Brandon's Followers
MarciLuky★ Nando-Adria-Marc
Tode el Mundo es bueno en el fondo si son Malotes yo los quiero como a mi Familia(:
johnny johnyboy242
hi iam john im a gamer
stete stelyann
yo tout le monde moi mon surnom ses ste ma passion est le foot je joue a port saint louis du rhone U13 equipe 2 (elle est tarpin forte) mon club que j'adorerais toute ma vie ses l'OM (si vous aussi vous aimer l'OM alors abonnez-vous est je m'abbonerais sur ce les amis peace !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) (ps:svp abonnez-vous à la chaine sur miversse de ma soeur elle s'appelle tous simplement melinou.)
ibaitxo Matxango
hola buenas si eres un fan ponte a la cola por favor. Hola me llamo ibaitxo si tu me sigues yo te sigo perdon pero no admito wii u chat y soy muy bueno en los videojuegosssss
Chey :p cheygirl005
hi i'm chey:p and i like: dogs-puppies kittens and cats drawing even though i'm bad at it SPALTOON so bye have a verry nice day (@-@)
Hussen sagalhassan123
I love cake and fried chicken and I enjoy exercising and I love football. COOL
gethzemani gethze
i love to had rfeinds and shop whit my freinds∞☆★☆
jenny123 virginiaknight
This user's profile comment is private.
Sarah ;D sarah.paterson2
Hi there! im a massive bag of emo trash!1!! im a PHAN of, FOOD, Dan Howell, Phil Lester, Steven universe, ANIME,fave atm→ Yuri On Ice Leafyishere, jacksepticeye, Tyler Oakley, TØP, the hunger games, Melanie Martinez, UNDERTALE, adventure time nightcore females! lol, tLoZ, MCR, P!ATD, FOB, AND, (any meme actually still alive) BYE BYE MY SPECIAL SNOWFLAKES PROTIP
saltysquid elimftw
well i guess i am a bit sad to see this place close its doors. i had some good memories here. all anyone here ever needs to know about me is that i'm just an exmo lesbian who likes nintendo and homestuck.
spykeul michaelvuille
Salut les p'tits amis!! Venez donc sur mon profil suivre le périple de Link dans la série-vignettes parodique " The unexpected adventure (lol) of Link" où je dessine selon mes envies, mes humeurs mais surtout mon inspiration le parcours initiatique de Link. Caricature, référence cine etc... sont au rdv;))N'hesitez pas à vous abonner ou laisser un p'tit ouais. A bientôt
It'sLiv Jamieson4Jesus
They might as well call Elsa "Milkshake", because she gave her sister a brain freeze. Better yet, "Queen Milkshake", 'cause on her Coronation day she brought all the boys to the yard. Hola. Me llamo Liv! I like a lot of different genres of video games. I like to sing, read, and draw. People describe me as funny, unpredictable and just plain weird. Let's be friends! ^w^
ailita Asunapio14
charlie moonprune
hey welcome to my page i love to up loud drawings and hope you like them with all the support i got from you guys you have helped me come out as gay so thank you so much
armando arma07
Profile comment hidden by admin.
Mike sixhickory2
yo i'm mike, here are a few things i like if you have anything in common send me a message so we can chat about it favorite games? zelda, etrian oddissy, star fox, sonic, madden, and the arkham games. favorite tv shows/anime/ movies? sword art online, izombie, the 100, supernatural, arrow, flash, smallville, the amazing spiderman
Stefan StefanBe
I love Nintendo! Always have, always will. They have shaped my childhood and given me invaluable memories that I wouldn't trade for the world. Thank you Nintendo; for everything.
Daddio teejayshelton
h0i im Daddio. If you follow me, I will follow you! If you can, send me a friend request! One of my best friends is Luke. My 4 fave games are Roblox, Pokemon, Minecraft, and Undertale. Posting on Miiverse, fills me with Determination!
Jamie jamiescarb
Hey. So, a little about me: *I want to be a pianist one day *I love music *In real life, I'm a bit timid at first *14 years old Favorite Video games: Zelda, Skyrim, Luigi's Mansion, and Animal Crossing. My favorite movies are: Lord of the rings and Harry Potter. Hope you enjoy my posts and drawings. (^o^)/ ( I won't accept a blank friend request )
Corbin corbin04
my favourite game series are zelda cod /call of duty and lego games i hope u like dem 2 and also hope we can be freinds
Marley Miss-Zelda-2005
I LOVE The Legend of Zelda, and Tomodachi Life, Animal Crossing, including tons of others, like Fallout and Sims. I'm into a variety of games. My favorite anime show is Nana. Really hits the feels! Music→practically my life<3 I'll miss everyone, thank you for supporting me and my cringy self. When Miiverse ends, I'll still have all the memories, maybe you will too! Stay strong, no matter what! <3
Hola. I try to b nice Im 13 And my favorite game series are LoZ and Pokemon i draw and write my favorite type of music is rock and pop both original and alternative. Hate country music and pastel colors are my favs
Wolf Halo Alstar14
Sup, i'm Wolf Halo Loves: Undertale, art, Creepypasta and Homestuck Age:13 Fav CP: Laughing Jack or Jeff the Killer Fav UT: Asriel Dreemurr or Mettaton EX Fav HS: FEFERI FTW I have Undertale Amino, and you guys can follow me anytime.. my user is Mellody(oc) Have a FABULOUS day, mai Wolfpack I love Roleplay by the way, and I will RP with anyone!!
