Hello! My name is Mason! Here are some things about me:
I'm 12 years old.
I'm the youngest in my...
Hello! My name is Mason! Here are some things about me:
I'm 12 years old.
I'm the youngest in my family.
I own a PS4, a 3DS, and a Wii.
I am a HUGE fan of Star Wars.
My favorite game is Star Wars Battlefront (on my PS4).
I LOVE Pokémon.
I LOVE Nintendo Badge Arcade.
I like broccoli.
Hello! My name is Mason! Here are some things about me:
I'm 12 years old.
I'm the youngest in my...
Hello! My name is Mason! Here are some things about me:
I'm 12 years old.
I'm the youngest in my family.
I own a PS4, a 3DS, and a Wii.
I am a HUGE fan of Star Wars.
My favorite game is Star Wars Battlefront (on my PS4).
I LOVE Pokémon.
I LOVE Nintendo Badge Arcade.
I like broccoli.
Please follow me for funny posts and stuff!