Users Andrew Is Following
Jay jznewlife
Ender Agent-Code-122
Hi i would like to be friends with any body that wonts to be , i would like to know if you hav miitomo
Jacob Neolight212
pokemon shuffle is really good
Mabel caco2407
Oh hi you, I'm Mabel Pines! Nice to meet ya! Random Stuff: Dipper is my nerdy brother I love sweaters Drawing skills: ★★☆☆ I'm very friendly I'm 13 years old My birthday is August 31st I'm very outgoing Waddles is my pig My zodiac on the wheel is a shooting star My bestest friends are Candy and Grenda Melanie Martinez is life! See ya soon!
Tom NintendoTom
Hi I'm Tom from Nintendo! Whenever there's anything new happening to Miiverse, I'll be posting about it on Miiverse Announcements. I'll also be sharing tips and other Nintendo news that (hopefully) matters to you. I'll occasionally be popping up in other communities, so keep an eye out for me!
Eddie ScarletStone777
Amy NintendoAmy
I'm Amy from Nintendo. I'll stop by to talk about fun activities and pointers about fun games, so be sure to look out for me!
mason masdude27
Hellothere Parlarple
Hello there! Thanks to all who supported me over the years. Even if I don't go on as much anymore, I'm still grateful for all of the support i've gotten. Sincerely, Hellothere P.s. I'm currently moving my drawings here to my other stuff. ------ I can't accept FR's to people I don't know btw... also I'm not really the talkative type. Joined: March 02, 2015
Xgaon Segamata
I'm A pro in nintendo land l want have many prizes to make it cool.