AlphaWario's Friends
horni0 bbuttonemoji
Toffee FloofyBraix
D1SORD: Toffee#2900 Marth main. I think.
Kingler Kingler.x
chumler tygygoodman
This person hasn't started using Miiverse yet.
Rom BloxyTek
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DrkToadtte Dark_Toadette
Shadow 452083
kyle 6yroldBEAST
would love to play smash
Kaitlyn KittyKaitie24
Hello!!! My name is Kaitlyn, but you can call me Katie.
Aaron MasterOfMLG
1v1 Me SSB4 Final Destintation No Items
Mii Radio104.3
Let's do This
LCD SpidergonRS
Andrés Stormghetti
Hello and welcome to my profile! If you want to play with me, just add me. Name: Andrés Age: 16 Likes: Games, anime, listening to music, etc. Personality: Shy, socially awkward, caring and kind Note: I'm better at Melee than Smash 4, but don't worry! If you have more questions, ask away. Thanks for reading.
Arthur.A Arthur_a35
Old Guy OldGuyGrandpa
FiFoNiTo Pokemaster5492
Oh look, a person that I can interact with while doing extracurricular activities.
Squidward NyehhSquidward
Red_Ender flames_ender
Tacos are amazing
Shadyw Shadyw2015
Intro IntroSpecktive
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TheRudyFox TheRudyFox12
Wow what a great day!
Davin zuper_da
hello everyone iam davin and iam kind and sometimes shy. favorite singer: vocaloid favorite song: triple baka from hatsune miku and iam social butterfly
Eduardo eddy-miranda
hola soy buen jugador como smash 4 aqui mis mains peach bowser yoshi rosalina y destello link ganondorf palutena ike meta knight (caballero) fox pikachu mi favorito lucario ness pac-man pueden solocitarme su solicitud si quieren
mmmmmmmkay frankyou222
smash only ddd main
Kalo sonicmarioguy
This Mii is cool
Skylock Haydenboy29
Welcome to my profile! =]
keg ccohen527
MLZX MegaLucarioZX64
Vote for zero for smash 4
JAF jewish_hoser
Thug Nasty R0cco_Siffredi
David Squirtle910
this account is pretty old and is rather infested with mold don't look at the posts unless you're bold ok but seriously all of above applies just just look at that profile pic, dangit
Mattias Mattias145
HADOUKEN!! Hello guys my names Mattias and I love games since I was 5 years old. Today I play many different kind of games. I play Mario games, Kirby games, Splatoon, Batman games, Mega Man games, Street fighter games and many other games. Today I play smash brothers. the first time I played smash brothers when the year was 2008 I was 7 Years old. Thats pretty much for it I hope I see you. Bye.
ju ImacatxD
Toast mightybman
hey there my names seal! welcome to my prof! my hobby: playing video games favorite youtubers: jacksepticeye, pbg, chadtronic,venturiantale,skydoesminecraft, jontron, thegamingbeaver, and i hate everything! fav food: ...YA TOAST! other hobbys: roleplay watching jurassic park or world and... playing with my doge!
Saibot 1stKingMetaKirby
I play games all the time
Narwelch Narwelch
l animate and play games. Aren't I so interesting?! No? Oh, okay...
Supah Supersawnik99
Hello, everyone. I am a major Nintendo fan! I play Smash Bros. MarioKart 8, Splatoon and Mario Maker!
Braxxton Scorpob
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Flip'nflop kirbyhero777
clod (º~º) kyleg1222
i am pure raw trash | i wommy very hard | (°ωº) message me if you want to play splatoon, smash, mario kart or whatever also i have a 3ds so dm me if you want to play something on there
•τj99εг• 400699
Grass shines, sun grows, and brotha; birds come back from the dead
Logan lfleeman16
Wario Time!