Rycat RyanzCoolGamez
Hey there! My name is Ryan! I am a major Zelda and Pokémon fan. I prefer Zelda though. I some times troll on miiverse for giggles and draw a little well. Im an otaku and like to code video games. I hope you follow to get to know me better! Have a great Day!
vea eeeeegirl
hi i am javea and i love nintendo games and i hop we can be friends
Hey guys! its me yo boy Hiro i've changed! here is info bout me! : *love undertale ^__^ *addicted to loz *best friends: R-gal, daddio, Ace, becky, and zelda, oh and bluestar! *fave game breath of wild even though it ain't out! *love anime and art! thinking 0--0 reading favorite food: lasagna! thanks for reading!!!! what you looking for?
beast99765 beast99765
R-gal ruba22
♪~Hoi~♪ ☆ I am R-Gal☆ « Hobbies include: » ¤ Zelda ¤ Drawing ¤ Reading ¤ Living( I do this best ) ¤ Making new friends ¤ Making lyrics ( sometimes) ¤ Zelda ¤ Playing the violin ¤ Arts and crafts ¤ Thinking ¤ And also, Zelda *Thanks for 700+ Followers, I really appreciate it. * Remember to put your feet in other's shoes before you judge them. «««« See ya »»»»
Brandon Weave88
High score? What's that? Did I break it? I seem to be getting a lot of random friend requests, if I haven't interacted with you I won't accept.
Animebiik. AnimeAddictArt97
Hi! Thanks for taking the time to visit my profile! :) I also want to thank the people who have followed me and "yeah'd" my posts. Stuff: ◆I'm 12 years old ◆I ♥ to draw/doodle,anime,LOZ ◆Animes I've watched (In order/English subbed): AOT, Fairy Tail, One Piece, Naruto[Shippuden], Bleach, H x H, FMA[Brotherhood], Dragon Ball[Z], Haikyuu, Kuroko no Basuket[1-3], GSNK, KHR, Noragami[ Aragoto],
Redstyxpmc esianthony
hello miivers im EZsparkelz new a bit i fallow u u fallow me fair i play .ssb4 .splatoon .mincraft .pokken turnament .mario kart 8 and know abuot the nx
iñaki(^•^) zensue123321
Hello my friens my hobigt is: 1:nintendo 2:wii 3:pc 4:MII verse 5:mi friens 6:BEN AND ED‹3 and I love Julie★ Hola amigos mis pasatiempos son: 1:nintendo 2:wii 3:pc 4:Miiverse 5:mis amigos 6:Ben y Ed y amo a julie★
AndrewGX Andrewpicher
Hello everyone my name is Andrew last name is pitcher I like mario kart 8 and super smash bros and a Dragon ball z fan and kingdom hearts and Sly cooper and Jak and Dexter and more my age is 22 so don't get me mad ok so have a nice day.
~Aптo~ eclairelev
Hello and welcome/Salut et bienvenue! Je m'appelle Antoine, 12 ans. J'ai vendu ma Wii U (antlev) ... Je parle Français I speak English Hablo Español Y'a quoi ici ? - Du gaming - Des questions - Du dessin - Du respect À PROPOS ↓ YouTuber&Québécois [MES 2 JEUX PRÉFÉRÉS]: Zelda, GTA 5. [CONSOLE] 3DS, XBOX 360, PS4, PC. _________ Si toi aussi t'aime les merguez, abonne-toi !
mael maelmessi22
salut c mon 2eme compte miiverse c mon compte privé ou je décrit ma personnalitée
ugo sonicugo1
Yoshi ChortlingYoshi
I have Chortles!!! errr Yeah...Fawful certainly has an influence on my name ^__^'. Anyways, I'm Yoshi ,some call me Lin as well. I was known as ChortlinMe on Flipnote Hatena and now that I have a wii u, here I am on Miiverse XD. Being an aspiring artist, expect some art to pop up randomly in my posts now and then. Hope to meet some awesome people while on here.
Timothy TimmyJ03
Émmìè emersenne
ABIGAIL.K creepergirl94462
The True Spiderman
also an artist/guitarist