLAgentI
イカよろしく! ※日本/ 北米・南米/ 欧州・オセアニア の3コミュニティに向けて、イカ世界のことを たまにイラストで報告します。 Hello, Squids! For Japan, the Americas, Europe and Oceania, I’ll occasionally pop in and give you an update about the squid world with illustrations.
Sakurai SakuraiMasahiroA
Hi, I'm the director of Super Smash Bros., Masahiro Sakurai of Sora. I'm working on the latest Super Smash Bros. game for the Wii U and the Nintendo 3DS. *Our staff is translating my posts.
S3eed★☆$ S3eed2000
fact:mallow isnt tadpole GENO WHIRL!!! you got 9999 damage _______ _/________\_ /( ‹_› ˇ ‹_› ) \ |__¶/_|_|_¶/___| (| (●) (●) |) | | ▲ | | (¯¯\ | |¯| | /¯¯) /\/\/¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\/\/\ / ©|==ı==ı=|© \ / |____^___| \ Geno~
Ghost!Mugz LovePuppy123
Hi I'm Mugman but ya can call me muggy & Welcome to my profile :0) i draw really sloppy ♥Dank yall for 1402+ Sugar cubes♥ shout out→,Jessica,Smol☆popee,MintTeaBag,Ehartfile,Pluto,●Mangoes, ,σωσTehCat!,Blendy,CT!sans,Bley,flopbun,GhostCupso★,Mεω,Alysias Liv,azamira,SmolTeacup,spider man & Bendy Cringe beware Mugman belongs to MDHR Status: good bye...6616008390mynumber:D
Mama Luigi Mariosonic427
Its a me Mama Luigi and i'll post about my self and other people to i love my friends and followers if you wanna be friends let me know
sez creatorred123
QuinttLux xXSquiddyXx
Heya. Name's Quintt. I'm an odd gamer, normally shown to be a better player under the influence of music. I play Terraria and Guitar Hero on a near daily basis, but I'll happily play a certain game if it comes to mind. Current game playthrough: Sonic Adventure 2 Battle Absolutely an outstanding game- just finished the rest of the story and from now on, its emblems- and the beloved Chao Garden.
Mary O. MarioMaker_US
Hi! I’m Mary O. from Nintendo. You may recognize me as the Super Mario Maker Manual Guide! Well guess what? I’m on Miiverse too! I’ll be helping upload official courses made by some of my buddies like Undodog and Coursebot, so stay tuned!
CutterL CutterL
Hope to see you again in the future. CutterL, CutterL_, cutterl98, CutterL#6951 Hey, I try to draw here when I can, lots of videogame stuff. You can find my art other places as well. I'm a big fan of Nintendo. I've played their games my whole life and I really enjoy every bit of them. I'm a little crazy, and kinda shy, but feel free to talk to me.
DYLAN.O dylanoatway
hi i'm Dylan my favorite games are MK8,SSB4, MINECRAFT and the lego movie videogame my favorite video game system are the NES SNES the MEGA DRIVE and 3DS and WIIU my bffs DJ jared danny cantalope4me and spider boy this is it for now i'll keep you updated on Thursday ,Friday, Saturday and Sunday until the service ends :(
everitt Everisto
やすっぴ Aoppe_ft.Ray
(並べかえろ) や-5 ら-5 さ-2 か-3 ! しているソフト マイクラ スプラ ようつべ マリカ8 一言 特になし。
Q-Miffyo±o unibrowbeast
Thank U to everyone who followed me and all the amazing,funny, and beautiful arts and game screenshots you gave us all...Thank you Nintendo for giving us Miiverse. I will be okay! <:3<3 日本語理解出来ます。ポケモンファン歴17年、 デジモンファン歴16, ゲーム歴18くらい.. 芸術、音楽、動物や自然も好き。 Bunniez o±o<3 Playing pokemon for a long time. 4EberWubz<3=Jon[:}3<3 I draw art sometimes. Again, thank you. :)
rhyme 0225ramu
******** Ahmad_of_Dark
some friends i'll miss Saki Bacon c: Speed c: Orange c: Mike Sora Ed Thunder Amon JR lily Danny Beth Pichu XDDDDDD :'c
Tron19 trueno19
Closedverse: Tron19 ☆•★•☆•★•☆•★•☆•★•☆•★•☆•★•☆•★•☆•★ ●◆■▲▼●◆■▲▼●◆■▲▼●◆■▲▼●◆ ·'‘’‛·.·'‘’‛· '·. ♥ .·' Thank you for those amazing 2 years THANK YOU ▼●◆■▲▼●◆■▲▼●◆■▲▼●◆■▲▼● ★•☆•★•☆•★•☆•★•☆•★•☆•★•☆•★•☆•★•☆
Hello and welcome to my profile! That is 89 percent smash bros