SK★Yoshi's Friends
Yousef. Yousef246810
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»снαгι£$« yuko26418_pia
Why did you poke my face? :O Seriously though, here's some useless info about me. Name : Charles (Call me Chuck pls) Age : Private info Favorite Nintendo game : Miitopia. k bai pls go You stalker! *gives a cookie* Now leave.
SS★John★★★ johnnance_super
Hi pple ^_^ ♥Welcome To john♥ All things About me: Love doing wii u chat♥ Love playing splatoon♥ Love playing Mk8 -Mario kart 8-♥ Love playing super mario 3D world♥ Thats all BFF TIME♥ BFFS♥ ♥Peachy♥ ♥Gucci girl♥ ♥Splat boy♥ ♥Sophia♥ ♥Puupy♥ ♥SAVAGE♥ ♥Koala ♥Breanna♥ ♥Lemy♥ ♥Shadowolf♥ ♥Taken Sorry im so sorry♥ ♥ Kind Shy♥ ♥Love singing danceing♥
Jonas smb1hujo172
Hello, I'm Jonas and like mario and his family, rayman, party games and trine. I'm a young kaizo fan and like it to create and play mario maker kaizo levels. If you like to have a round mario kart 8 I like to be part of it.;)
This person hasn't started using Miiverse yet.
alvaricoma tecnotenis
hola soy tecnotenis, me gusta el donkey kong country tropical freeze, el mario kart 8y el mario bros wii u hello, im tecnotenis, I like donkey kong country tropical freeze, mario kart 8 and mario bros u
★Aelias19★ yoanis19
salut! J'aime les jeux comme MK8,MARIO MAKER,Splatoon... vous pouvez demander des conseils! record 3eme régional sur mario maker!!!! Allez faire mes niveaux mario maker!SVP! Je vous conseil d'aller faire les niveaux de Leeshino,MY★RV★MLP,Shira2,Ficou Je suis sympa.Vous pouvez mz demander en ami!Vous pouvez vous-abonnez! :D sinon,BONNE CONTINUATION!!BONNE CHANCE!!ET ABONNE-TOI!
Théau Theaulepotto
Salut ;-) je m'appelle Théau j'adore le handball et les jeux vidéo Abonnez vous et je m'abonnerai à vous ! Venez tester mes stages mario maker ils sont cool !! (^^) Et étoilés les si ils vous on plus je rends Slt A la prochaine (^^) Et allez voir les niveaux de Pat glitch ,Leeshino ,MY RV MLP ,Patrice et Pedritopin ils sont cool !!!
SK★YourMom Heuer71
Monotricky Negatricky
Welcome to my profile! I'am the alter ego of Tricky known as Monotricky or just the other guy. All kidding aside: This is my Profile where I upload a new series in Mario Maker. My main is Tricky the guy with over 10.000 Stars. Have fun with my Series: Mario's World SMB.3 Styled.
T2 Super_Weegee_2.1
★☆Ariel☆★ PaquitoVL
Holiwis Soy Ariel El Alma multicolor Soooy super aalegre bueno no taaanto Me encanta Undertale y me encanta StoryShift y StorySwap Youtuber Favorito:PiyoASDF A veces acepto Wii U Chat Me gusta Juegar with my friends (>w<) Amo comer dulces Si me siguen los seguire Mmm...... no se que mas decir XD :v Deseo ir a,Japon especialmente a tokio Edad:∞ nunca morire!! Bye!!!!!!!! (>3<)
Damien TheFlash1018
Hi peoples! Im Damien. My favorite video game characters are Link, Mario and Kirby. I love bajancanadian and prestonplayz. My BESTEST friend on the wii u is Rockyrocks and I have lots of other good friends like Tjam and gaby_bece. I mainly always play Minecraft so then u could join me or I could join u. Bye! P.S. I would greatly appreciate if u follow me and/or be friends with me.
Hi guys! I'm BATGIRL!! I Love Adventures Games such as " Super Mario " and Action Games such as " BATMAN " and many more! Here are some important facts about me you need to know! Born: Date Unknown (Age Unknown) Gender: Female Eyes: Blue Residence: THE BATCAVE, City of Darkness WARNING: I Don't Accept Blank Friend Requests! If You'll Send One, Write Something Or it Will Be Rejected Immediately!!
Jimmy jimjims89
david™ Mariobros250
Hello, my name is david and I hope to become a future professional smash4 player when I get older. I am 14 and currently am only good at smash4 for 3ds. Friend Request me if you want to play smash4, anything, or you are just bored. Current Favorite Games: Mario Maker Smash4 MarioKart 8 Splatoon Contact me at anytime and I reply quickly. I am about to move on with life's journey so, Bye for now!
