Users angichan Is Following
Yeahshi YoshiYeahs
Hi. I'm Yeahshi! The Yoshi that likes to yeah give. Everyone is cool 2 me. (except the haters) u can add me if u like. (only if u pay attention and read this because most idiots dont) and i dont wii u chat. Riddle School is best NEWGROUNDS game!!! Bai. I said bai. U may go now. Hey, Lakitu, that's enough with camera. Ok for real bye.
Too Guille guillermo2004
Hello! I´m Guille. I´m a Spanish teenager who loves Mario and Pokémon games. I have a Wii U account (TooGuille) ^^ At the moment, I´m playing a lot MK8. And thats all about me... Bye!
Ca Alterca
Your body exists for the purpose of carrying the love concealed within forever,and ever,since the day you were born. Yes,that's right,I hope I can make it in time wthin my lifetime.Even if there are no pretty names for gave me,those thoughts will still dance nimbly in the sky of memories. I want to live without any dark cloud,so don't hate this temporary rain. From Mask by AquaTimez!
WaluigiBag WaluigiBag
Nintendo is always so ultra fun!!!! Mr. Satoru Iwata is a Nintendo hero!!!! Nintendo Reggie!!!! Nintendo Switch is so super incredible!!!!
ぽんずgames asato5235
プロフィールコメントは運営者により跡形もなく滅されました。 ジョークはさておき、顔ポチありがとうございます。ぽんずです。、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、、うん。。特にないですけどよろしくお願いします。マイクラとスプラトゥーンをしています。フォローもしてください(笑)お返しできるときにしっかりお返しします。 ちなみにデュエルマスターズっていうカードゲームもしてます。話が合う方やデュエリストの方ともお話ができればと思います。 個人情報、例えば年齢や住所などについては一切お答えしません。ちなみに初対面の人に敬語を使わない方は僕は好みません。以下のことをご理解お願いします。 これからもよろしくお願いします。((二回目
COTBOY100$ ColtBoy4
i need some friends
Toupilek ♀ toupilek
★☆★ Salut à tous !!! ★☆★ ★J΄adore jouer à Mario Kart et Zelda ♥Mes Meilleurs Amis★Chara♥しゅんしゅん ★Pericat★Mdogg★Yume★Guillaume★Luc★ ★Je suis quelqu'un de trés loyal alors si vous attaquez mes amis.......ò_ó ★Je met du temps à faire confiance ★J'adore les tournois de ballons ★Bon jeu a tous ^-^
pilou carlier0902
***** **** halo_usd93
❶.meh name is halo ❷.ⓦⓔⓛⓒⓞⓜⓔ ⓣⓞ ⓜⓨ ! ❸.ⓕⓐⓥ ⓖⓐⓜⓔⓢ ❹.ⓜⓚ❽ ❺.ⓝⓞ ⓦⓘⓘ ⓤ ⓒⓗⓐⓣⓢ ⓟⓛⓩ ! -2nd account XxDS_Hax_3D_26xX *dont use it that much* dont yeah bomb pls ⓑⓨⓔ bye friends :)
Deimos DannyZhu
Chrissi chrissimagfanta4
Hallo,ich bin Chrissi und spiele am liebsten Mario Kart+Splatoon ;^) !Auch male ich ab und an Bilder mit Art Academy und bin regelmäßig im Miiverse! Ach und das wollte ich noch loswerden:ich hab hier echt tolle Freunde gefunden!Ein Danke an alle,die meine Freunde sind ;^) ! Hi Im Chrissi and I love to play MK8, SPLATOON,drawing with ART ACADEMY and being in miiverse!And I ♥ my miiversefriends :^)!
Tails legoburger6
Hi. I'm Miles Prower But my friends call me Tails I like chili dogs My best pal is Sonic I hate Dr Eggman and Guylaine and Red Clown Stay cool fans. And i mean way past cool Fly high my friends Don't just leave yeahs. I prefer comments hehe. Also, Sonic if ur reading this, pls don't let Eggman get me. Also, no wii u chat. EVER!
