Aidan's Followers
Gold trainerGold1999
How come I didn't write one of these sooner? I've been on Miiverse since the beginning. I'm really going to miss Miiverse... Good times... SPECIAL END OF MIIVERSE OFFER I'll follow for a follow. (Only valid on Miiverse)
Miki MouseindaHouse
tea earl g duckslashduke2
hello everybody this is tea with a second account mostly a back up account i hope you have a WONDERFUL DAY AND GOD LOVES YOU!
Game³ This_NNID_Sux
Languages/Idiomas: English: ■■■■■■ [Native speaker] Spanish: ■■■■□□ [Rioplatense dialect] Portuguese: ■■□□□□ Currently playing: Smash Bros. Melee/Smash 4 and Puyo Puyo Tetris on my Switch. Melee main: Falco/Marth Melee pocket main: Fox/Ness Smash 4 main: Luigi Smash 4 pocket main: Falco i almost never use this site anymore
Bye Austin MM5467
I will miss all of you after Miiverse ends I will remember all of you no matter what happens. Thanks for following me and being a good friend. I promise I won't forget any of you after Miiverse ends. Miiverse will forever remain in my memory. Mу śώίťċħ ƒč īś 1243–1643–8719.
byeROLANDO minecraft207
♪is the end of miiverse as we know it is the end of miiverse and i dont feel fine♪ KKEEEYAYSYYAHEAHYHEYAHY!!!! one more day!!
Bri BubbleGumDrops12
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TF|Slayar monie50
I should probably introduce myself. I'm an otaku, by definition. I play games, watch anime, and mess with technology/computers. Favorite game series is Sonic the Hedgehog. I'm also Miiverse's resident meme scum. Currently watching Boku no Hero Academia Season 2 and Gintama S3. I'm a laid-back person. I also like humor, so I joke around a lot. Gonna miss you guys when it's all said and done.
DerpJacob eatsleepmine11
Hi! I'm DerpJacob. I'm a 15 year old teen who makes off topic posts and drawings of countryballs. Nice(>:]) users . MII king . Ian~ . Brandon . MII king . Daniel . MEEM kong . MII king . MII king . Laurzy . MII king . Trashbot . Snowy . Venoct . Gluttony . Ultra Urk . C Meister MII king X DerpJacob is the best ship.
val valeriepillac
Salut je m'apelle Séléna j'ai 9 ans et je suis née le 8 novembre 2007 n'hésitez pas être mon ami je serai contente même si vous êtes un garçon .♥ gentille:★★★★★ intelligente:★★★★☆ mechante☆☆☆☆☆ parler a ses amies dans la wii u:★★★★★★★★★… mes meilleure amis sont: luna,ines,perrine,oliletoile et voila . et toi remonte tabonner!!
dylan dj.ugalde
hi my name is dylan and i love to play with people online and i love playing super smash bros and mario kart8 im 13. when people follow me i follow them back and make sure you follow me .and if you want to be friends my id is dj.ugalde
Demigorgon jpharaoh
Thank you so much for 700 followers. Thanks for every single follower. Make the most of Miiverse. I like ASDF, Markiplier,Jacksepticeye, Idubbz, and Jim Gaffigan. My favorite song is All Star, by Smash Mouth. And no, it is not the official 'Shrek song'. Don't listen to Revolution 9, by The Beatles. I go 2 Copperrr Mountain middul skule. (Admins) I sell [B]oneless Items.
снıсκепмап ImBenjaMine
Follower goal: 500 #UNSUPFROMSHOT Thx for 100 friends! BGE 10 is out! I make daily WIIU + 3DS posts Age: 16 Favorite games: MINECRAFT / mk8 / super mario maker Favorite youtuber: Unspeakablegaming My sisters account: AbbyGail1017 Wanna get on #CHICKENARMY? Than comment on my favorite post and say, "#CHICKENARMY" ♥♥ Hope you like my profile!♥♥
Chee■★Moon KordWiiU
Hello and welcome to my profile my name is Chee■★Moon Fav animal: Cat Fav show: Family Guy Fav food: Spaghetti Fav snack: Cookies (Chocolate Chip) I really like powerade I don't care which flavor my friends always go to subway Oh! speaking of which my fav restaurant is apple bees and mcdonald's I like apple pie and cookies What's your favorite foods and restaurants? #SAVEMIIVERSE!!!!!!!
