Just Aidan's Followers
Eeee-Money egallager
Hi, my name is Eric! That's what the "E" stands for in my nickname. My Wii U friends are maxed out! An unfortunate side-effect of that, however, is that it means I can't accept any new friend requests, and as such, have disabled them. If you would like to be Wii U friends with me, please find my alt instead. Also, petition Nintendo to save Miiverse, or make an equivalent Switchverse.
Marshmello marshall2008
Hi, im marshmello, I like fighting, racing, and mario games. hope you like my page P.s.I have a Wii U to ;)
ink boy codybr0103
splatoon prankster and glichs play splatoon with me
Kal ★★★ kaldrum1
I'm probably playing Breath of the Wild right now. I might play an occasional Mario Kart 8 round or 2 or I might be playing Mario Maker... But I'm probably playing Zelda. I've 100% Breath of the Wild (not on master mode YET, luckily). I'm a horrible person, if you can even call me one. I've gotten three stars on every cup in Mario Kart 8. I've also gotten everything except 7 medals in SMM. Bye.
luigi moomoo6112
Hi my name is muhammad ummmmmmmmmmmmm what should I say ,oh im 10 yrs. im born in england and moved to canada when i was 6. I don't have a BRITCHES accent. I like pizzzzzzzza! To be honest, CANADA IS BETTER THAN AMERICA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have 3 amiibos they are mario link and luigi! bye!
police bastienlegrand
je m appelle bastien j ai bientot 12 ans j aime bien les jeux d action comme splatoon....... j ai la wiiu 2 télé 2wc 1 3DS un hoverboard une piscine une maison ........... j ai impeupres 28jeux video abonner et moi je vous abonnerai a votre compte
Cś★Nickěy rigomax
Hello i am Cs★Nickey i have some friends my favorite friends are CS Atlas, CS Nexus, shadow, Mikeysour, Raven, Anthony Crystal and my favorite video games are Splatoon, Mario kart, Bayonetta 2, Pokken Tournament, Super Mario Bros.U, and Yoshi's wooly world my favorite foods are pancakes, candy, and more favorite animals: dog panda bear lizards deer birds bunnies wolf geckos polar bears well bye
Alex Alexander0234
Hello/Hola/Hej!My name is Alex/Alexander. Make sure to follow my 3DS user. Follow for follow. My goal is to reach 150 followers. Favorite game: Super Smash Bros.Favorite singers: Sia, Michael Jackson. I am a true fan of Zelda. I could accept as many friend request as I can. I speak english/spanish/swedish. Latin/American Peace, y'all!
chrissy ilikeredkids
this is NOT a main account,but friend me and then friend my other account IS★Nate. i do tryouts on this account to join my s to s+ rank clan. so just friend request me asking about tryouts.
XZDragon34 goldenwaste
hello! Im XzDragon u bored, games i love , play and plz follow cz iw 200 plz! super smash bros 4 WII U mario maker tell me ur course! MARIO KART 8 and i would to be glad to be ur freind and invite me for ssb and mk 8 and splatoon and i luv super mario 3d world!!! and super mario bros u and anime im looking forward to be ur freind! hav a good day bye!
AXL Axelroulettes
J'adore jouer, je suis un rétro gamer mais ça ne m'empêche pas d'adorer beaucoup de nouveaux jeux..
Alan2645 Alan2645
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Jimmy jimmyboybigdad
l love your videos
max maxthawesome65
hi Im max always acepting freind requests and having fun with friends like In mariokart8 and minecraft :)
りゅうせい ryuseihirakawa
CHEYENNE haileymajor
farrah maryflee
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Gavine flash2002arrow
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Andon Catguy12
Rυπ! GameMonster25
Hello You Peeps! U clicked on my face. LOL So here are some things about me! :D First apologize for poking me. ›¦( Fav. Game:Wii U: Splatoon Xbox 360: Call Of Duty Fav. Tv Show: Gravity Falls Fav. Movie: The Maze Runner Fav. Food: Pizza Have a great 2016. -------- [||||||] [||||||] -------- Thanks for being mah followers Peace out homies. Made on 5/15/16
HIPSTER 2 tazmania271
Lulahmay 555663
colin htccoolguys3
Hey guys My favorite game is overwatch I love super heros and games Favorite game creater is ubisoft and i enjoy all games. I love attack on titan. Follow me il follow you
Sean poppers2
Hi I'm Poppers, my favorite games are Destiny, Titanfall 2©, GTAV, and Mortal Kombat X. I really do appreciate the support for this account!� I was born 10/25 My favorite movie: A Dog's Purpose. My real name is Sean. :) Go check out my best friends mateo0077, Santana, and InklinLump!!!! P.S thanks for 520+ followers!!!!!!! ^●^
AGP 2 ForTheWinGames
psst... I'm actually AGP yes that true i is alt
This kid Inkling_Girl_100
================================== Sup people I'm just here to make friends I'm pretty cool i guss ummmmm so yeah I AM PART OF THE POTATO SQUAD AND PROUD My property: Sengle_heart/ singlheart, minermatt/ matt, I'm 999.9999% ιεςβiαη *_* what you gonna do with that desert~♪ ==================================
samuel petey8
hi guys samuel here i know i changed my lurics and i'm a youtuber i'm sorry about the how miiverse is going to end people that saw the anouncment comment me in my new post again sorry i saw the anouncment aswell good bye <:,(
ΣΔ× ©ΞΔ 1nygfan
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T-Sqaud Number543210
This is a litte about me: my fav tv show is the flash my fav movie is I am number 4 my fav book series is i am number 4 series
killer tackysj
SButtercup pinkiepie1245120
Hi people! I am a 10 yr old person with a BIG choice for drawing and making my announcements to you guys! Favorite Games Splatoon Super Mario 3D World Super Smash Bros Wii U and 3DS R.I.P. Iwata-san Tips to get to know me on Wii U 1. Wii U Chat Allowed! 2. Follow for Follow! 3. Yeah Bomb!
Kritter 9896dd
hello you mii's im a gamer and making a metroid game..... nice to see fellow people commenting and etc. all the admins are cool im hoping miiverse will be alive and hoping nintendo grows and im learning more miiverse settings per day
Geakegamer ninjaTX
cause miiverse is ending here is my instagram name (to search on insta) and follow me for hand drawn posts of characters i drawn here so, goodbye miiverse and if you wanna keep up w me go and follow ;) insta~ Novahstar_insta (go follow if you can or want to)
WeepingWil Masterhunter116
luigiking 1luigi1544
jayden uno littleFire050408
dang i died in super smash bros. while playing as little mac pac-man and pikachu
crazy GarrettFreeman
hi do you know what a NES its a 1980s video game console you should get one if you live in Lubbock Texas go to Ralphs Records and get one they are super fun and challenging
Gavine flash231turner
Hello everyone, my name is Gavine Turner and I'm 14 years old. I like camping, fishing, and playing videogames. I love to help people. The thing that I love to do the most is spend time with family/friends. I'm in love with this girl at my school. I will not say her full name. Her name is Addison. She likes to be called Addie. She is so beautiful. I will do anything for her.
aless garone4719
hi everyone
What's up guys hammyyy here