ARMegaMan's Followers
Shaved... RamPR16
Beardlina no more. The end of an era. You guys are all amazing. Thank for the wonderful memories I've made here on this site. I wish you all the best in life. ;) P.S.: Find me and my art on the Instant Graham!
Alibaba™ CaptainQuint75
heyooo i'm back from a short break :0 anywayyy... Check these peeps out: °•memesenpai⇒★★idol child★★ °•Kani⇒creativity boi ˙˘˙ °•Hope~♪⇒smol art child★☆ °•_DERP_⇒meme machine •—• °•Bia⇒anime picasso ♪♪ °•Anne Chovy⇒mp100 friendo ϋ °•Emma¦:)⇒sweet art child ♡♡♡•°
くさったジャム haru-tonton_777
プロフィールコメントは運営者が非公開にしてます。(大嘘) ざっと自己紹介。 年齢・・・810歳ですw たまに名前変えます 主にどうでもいい呟きをしたりしてます。 豆知識・口を大きく開けて舌を出していると鼻呼吸が出来ない。 実際にやって出来た!と言っているあなた。貴方は犬の様でしたよw ファーーーーーwwww 引っ掛かった人はフォローか「あ」でも「このハゲー!」でもいいのでコメント下さいw
☆авву★•ω•» lobaba
im♥a♡ωħαıε★lol im º1.00.000.000º or aka ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ¹ ² ³ aka★αвву☆●ω●
seth roger DylNiktoo
hi i am 14 my name is dylan some of my favorite games are dragonquest9 dragonquest4 zelda spirit tracks zelda windwaker and super smashbros wiiu and now minecraft some of my favorite shows are naruto, pokemon, swordartonline,fairytale blue exorcist and seven deadly sins. also now bleach and feel free to follow me i might follow you. 1366203359757867029 is a good seed watch unspeakablegaming!
justin davey65
★CRISPRO★ hola1721
iXant iXant-Bloodwing
Well I screwed up royally. Anyways its still me iXant my 3ds broke so I got the *new 3ds Xl and my dumb self forgot the password to the original account so..... there you have it I'm still continuing what I do best sketches My previous account is iXant: PHANTOM iXant
Lance Mocha0000
Redsaber X Jamesbutler64
The name Redsaber X and my favorite games are, sonic battle, megaman battle network 5, pokemon series,and super smash bros series, also skullgirls, but I hate cheap boss fights
Canuck PokeCraftG
Hello! I am a pokéfan and I play frequently!
Lucario MS30.8J14
hallo mein nahme ist Angus ich bin 9 Jahre alt meine besten Freunde sind:Max.S,Ahmet,Dena,Fin,LeonUnd Nikco nahme luca verein FV GRÖDIZT STADT LEIPZIG LIBLINGS MANSCHAFT FCB BEIDE schule gröditz grundschule
Zira kinnykins
Miiverse is closing soon. However! That will not stop me from talking with all my miiverse friends like you! I may be sad that Miiverse is closing its doors for good, I'll still be able to talk to you during its final days. You guys are the main reason I joined Miiverse, and I'll never forget that. I'll miss you all.
らい 1210rai
Collin nilloc16or04.1
Profile comment hidden by admin.
xavier sonic123456gt
sup i and i have a ps4 ps3 its deaddrop100 and i like anime all types and bye dudes ^-^
mommy nikkibmore
Hi guys I'am nikkibmore So I'am 11years old I LUV ALMOST EVERYTHING BUT MOSTLY... SPENDING TIME WITH MY FAMILY!!! I HATE mean people LUV PUSHEEN FOLLOW EVERY FRIEND Female Emo Nice wolf girl baiiiiiii <3 - Nikkibmore
Jack kiri-MHG
Profile comment hidden by admin.
blaze efrainmoreno0526
mariorosas is my friend i just love marios sister i love to kiss her and met her well i happy people and she plays cod ll
PrinceMiko madelyn11
hey! MIIVERSE Relationships: Maddie (sister) Ann (BEST friend) Cameron (BEST friend) Tino (friend) connorx (FRIEND!) my games for the 3ds: Animal crossing: new leaf mario party star rush Zelda: Link between worlds The Legend of the dark witch The Legend of the dark witch 2 Hatsune Miku: Mirai Deluxe (i have a wii u too) oh and if your a Touhou fan please follow me!