INKQ★ςïέήψ LoLkittyMC
[:-==============================-:] ~Hey there! Name's Luke!~ ~Im 15~ ~Love Splatoon~ ~Christian~ ~Yoshi for life~ ~Love SMM~ ~Plays the Viola~ ~Favorite song group: NCS~ ~In 9th grade~ ~1st account is banned~ ~Lead a 5,600+ member community~ MKA ;) ~Motto: If you follow me, i'll follow you~ ~Only friend request me if you speak english~ [:-==============================-:]
SolidSnake LiquidOcelot1111
★KYOKO★ kokyon3
Kain KaPawAronoele
im cool
Viola Alisami90
Hi guys, I'm Viola! ♥ ♪ I LOVE Adventure Games such as '' SUPER MARIO '' and Action Games such as '' BATMAN '' and many more! My Play style is Always 100% Walkthrough! Here are some important facts about me you need to know! :) Born: September 29th, 1990 (Age 27) Gender: Female WARNING: I Don't Accept Blank Friend Requests! If You'll Send One, Write Something Or It Will Be Rejected Immediately!
Dangy MarioYoshi18
Hi, I'm MarioYoshi18. And um...there's not much to talk about really. But I do like Mario games though and Sonic too. I think one of my favourite Wii U games are as follows: Super Mario Maker Splatoon Mario Kart 8 Mario Party 10 NSMBU + NSLU Yoshi's Woolly World Pokken Tournament Animal Crossing Amiibo Festival Anyways. that's about it, nice to comment here.
JBroadway xRush101
IrishŞheι♪ IrishShelly
Always been a fan of playing nintendo games. =)♥♥♥ Games i have so far are : Mario Kart 8, Super Mario Bros U, ZELDA Wind Walker and Zombie U.
Redsonic xMetalsonic
Legend of Zelda.
★Jαsоn MysticSwordsman5
Just an Aerospray S+ main! MILESTONES: 7/14/16- Achieved S+ with Aero RG on Flounder Heights! (Rainmaker)
アリゲイツ◆ Feraligatr55
ςηδωεh★ NINLUKA
Ali aliartistic
Julia JGirl7677
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Dσηταε ƒσχ DEF6578
Hi! I'm Dontae Fox and I'm on Miiverse these days to have fun posting stuff and seeing stuff that others have to share about certain games. I also want to find more people to challenge in Smash Bros or Mario Kart 8. I don't have many followers or friends on my friend list so try to entertain and interest as many people as I can. Hope all of you keep up with my posts. Enjoy the communities!
WonderK xBlueCasters
Ninja☆Łõц calou13
Greetings! I'm Lou, a MK battle expert and a Splatoon addict, also known as the #FroomMaster \(^_^)/ #OfTheWeek: #StrikeAPose Honorary member of the DreamTeam Duo #PAS Member of the Backwards Racing Crew ChaudeChat Clans: Ρορ! (Co-leader) αωτ ςκτ ς² VR:13000 BR:51000 ♪Listening to♪ My World, Sick Puppies
******* alexony29
Hi if your new Im Dan welcome to my profile I'm harmless very nice guy Games I play Splatoon I accept any friend request Plz follow me Splatoon competitive player ☆Retiring from miiverse☆
nick mhdbkgonzalez
—ςήάκέ—ヅ Sake123
Good bye Everyone and Thanks for everything It was a Great time being in Miiverse and share all my games experience and all my Snakes/Serpents Art (If you like Snakes too)
Baha fishbowl12345
★Jβξβ★ Cardiffjacob
Good morning, good evening and good night to everyone around planet earth :D. I'm Jake or JBEB. A 14 year old who loves to game. I mostly play Mario Kart 8 because it's awesome! I like racing on lots of Mario Kart games! One last thing, I'm so pro!
Daniel Danoa123
*FlaStyle* MrsDredd331
HI im Susan! 10× World Cup Champion! I dont have time for foolishness, so dont bother!
