niece's Followers
Plasma HeckingWhy56
If you're here because I followed you, hello
★Luna★ omghihi01
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yukiぐま 7552YUKINO
こんにちは~絵が凄く下手なyukiぐまです!! 皆さん、フォローしてくれたら100%返すので! あと、フレンド、ミバ友は大歓迎です!! (フレンド募集中!) ミーバースもあと少しですが皆さん仲良くしていきましょう!! じゃあ、、、ヨロシク!!
K.CROSSING SolitarioSuicida
Hola me llamo K.CROSSING y espero que lo paseis bien conmigo,mi sueño es tener400 seguidores,a si se que si me seguis yo os sigo y si yo os sigo vosotros me seguis. Mi ID de la WiiU es rara porque mi hermano me la puso y me tenía q aguantar. Tengo otro perfil de Nintento No hacepto Wii U chat. Mi novio es: Marquitos Y mis BFF son: Sophi,Patuca,Coki,Lire,Patri y Mar. OS QUIEROOOOOOO PULPITOOOOOOOOS
VIRUS swordsman254
Hello everybody thanks for looking at my profile! Heres the list of things i love: *I love the internet including youtube *I love listening to music *Definitely love skillet *HATE CLOWNS!! *Love pizza *Love Anime *I am a big LoZ fan *Video games are the best thing ever created *i am a christian favorite games r 1:ice station z 2:oot 3d 3:pkmn moon 4: Battle Miner ect.
steven StevenBagoo
ÑÎGĦŤмάŕě hood05
Ħēĺĺő fгîêñdš Łėť мê ťěĺļ yôù мÿ fàvõŕįť ťħiпgś Animals:Dogs,Dolphins,and Cats Fam Colors:blue,green,and black FamilyHere:Texas,Beverly,Caitlin,Vicky,Alice,Nicolous,Aaron,Kenneth,Undertaker,Yomomma.... (If I missed anyone please forgive me) But thats all I wish you a very good day☆★♡♥:D
toad (^-^) UnaidedTurtle15
Hi i am a very kind person i like to play minecraft, splatoon, and mariocart 8. you should follow my friends. My friends are very nice and love playing cool games. That's it for now stay fresh XD
☆Yelléna★ Toscane830
Wshh les gent Bienvenu a mon profil ! Pk tu regarde mon profil ??? dêja ! sa ne se fait ps !! tu veut que j présente Donc desent en bah et tu verra (Age 13 ans ~_~) (Prénon Océane) ma c'est Ambre pour la vie tu voie c'est pas toii ! Tkt jdeconne !! VOILOU JE TES DIT TOUTE MA VIE ☆ ♥ Bisous ! ♡ Noublie pas Abo Toi
H!T Sen BonnitsMiku
Heya! I'm just yo' SENsational Girl, *HumanVania Intensifies* IRL: Mood: Sad... Relationship: No...úxú Glasses Fandom Trash Speaks 4 Languages Cosplayer ♥BATIM/FNAF/UT♥ --♀----♪-----∞-- Online [☆] Offline [] Outta posts: NEVER! Don't be mean to my followers/Friends > :< Or you get a BAD TIME... Sayonara! p.s Bye MV...ÚWÚ *Gives you a cookie* Omg'!! Thank you for 500+ Follows!!!♥♪
alana alana1995
Yoshi Kid Mario671
I'm not being active here anymore. If you wish to see me again, I'm on these sites. I'll tell you my name you'll see. Scratch: Yoshi_Kid101 Roblox: ThePinkPuff2 Good bye everyone P.S. You'll see me on survive the disasters, and Feed Yoshi or raise his eggs. (On Roblox) -Yoshi Kid
louca louca13220
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coolwolf coolwolf51
my goal is 200 now i luv u all and plz follow my friends 1 pink (cant follow because hes hidden sorry pink :( 2 jacob: jtpeeps 3 mewtwo:thyroyalkinght nooo miiverse don't goooo im sooo mad and sad »:( have u followed all these people don't forget meh guys thx 2 all my followers :)
ΑпίRMVШЩ gamerkid1100
I'm Ani, and here's a bit about me: ·I'm 14, in 8th grade ·I love Nintendo and Playstation ·I love baseball and LEGO ·I live in Cali ·#StarWars ·Most importantly, I'm Christian Ťpts: 5 Favies: Rex432, Alli, Callie, Mads, Zorhax BFFs: Bailey, Eli, Lea, Izz, Niko, Evan, Kaylie BFs: Umaari, Gabe, Ty, Moony, Other Banana/Alli, Peyton, Luny I Follow4Follow, jsyk. Thanks for 150 followers! Goodbye :(
Samarion RekieKurosaki
Hi im rekie i love anime and games "we are fairy tail"
♪Luna♪:› ximenayluna
hi there im Luna you can call me smainy but it ok. guy you need to follow me,Zorua,Pikachu '^',and all my friends you see in my perfil I like: Bendy and the ink machine Pokemon Gravity Falls Yokai Watch UNDERTALE Star vs the forces of Evil
********* logang4life01
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IM BANNDED bossybob
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octa carolinayfamilia
di Winstonisbest
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малï0xρεπт scooterpig
Hi Boys And Girls It Is Archer i play MineCraft And SSBM So Send Me A Friend Request And I Have A Nintendo Switch!! And I Have Mario Kart 8 DX!!!! And ARMS And My Fave Food Is Pasta So YOLO And I Like Dank Memez Like Sanic Teh HogHege And I Play ROBLOX And Watch The Amazing World Of Gumball On Playstation Vue Cartoon Network :) And The Simpsons And I Have A Computer!!!!! And Yeah Toast!!!