MadJermiah jerm831
MT43/UNR3D Minetopia
W3LC0M3 T0 M3H L4IR MineTopia43 50% Kid 50% Squid S3TTL3 1T 1N SM4SH SPL00N M4R1O K4RT P0KK3N I L0V3 H0M3STUCK UND3RT4L3 C4RT00NS DR4W1NG 4N1M3!!!!! 1DK WH4T 3LS3 REST IN WOOMY!!!
jimmy JimmyIGuess
jario1677 jario16
rie ieatpikachu
nani sore
JetCloud Dairanto-Gaming
Manito Manuel418
I love Nintendo, am a expert gamer. I love Dragon Ball Z, Sword Art Online, & The Legend of Zelda[pffft, who doesnt!]. My favorite game is Animal Crossing: New Leaf, and my favorite TLOZ game is Majora's Mask/Majora's Mask 3D. I am very friendly, well only if you are. That's about it, see ya in the virtual world! :p
Porter ps3pic
If you want to contact me, my nnid is the same username as my other non-nintendo accounts oh, and XD owes me a cake
YTBRJerwin jerwin_michael
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Scooter aadhola91
Anthony bambaci10
-Hi Im Anthony The Ninten-Pro! -Please Follow Me And Friend Me too -I love Mario,Sonic,Link,Kirby,Splatoon, and other Nintendo/Sega games! -My Friend list Is Welcome To Any One Who Is Looking For A Friend ! -I HOPE I NEVER GET BANNED -My birthday is 12/13 -You might see me draw some EPIC PICTURES on some Communities! -I'm very competitive -Be sure to yeah my posts! -Ok U may Carry on!
Eddy Gamerdude211
Hello, The name's Fireball the fox I'mma furry. I love LEGO,Drawing,Nintendo and Disney. I Play Super Mario Maker, Super smash bros for Wii U and 3DS And Team Fortress 2. i can make animation too.
Kitan Gianni1
Waddles~ GlitchMaster133
★♪JAKE♪★ PokeGuitarist7
I'm an Aspie NintendoFan^_^V I play Pokemon, Smash 4/Melee, and old school games forN64/SNES. I also shred on guitar. I'm a Pokemon ShinyHunter, andI'm competitive at Smash. I even love to draw. If you guys want to know me more follow me on Miiverse /(•^_^•)\Pika! P.S.I also have a YouTB Channel where I do gaming/guitar stuff: Poke Guitarist Jake (No Spaces) Please send a Sub to Me! Thanks!:D
★☆★Rey★☆★ Ayyoo95
Ayo wassup?I'm Rey from California.Some of my favorite games right now are Super Smash Bros. for Wii U and 3Ds,Majora's Mask 3D,Pokemon Omega Ruby,and Tomodachi Life.Huge Amiibo collector. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
★тγιзr★ sonic6938
Ay Its Tyler Hi still How are you still here XD be my friend Play Ssb4 with me plz ok then message me
Devonte hypermario24
Hello guys, my name is Devonte and i love video games! i don't get active on miiverse much but i always love challenging people from other games. I am now 22 years old and i am a HUUUGGGE wario fan! my other favorite characters are mario and rosalina.
Daniel 305dan
Get ready
kronny krony25
Puppy melanie100
Hi! welcome to my profile! I do not accept friend requsts from random people but follow back. I also cant accept a video chat call. but I can message people. AND if you say anything bad about me, ill just ignore. oh, and my birthday is feb 26. and i also speak in Español. •˛•♥
Nedhead Max3965
Chibi Bearmondo1
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Mario FireMario15
I got lice LiKMSKN
最ミバ5/20神英雄 tpdean
Hello ppl, Shoutout(s): ILikePie888 Other stuff: I like pokemon, zelda, mario, animal crossing, kirby, metroid, and pretty much nintendo in general, I plan to work as a game developer there someday... About my profile: I'm on daily, and respond to EVERYTHIHG i comment on, or if i have a comment... Games i like: Pretty much every nintendo game... Oh and... Yoshi... yuss
Joshua Joshua1997
Games, stuff i'm info and about me- I'm 16 years old Zelda- by far my favorite series Sonic- i'm looking forward to lost world Mario- especially super mario 64 Dragon ball Z is my favorite anime Smash Bros is best fighting series EVER!!! I like to draw but am way better on paper Have fun exploring my profile :)
Godson Godson
Operation: Top Lel
This person hasn't started using Miiverse yet.
This person hasn't started using Miiverse yet.
Hello, Im AlphaWario. This is my miiverse profile.