GΔ AZTHMA aarongodwin
◆Fruitz_ Fruitzzzz
Fruitzzzz on MKW ~ ★Fruitz~ or ◆Fruitz_ on MK8 Mainly play MKWii Wiimmfi CTWW Also, I make Super Mario Maker levels quite often. Go check them out! Stay Fruity~♥
ralf JustinDianaRalf
Yea.... It´s Super Mario Maker Time.... Thanks :-)
Boi xXBlossyXx
Damage Dece79
Alexandra1 Alexandra101
Average Online Activity: Semi-Active (Year Round), Active (Summer and Holidays) (Because of real life stuff, wifi acting up, etc.) Hello, everyone! I'm just an average gamer that plays games a lot when I have time since I do spend time with other things, as well. I also like making new friends whenever I play online or not Hope to meet as many players as possible! :)
Misdre MisdreavusKitty
Greetings Miiverse, This is TZ on Wii U & 3DS Games I play: Animal Crossing,New Leaf Tomodachi Life Mario Kart 8 Super Smash Bro's Wii U Pokemon Shuffle Pokemon Rumble World Art Academy Sketchpad Splatoon That's pretty much it for now ^˛^♥
Julia chibikuroko
Tyler DarkDesertFox
Jack jackan00
15 year old male from Sweden Ugliest Mii on Miiverse
tem missthreadball
Vιcαrιουs Renegade69
Miru♪ Nina120
◆ I don't WiiU Chat◆ ◆If I do not know you and have not talked with you prior, I will not accept your friend request. Sorry ><◆ .·•º•·.·•º•·.·•º●
MelodyRose Amako-chan
Ranko RankoHoshino
I love to take it easy with video games! Mario, Pokémon, Zelda, Kirby, Animal Crossing, and Touhou Project are great! I do not use Wii U Chat.
SK★Jenna jenjenblue
Jerry xJerry64x
Retro TheRetroReplay
Ghirahim TykiButterfree
I don't get miiverse. How can you connect with other players without exchanging friend codes or having some kind of private message system? It doesn't help that swapnote is useless now. :( Now there are weird categories. If it's not a drawing, I can't figure out how to post any more. Good update miiverse.
Teddy LaunchOctopus
Lukester invincibleluke
Hi, I'm Lukester. I change my Mii all the time. I'm 15 years old. Super Mario Maker is pretty much the only game I play. I have good Mario levels you can always try. If I play a game other than Mario Maker it's probably Super Smash Brothers. Three games I enjoyed most in the past were Ratatouille, De Blob, and Spore Hero. This was last edited 9/16/17. Sadly, this service will end soon.
{Leeshino} Leeshino
AW! Why would you punch my face off?! *cough* Welcome to my profile! I'm {Leeshino}, and my real name is "Alexandre". My actual favourite games on Wii U are : Super Mario Maker and Mario Kart 8. You can play and stars my levels in SMM and you can also join me in MK8. Here's my activity : Happiness ★★★★☆ Angry ★☆☆☆☆ Funniness ★★★★☆ Annoying ★☆☆☆☆ Hope ya'll have a nice day! \(^o^)/
Luke Rasumii
Lt. Surge NS2_Lt_Surge
Hello, I'm Lt. Surge, a member of the Ninfora Forums. I'm a big Nintendo gamer, with the main series I play being Mario, Zelda, Pokémon, Super Smash Bros, and Fire Emblem. I also play other games like Harvest Moon, WWE, and Kirby games. Currently playing Pokémon Yellow, Mario Kart 8, and Fire Emblem Fates. Send a message if you want to be friends!
Ian KeefRiffards
Ashley EmceeAsh86
Ohh Hey!
☆•Cress!•☆ PuffleKirby21
Smash Bros Tier List: S Tier: Wii Fit Trainer D Tier: The rest of the unfit dorks in the game.
Tricky Monochromeocean
Jeremy Jeremy1
Bear StrategyKing
SK★OniLink Link39
NOW YOU'RE PLAYING WITH POWER! SK★ (Super Karters) organises several events EVERY week! Having good races, good splats and making fun is our main goal! Our members are mostly friends of friends mainly, so joining us means we should have some games first ;-) Catch ya later!
SK★Akita's Witte05
Hooray : Hello all my Friends :o) i play a lot of splatoon and MarioKart 8 I'm happy to be a member of SK : Super Karters : is an Community with a lot of great people :o)
Kalzec Kalzec
Anthony Orchestrafanboy
phonepup phonepup
MK8 Inward Bike Teams: Main: ıD (Inward) Sub: None I only add people that I know, sorry :s #BikesForLife ;P Thanks for reading and take care :)
Danny Danny_82
This person hasn't started using Miiverse yet.
Hello everyone! This is the real AkatsukiYoshi. I feel I must say this because I had imposters in...
Hello everyone! This is the real AkatsukiYoshi. I feel I must say this because I had imposters in the past. I look forward to playing with everyone as I do enjoy a good challenge and fun.
Online games I own:
Mario Kart 8
Super Smash Bros Wii U
MKW Custom Tracks Wiimmfi
Anyone is welcome to friend me, but no blank friend requests please.