samuel samuelalfa
hola soy samuel soy fanático de los cachorros y los juegos son lo que más he disfrutado ya sea de nintendo o sega.
- girlpower04
Guys, I don't know how to say this but I'm tearing up a bit because... because... (sniffle) m-MIIVERSE IS ENDING! (SOB) But seriously, I'm not joking. I'm crying right now... Miiverse, you've done it again. ;D
Raven woahits-raven
Hi, I'm Raven. I'm 14 I normally play ANCNL. some stuff about me! .I love pineapple's .I'm a dog person .I do cheer &gymnastics ……………so yeah enjoy my page
BALLER BOY shadow097846
hii everyone followers friends and likers i'll keep updating my posts bye have a good day AND IM ALSO PROTECTIVE OF MY FRIENDS AND IM REALLY FRIENDLY LOLZS 0//^//0 GLOB I LOVE THIS FACE LOL!!! oh and just dont get on my bad side even tho its hard to lol have a great day!!! BB
Pearl CaitHart
I love Pearl,no im not inlove. My name is Caitlin.I draw junk follow me please :3 hoi
Eduardo eduardo26ta
i like drawing on miiverse l love playing mario kart 8 and splatoon on my wii u l love playing overwatch on my xbox one
ALVARIU alvaro200623
jaret Jaret0626
you've played yet
bree breet4
my name is bryanna nicole thomas i have 1 sister and 2 brothers my birthday is august 28th 2007 i LOVE to encourage people to prove to the world who they really are and i like to make sure they are happy i beleve that with a little happiness anything can happen and thats not the best the best part is what i always tell people when they are feeling down i say '' have a good day and shine bright
★MMP★δшεл RussellFamilyCPK
facts: I am a member of the clans MMP, MX, MME and MCE! i love mario maker! i'm friendly and answer friend reqestes! my levels are very fun i have over 1k stars! feel free to friend me and/or follow me! by!!!(: ●¬● (^^) (^-^) (^o^) ^●^ ^o^ *_* ^_^ o_o =] :-> +_+ /_\ "." =_= -.- '_' :/ ?_? !_! \_/ :) ._. -_- :-: )( &_& $_$ #_# %_% @_@ (._.) -.- 7.7 \(^o^)/ {*-*} I DON'T DO WII U CHAT!!!![][][][]
Catherine catherine5215
Randi glorytoGod70x7
I'm Randi,and I am a christien. favorite thing's: Rune factory 1,2,3,4 and I like story of seasons,Harvest moon,pokemon,Zelda. my favorite animal: Dog's favorite food:???? Make the most of the hour's that are left and post up a storm till the last second I mean it I love miiverse and I don't whant it to go but we have to face it........good bye everyone you guys are awsome! >.<
БЕЛЫЙ СНЕГ Sakuraharukun
Hi,Привет! How's it doing?(`・∀・´) I so sad... My name is СНЕГ.(SNEG) I like game And Guitar, Bass, Anime,Music Sport games and Splatoon! Please feel free follow me…! Nice to meet you…! (イカ、よろしく~~) (WiiU main account:Józef zła) Thanks Miiverse!!
jay Blu3jay001
hi l am jaden but people call me jay. i love my nitendo 3ds xl.i got my 3ds xl on 12/25/15 i am.i like to play hard. if you follow me i will follow you.if you follow me i will follow u
Danirelax holaza40
Me encantaría levantarme y ver todas mis ˜˜obras˜˜ en mi habitacion, y tambien me gustaría mejorar en la tactica del dibujo y en mi vocabulario, pues eso nos vemos. Y sabes que puedes seguirme + para apoyarme, te lo agradecere de muchas maneras :D Y sigue a Iluminati▲ que es mi hermana :v Ahora sí, chao :D
hi im niece hollon and welcome to my profile =) enjoy