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Storm something something?
Someone said a storm will occur on sunday! is it true? should i believe the rumours? im so scared!!!!!11!1!
Storm something something?
Someone said a storm will occur on sunday! is it true? should i believe the rumours? im so scared!!!!!11!1!
I've had 3 ds's before.Dont ask me what happened to them.But i'm BACK!! Iam S'ah-Senni(3rd genera...
I've had 3 ds's before.Dont ask me what happened to them.But i'm BACK!! Iam S'ah-Senni(3rd generation) and i'm ready to shine! #PokeLove# #RealNameS'ahSenni# #Yay+FollowMyPosts#teehee. :] THX 4 300+ subs!
I appreciate it. :]