¦†‡Zeon‡†¦ Richard1155
"Life is good, but living in fear is not my idea of living." Expect a lot of Dragon Ball art, because that is my "job" now. Now if only I'd get to work on that MANGA. AGE: 16 Favorite Game: Fire Emblem The Blazing Sword O.Cs.: Dragon Ball: Zeon Zachii Trickster Exo Zex Sonic the Hedgehog: Echo the Bat Fire Emblem: *Thinking of one*
ςροοκγ~κυη thedragonite149
Let us be the ~spoopy~, my Onions! Sm4sh Mains!: (MAIN-Main) Diddy Kong - Black and Gold variety (Secondary) Cloud - Green 'Advent Children' variety (Situational) Fox - Grey fur and Black and Purple coat variety (Coming on my B-Day) Bayonetta - White and Red 'Bayonetta 2' variety I won't be very active because of school Miiverse Resident Since: March 16, 2017
ssjcorrin jtimothy267990
hi im corrin friends with jokan ill so u the way of the saiyans too by helping me to reach lv 5 also
Wesley Favorite1854
Hi. I loved video games ever since I was 5 years old and stll do. I have many video games which are the GameCube, DS, DSi XL, 3DS, Wii, and Game Boy Advance SP. I have Mario Party for all of these game systems. I even have Pokemon for some of these systems. I like other things which are Steven Universe, Transformers, and much more. My favorite color is green. I hope you like me on miiverse.
SMVRakkun★ ximedejo
Just a youtaite l animator l mixer l CB maso RACCOON (ēvē) Thanks for supporting me guys!You're the best! ¡visitenlos!♥ Akichan,Hyurno,Marie FD,Kaiv,Iro,-Dinghhh_,TrickerWaveSound,Reion Wu. *family* pablor2000,DANIEL B,~Mαятı˙˘˙,★xPάΠx★▼τ▼,Cαηδγ★~,Cαrli Pαηda,.·☆Pσиγ☆·.,★Kατн~Sαη★ shipeos:acurakku.exe,rakkuberiot,rakyu,raki,dinkun,Rakkarli #fandeboruto#TeamPetShop#Husbandos no me pidan saludos
dj smithkids04
Zach……………… noswal1990
hello i been gaming since the nes/SNES era, enjoy my post and have a good time.
Eazzyy562 bearg4792
Whuddup my ninjas. I play smash, i play streetfighter. Come at me bro!
★☆Lucas☆★ Lucas-Barra
Olá meu nome é Lucas, amo jogos, em especial da Nintendo e suas franquias (gosto da Sony e MS tbm) Nintendo Wii U é o meu 1º Console da nova geração, e estou Gostando D++desse lindo console, Jogos Incríveis... só falta grana pra comprar tantos jogos, mais devagarzinho vou comprando. XD >>Meus Jogos estão na lista de comunidades Favoritas. Alem do Super Mario Galaxy 2[Wii] que não tem comunidade.
jojo oosterhof2
orchid TheAmbroseAsylum
kai kai divagirl06
whats up hit me up
Jake JakesterBoss300
Profile comment eaten by kirby. JK :P I'm jake. I really love Kirby, Minecraft, Smash, and Youtube. And if your new, Follow my profile. thank you
まっちゃん konan-pit
11月6日プロフ更新!これまで投稿への共感、コメ、大会へのご参加、有り難うございました!(^-^) 楽しい思い出がいっぱい出来ました!Miiverse最高でした! 青い鳥に籍だけ作りましたが、ミバ終了まではミバに全力投球します! スマブラ好きのわっふる、ふうりん、みーの一族共通アカ(WiiU)です。タイム制のチーム戦大好き!実力は、わっふる(代表Mii)>みー>ふうりんです。一族共々よろしくね! ミバ終了後もフレ戦やガチ部屋、青い鳥でよろしくです!(^^)/ 皆さんどうかお元気で! Our handle name is Mattyan. We are family. Waffle(わっふる),Furin(ふうりん), and Mee(みー). We like Super Smash Bros.. Thank you for your 'yeah' and miiverse!
Daniel Danuko.2016
Some of my really good and best friends left here,it's best just to move on and forget Miiverse.
joe rigbyjr10
Yo im joe Welcome to my profile i mostly go on the smash community so you might see me there. I make random skecthes sometime . UPDATE: Im getting smash wii u in 2 months
˙º˙Omni˙º˙ OmniJon
LEAVE NOW, WHILE YOU STILL CAN... or whatever. Not much to say about me, an average gamer, occasional completionist, curiosity enthusiast. If you're reading, thanks, you took the time to learn a little about someone and that deserves some praise. I guess I'll wrap it up here, "video games are an adventure and an experience you should never forget, even if it was bad" ~Sincerely, ME
Sara capcomrockman123
Erika Erika-with-a-K19
This is it, guys! This is the end! D: Hello, I'm Erika! I love underrated things and 12's my lucky number. Right now I'm in the mood for Cuphead! So you'll see me do drawings of that for a while. Series I like: Cuphead, Conker, Sailor Moon, Equestria Girls, Rayman, Super Smash Bros., Mega Man, Pac-Man, Sonic, Mario, ect. Nice, friendly people and guests are appreciated.
As you can tell, I'm crazy about the Mega Man series, especially the Classic and X series. Enjoy ...
As you can tell, I'm crazy about the Mega Man series, especially the Classic and X series. Enjoy any of my drawings I post here (there are a LOT of them by the way)! Note, I will not follow anyone back just so I can keep things simple.... For those actually curious, the AR stands for Another Random.