?f?g coolkidssrah
снίργ~снαη perchikia
κσηίςнίυα ¡ιιεġα нαιισωεεη! γ εςσ ςίġηίƒίсα: ★Disfrazarse! ★Dientes picados xD ★Chuches! ★Reirse y pasar yuyu! •1 DAYS FOR HALLOWEEN• ¿conect? no (x) si( )
•ºJessクウº• Laura19yrold
Hi im sooo exited to meet all the people in Miivers . Hola iime sooo egequen to lance all the ectol in Miivers.
Trey.L649 treyji
McCloud Walrus_McCloud
My family and I love Nintendo's funny, imaginative style of gaming. Favorites include ARMS, Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, Splatoon 2, Super Smash Bros., Super Mario Galaxy 2, Animal Crossing New Leaf, Kid Icarus Uprising and Rhythm Heaven Megamix.
Groudon djesonmaman
I am groudon. I'm legendary pokemon. I was think to everythink so much as if a do it know over speak english so i can believe this a talking the i know i dont like fish food. My game favorite: Roblox Minecraft Tattletail Bendy and the ink machine Hello neighbor My friends pokemon: Hoopa unbound Pikachu Rayquaza Now im gonna to eveythink draw and comments popular. Also enjoy.
τιмοたJαραη Megascalp74
•Yep' *^* •12 ans que j'suis sur TER :D (SNCF Tmtc xD) •Mina Mon Bébé ♥^♥ (Tu la touche → †) ~01/01/17 ♥ •Dédi's à mes bests ¦D •J'aime : •Mina .·•~♥~•·. •La bouffe •Le Japon •Les mangas (AoT, Naruto..) •La musique Dubstep •Les jeux vidéos •YouTubeur Pref' : -Octoboy •Ma Chaîne YT : -Splatoon With Tim "Lucie arrête de tomber ! x))" Clin d'œil. •RIP DubstepNation... ♡ •Team Boii~♡
1961 Chti-mi-1961
chalut les amis mii ji suis du ch'nord (59) mais aujourd'hui en haute-garonne (31) il fait plus chaud et 1961 ch'est min âge enfin plutôt année de min naissance ★ a bientôt sur mario ♥… Hello friends mii ji am du ch'nord (59) but today in haute-garonne (31) it is warmer and 1961 ch'est min age finally rather year of min birth ★ has soon on mario
ぱぴぷぺピーチ bubumin
Bowser Jr. billy144523
Welcome to this second backup Wii U account of mine. My regular Nintendo Network ID is eeb4321, just like the other Bowser Jr.'s account! I have followed him and his little friend on Miiverse, and I gave their posts a few Yeahs, and now I've got a few more to go. See ya!
Bryan MegaBolosse
salut a tous je m'appelle Bryan se que je veux ses rencontre pl'un de personne et me faire pl'un d'ami pour parler avec eu jouer avec eu et faire pl'un d'autre chose encore je crois que j'aurais au moin 50 abonne ou même plus que 150 mais si au moins je me fais 50 amis moi sa me va j'ai des pokemon qu'aume exemple saphire alpha,soleil et X j'ai du mario du iron fall du metroid.juste des amis
ゆきじろう tana-3
ハロー 皆仲良くいきましょうね。 自己紹介 名前 ゆきじろう 好きなもの ゲーム、雑談 好きなゲーム スプラ、大乱闘 好きなうた 脳奬炸裂ガール、眠り姫(セカオワ)、シュガーソングとビタースッテプ、前前前世、創世のアクエリオン 等です。 よろしくお願いします。
Mario GymMeathead
My WiiU games: Super Mario All Star Super Mario 64 & DS Super Mario Galaxy 1 & 2 New Super Mario Bros Wii New Super Mario & Luigi Bros U Mario Kart 8 Mario Party 10 Super Smash Bros Super Mario 3D World Super Mario Maker Paper Mario Color Splash
<∞xGIOx∞> giovannilyon
Solo chiamate urgenti... Addio a tutti mi raccomando solo chiamate urgenti ...drin drin!... -Mi sono rotto una gamba!- -Ti sebra una chiamata urgente!!!!!- ...drin drin!... -C'è un centesimo per terra- -Questa si che è una chiamata urgente- Nella vita disegno manga o semplici fumetti comici guardo film horror mangio i kebab... e mi bevo il sushi! Io vi voi no si puo dire... [X] miei!
