Leon's Followers
BOTW Chris weslee2004
Hi. My name is Christian. I like Zelda, Pokemon and Mega Man! "I now see that the circumstances of one's birth are irrelevant. It is what you do with the gift of life that matters' -Mewtwo from Pokemon The First Movie Shoutouts Janoah Jeremy Coco Nonami
♪Sasa★Cst sarahsarahly
Sarah :) Bin leider auf der Wii U nicht mehr groß aktiv. Aber dafür auf der Switch. Bis denne
<Jonathan> 136518
Hey, I'm Jonathan My lucky number is 8 Fav Games: Pokemon, SSB4, SPLATOON Follow4Follow no blank friend requests Splatoon stats level 50 rank is S+ Love doing hide and seek glitches in splatoon!! I have a switch too.
Daysie BatmanofHyrule9
Adam Splendidninja103
Who thinks that Inkling should be dlc for smash.
CAMERON andyspence
I've had Miiverse since 2013, and now it's ending. I had a good time on Miiverse seeing great posts and drawings, but that's all over now. Goodbye, Miiverse. Maybe I'll see you again on the Switch someday...
Christian ZeroD7
Das ist mein zweites Profil! Mein erster wurde gesperrt! Ich bin Christian! Meine Lieblings Spiele sind ACNL und TDL! P.S. Ich bin ein Mensch der viel nachdenken muss!
VIOLETTA 232007.vio
Rycat RyanzCoolGamez
Hey there! My name is Ryan! I am a major Zelda and Pokémon fan. I prefer Zelda though. I some times troll on miiverse for giggles and draw a little well. Im an otaku and like to code video games. I hope you follow to get to know me better! Have a great Day!
¥ato Girl moonlight600
Hi Everyone! Welcome to my profile! Here's some information about me. Name:Sierra Age:15 Gender:Girl Boyfriend: No.Wish I had 1 Fav Color: Green Love:Pokemon,Zelda,Animal Crossing,Super Smash Bros.,Mario, Anime, & Vocloiad If you follow me I follow back.;)Feel free to ask me anything about Anime and Vocaloid! P.S This Profile is Dedicated to everyone^-^ Plz check Pumpkin¹²³^.^
malik xxmalikxx
ive been busy miiverse friends...college takes my time :-/. btw my friend list is full sorry but cant add...:\ but i can follow back :]
Defalt ola.ola.pessoas
legend of zelda phantom hourglass, wind waker
Elijah ELIJAH.0814
hey well this is my account and if you follow me i'll probably follow you back
Laura La12Midna
Ciao! AMO I GIOCHI DI ZELDA!!! Sono davvero la mia passione!!! ( anche se non sono un'esperta al 100% :-< ) Non mi dispiacciono i giochi di Mario, Just Dance, Animal Crossing e quelli originali della Wii ( Wii Party U, Wii Karaoke U ecc... ) Questo é tutto per ora! ;-D Ciaoooo!!! :-))) P.S. : W LA WII U E IL 3DS!!! :-PPP
Benni Linkfan18
Julia AwesomePerson246
Uhhh, hi. ^-^ I'm a 16 year old girl. I'm a huge Zelda geek, haha. I have a CHIEN named Baxter, and three brothers (one's at college though). And . . . yeah. I never know what to put on profiles, haha. (also yaaayy I have a Switch now!!!! (7/22/2017))
Flora klaraflora1
hay :'D
mimou j-l_100000
Jordan Markiplier64
So memes are always nice, let's talk about them over a candle lit dinner. Or not because I'm socially awkward and have the bad anxietys XD
Sara sarahyk
Bryce Bryce07
Hello my name is Bryce i like a lot of games i like mario super smash bros the legend of zelda nintendo badge arcade pokemon shuffle pokemon rumble world pokemon X Y Sapphire Ruby luigis mansion dark moon dragon ball z please yeah my drawings and post please follow me i will follow you back if you follow me please yeah my drawings and post i hope you like my drawings and post. yuH We tech those!
Goyito Goyito_Sabater
Loooove Zelda, Final Fantasy series. Also like Mario, Mario Kart and SmashBros, Kingdom Hearts. Hope you have a good gaming day !! English Español
antonio miichari
cheychey renton17
This user's profile comment is private.
Rune FilRune12
Hey Leute !!! Hier ein paar Fakten über mich !!! Name: Rune Frahm Alter: 14 Lieblingsessen: Lasagne Lieblingstier: Japanische Riesenkrabbe Lieblingsfarbe: Gelb , Weiß & Schwarz Lieblingsbuch: Gregs Tagebuch Schreibt mir zum Onlinezocken Ich nehme jede Freundschaftsanfrage an !!! Ps. Ich freu mich schon auf Splatoon 2 !!! Tschau ! Euer Rune
Jadon Jalline
I'm Jadon, some nerd who roams Miiverse. I do a lot of discussions, and like making in-game posts sometimes. Interests: Fire Emblem Zelda Xeno Musical instruments Computers Swords Memes Proverbs 3:3-4 “Let love and faithfulness never leave you, bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart. Then you will find favour and a good name in the eyes of God, and man.”
Neko Grahameow
Hi! My favorite games are the legend of zelda series and mario! Games are one of my favorite things in life!
chris legacyzombie
ςliam yomynameispo
I don't miiverse too much, so feel free to look at my old cringeworthy posts... But, i still do check on miiverse every once in a while.
jessica jessicaabbotts09
Andre Loeschmann
SPLATOON... Bestes Game auf dieser Welt ! Hi, ich würde mich über eine Freundschaftsanfrage freuen! Ich spiele hauptsächlich Splatoon, Mario Maker und Mario 3D World. Wer Lust hat Splatoon online mit mir zu spielen, der soll mir schreiben und dann machen wir einen Termin aus! Viel Spaß beim Zocken !!!
nathan WolfLink2002
¦∞±∞¦ hi my name is nathan and i love games a lot my fav game is the legend of zelda twilight princess and the zelda series is my fav series of games my second fav series is pokemon. i have no idea what to write here lol
Mineth Pingudslite
Welcome to Miiverse Good Show old boy What a Jolly Good Day this is Have a Holly Jolly Christmas its the best time of the year i dont know what therapy snow ain’t just a cup of Cheers Oh Oh The Misletoe Hung Were you can seen P.S I Love Fire Emblem™ and Smash Bros™
Dee SwagnDee
hi i'm dee i like zelda and mario splatoon and more
Fepona Fepona
heya, I'm Fepona. I'm a huge fan of the Zelda series and like loads of other games as well. I thhink 3ds is great cause it connects people of all ages and through out the world together.
←«ƒıяα$»→ Firas2014
Hallo und Willkommen auf meinem Profil! Eigene Meinung↓↓↓ Top 5 Games for Wii U: Super Smash Bros Super Mario Maker Splatoon Mario Kart 8 Yoshi's Wolly World Top 5 for 3DS:
jhonny jocsan755
sono jocsan e sono nuovo e devo conoscere molto dell'app
Monica ♪ MGuz02
I like to play animal crossing ;)
Bayonetta for Smash ! You made it happen Nintendo! :)
Bayonetta 2 ♡| Mario Kart 8 <3 | Rayman Leg...
Bayonetta for Smash ! You made it happen Nintendo! :)
Bayonetta 2 ♡| Mario Kart 8 <3 | Rayman Legends <3 | Super Smash Bros.Wii U ♥ | Xenoblade Chronicles X <3 | Splatoon <3 | Switch <3