$Josh$'s Friends
C.K. ChrispyKing717
Gabby GabbyGaming
Komichiwa! My name is Gabby! I have MC, POKKEN, SSB4, SM3DW, MK8 This page is cancer so i would suggest leaving... Oh, chu are stubborn... Fine, take dis heart ♥>//~\\<
CoolCarter eric118
well, bye miiverse, friend if u want so maybe we can talk, and dont forget, they arent closing nintendo network so we can still play online. Hope to talk soon
ЩSteph KyuubiModeHD
Hi im a Kinda good player in super smash bros and a Perfect player on Cod Ghost. On my PS3 I'm also very perfect so if you want to add me to your Ps3 friend me then I will tell you last post: 1v1 me m8. The Reason the last post was like that is because I was to lazy to make a good profile post about me
Pierre camrenisreal96
Snowy Cat Sinja2003
Profile comment hidden by Snowy, Fireball, Windy, and their little kawaii minions, Mother Nature, Surf & Wave (A.K.A. The Tides), Lightning, Thunder, Earthquake, Forestry, Sunshine, and Nightfall.
Nick shobe2012
Splatoon is a great game! Also in Geometry Dash my user name is TheRealGeoAlpha!
イチネン ken-ich1208
Alex Agawesome2015
i love mk8 and ssb4
brandon britobrandon
hi im Brandon Gaymer and a dork ssb,fire emblem,and pokemon pretty much say it all about me my mains are Robin(female because male Robin is hella jank),Shulk and Lucina(i have a thing for fate ;D) i'll usually be lurking on For Glory but i would like to play with you kinda competitivly or to mess around
DJ DGKombat
Putting my words through drawings since 2014. ^–^ I make animations and Miiverse videos on my channel, feel free to check 'em out! YouTube: DGKombat The name's Daniel, but you can call me DJ. I love SSB4 and drawing. Feel free to add me!
Guillaume WiseGui
bonjour chers amis j'ai seulement 4 jeux de la wii u et c'est smash bros, mario 3d world, nintendo land et hyrule warriors. Je suis a Québec dans la région de Montérégie. J'ai 21 ans et jadore jouer a la wii u et surtout a smash bros.
Outified Outified
bruh 0_0
Andrew homer2000
Hi there. I'm a gamer who enjoys all sorts of games. Nintendo is my favorite VG company and Mario,Zelda, and Fire emblem are my favorite series.Look foward to meeting new people.
Dongorong ButterFilms101
Hey guys! I'm a weirdo, and thats a good thing. I love joking around and having fun. Anyways, you can check in with me every so often to check out my posts...i guess. Well, thats what people are into. Like twitter for nintendo fans.
Wild Link AGD2004
Hello. I am Chawizawd and I like playing games like smash bros, legend of zelda, and pokémon.
B4N4N4 B4N4N4
Smash Bros. and Mario Maker sum it up pretty well. Play my courses!!
New J newkirk13
Brandon Smorgis
Hello people of Miiverse, Im $Josh$ or RedInferno.
Im a huge Mario and Pokemon fanatic and I alw...
Hello people of Miiverse, Im $Josh$ or RedInferno.
Im a huge Mario and Pokemon fanatic and I always look for a good challenge. Whether its u challenging me to a game of Smash Bros. and Pokken Tournament or someone sending me a difficult level to complete im always up for the challenge.
I always to push beyond my limits and strive to be the very best!