Recent Play Journal Entries
Open Discussion

I find it insulting that you lose points in Ranked Battle if yo...
Really what should happen is if your internet disconnects, you get a 5 minute cooldown before going back into another game. It's annoying, but nothing's more annoy...
Hello there strange and curious explorer! My name is AdvanceLAMP, or AdvLAMP to keep it sweet, or...
Hello there strange and curious explorer! My name is AdvanceLAMP, or AdvLAMP to keep it sweet, or Lamp for even more sweetness!
I'm a long term fan of Nintendo and always will be, my love for Mario,
Pokémon, Kirby and Animal Crossing will always be in my heart! Specially Pokémon ~♥
I'm also one of the actors in The Minebox's videos on Youtube!
Hope you have a great day on your Wii U!