Trashbot cs.go.s2nduser
bye miiverse Hi I'm Michael Just call me Trashbot, I Make Drawings and Garbage I Like Stuff Such as Steven universe ,Nintendo and Sonic, Previous Account November 25th 2013 , This Account November 17th 2016, -American Irish Cool people Derpjacob Tigrex C Meister Grayson879 Cillian Laurzy Amethyst is love, Amethyst is life, -15
Public Mii NewPublicMii4
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Ghosт Cαт GamerGirl812
Hi! It's me, Grαcie Cαт! September Shoutouts: Jeremy, Didi, Dark Coco, anna, Adrie, Taylah, and Eve Thanks to all my friends and followers! Bye bye <3
RedIsLife monkeyman782
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KingEnder DiamondCrafter67
☆πσαн4мν★ NV63NV
Welp, it's the final day guys... Anyways, I'm Noah. I'm 13, Christian, and a T1D. Plus I'm a die-hard Mipha fan. I've made so many's sad to see it go. Favorite games: 1. Splatoon 2 2. Tomodachi Life 3. TLOZ: BOTW 4. MK8 5. AC:NL I'm a true NSLUC memer, so, yeah. My school schedule: 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Thanks for everything Nintendo and Miiverse. See you on the Switch! -Noah
☆★Jøςн★☆ awesomeguy067
It's a big shame the Miiverse era is close to done. There were setbacks, but it was really fun. So let's enjoy these last 2 days Before Nintendo forces us to part ways. Wanna communicate with me on Switch? Send me a friend request, and we'll discuss in messages. Thank you everybody for helping me enjoy this service to the fullest. Love y'all! Switch Status: I GOT IT!!!!
lildee deztheillest
hi im 10 summer has been very fun but the storm has done lots of danger
raffel5 3137ae
sr patata samitortuga
gracias por todo el apoyo gracias y por eso voy a segir a la gente que me sigue gracias
Francisco pakomoreno17
supeeeeer perfecto
Autumn bashfull913
Hello this is Autumn and i love to have wii u chats so call anytime when im online i will pick up 80% of the time kinda depends if im afk or if im doing something important
Lea Leacat21
Hey everyone! Come follow me! I love Mario and Pokemon!
ygey mine120
Kaleb revancat
Red t11n07t06
im stuck on this game.@ ! do 6 more
skinnyguy. Shnemy2
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Cś★Nickěy rigomax
Hello i am Cs★Nickey i have some friends my favorite friends are CS Atlas, CS Nexus, shadow, Mikeysour, Raven, Anthony Crystal and my favorite video games are Splatoon, Mario kart, Bayonetta 2, Pokken Tournament, Super Mario Bros.U, and Yoshi's wooly world my favorite foods are pancakes, candy, and more favorite animals: dog panda bear lizards deer birds bunnies wolf geckos polar bears well bye
vicky vickybest20
hi my name is vicky and am a POKÉMON fan and am geting my 3DS back and am geting Pokémon sun
DANIELW... dwaynewilliams
hello im daniel im 9 years im an expert at games my favorite game is lost reavers and roblox and star fox and star fox GUARD.
liam nbo liamisthebest215
Hello Welcome To My Profile Page ile Tell A Little Bit About Me! I Was Born In Some Were In April Girlfriends:None D: Still Looking For A Girl That Truly Loves Me! Im Kind, Really Respectfull Im Mostly Online 100follows★ 200follows★ 300follows★ 400follows★ 500follows★ 600follows★ 700follows★ 800follows☆ 900follows☆ 1000follows☆
Thank you guys for the amazing meme-ories.