GTSnôωγċατ marissa012345
:Y Fav Animal : Snowleopards Mewtwo <-- Fan This proflie is the Mewtwo Family Mewtwo Dialga Reshiram Hoopa Unbound Volcanion { Sushi Dead...} ;^;
zozo zozolucky
Thom♡λ~ˇ³ˇ alex80750
Hello'w~ Thom~|6ans ⇒Badminton~ ———————————————————————————————————————— ♡~λmbrεMyLife~♡ ♡~ChloéMyBæ~♡ ♡~Jess'TheCookiesque~♡ ♡~YukowMyBest~♡ ♡~SarahMyBestaaa~♡ ♡~Malu'LeMalu'~♡ ♡~GioLePtiRigolo~♡ ———————————————————————————————————————— ~Merci Je Vous Adore~♡ Byattounatte x)~
ςαgαсΐ☆ athen_n_first
Hello I am a splatoon and mariokart major#team AO and Woomy. I play mariokart every other week then I play splatoon the next week.I do accept friend request but not if they are blank. Shout Out to the people who have made my wiiU jouney true:Maud,AO Charley,Theresa,Kari,Ninja,Coco,Sakura,Maxi, Ivan,Caolí,and Celine. #Save Miiverse. I miss Coco and Ninja:(
Joe 856Lavalamp
Hi, I'm Joe, I'm 19, feel free to friend me and follow. Also, feel free to try my levels in Mario maker and battle/trade me in pokemon. My 3 favourites: Larry, Lemmy & Ludwig. Best friends: Monty, Ethan, Phœnix, Romeo1900, Cole, Gustavo, CatCombo, Tom, Sven, Eugene, Ryan, Nanco, Williams, Bailey, JoshM & Ivan. No rudeness/be mean/spam. evil account - Dark_Joe658 I don't do drawing.
DingusDong AverageGaming
Hi, I am a boy And I like, playing with my toy If you want to buy my toy I-I frickin kill you mah Mii is based off DingDong the Alien boy
LENK WalrusIsFish2
We are on the brink of annihalation ladies and gentlemen BTW, ýôëbtube- "Swoods."
Ferベッテル/サブ R32R34R35
どうも、ベッテルのサブデータです。いろんなゲームをやっています!!! 詳しくはフレンドからベッテルとあるので見てください ベッテルにフォロー宜しく!!!。 私、可愛い?
Grim orange20smoke20
Karen Karenswiiu
§hýCharlie charliechanman1
Hi, i'm Charlie. I created the Shy clan, and i am shy. im Charliiee and im not famous. i luv youtube Follow: Froakie Moony ortensia (she's owo MINE!) McfJohnny Abby Jacob Dream name:Itachi Fav bands are We the Kings and Twenty One Pilots I'm Weird I Like Anime I am an awkward idiot. I love Greek Mythology and reading also.. THX 4 100F! ♥ btw im bad at drawing.. i=smolbean
•κωαn• SunHeeYoung
Hi! Ğαмες fανσιΐτες♡♥мк8 ςριατσση1γ2 ςυρεг мαгΐσ мακεг γ γσςнΐς ώσгd ī нάνε 11 γεαгs Mυsīс зιεстгσηιс аиd ρσρ♡♥♡^ω^/////•ω•
hallo im angichan 3D EX zero plion
im 100 players vs all important players
{maud , acro queen , ...
hallo im angichan 3D EX zero plion
im 100 players vs all important players
{maud , acro queen , dark flage , tord , teduka , ao biozin , ao kadu , papy , theresa , ao jay jay , ku , ao charly , no on , taker , ahmed and 1961}