Amazonpech's Yeahs

Comment on Stagger's Post


6 minutes ago

Hi Sentimental, my name's Stagger. :p There was a young lady here, an artist, that you'd need an hour to record our PMs. I convinced her I was old. She went back to school. You know what's funny? A...

Comment on Stagger's Post


16 minutes ago

Sheesh, we exchanged a lot of PMs. Call me sentimental, but I'm recording videos of scrolling through my PMs just so I have them. Seven minutes 20 seconds for the conversations between us...=P

Comment on Stagger's Post


22 minutes ago

That's right Peach. :)

Comment on Stagger's Post


54 minutes ago

Matthew might have already skedaddled, but there's a beardless me, w/ my hairline from 2013. Heading toward Lebron James' territory at this point, but keeping it long obstinately ... I wanted my go...

Comment on Stagger's Post


2 hours ago

abandoned franchise than I am in my beloved LoZ. That's a weird reality to cope with for me. ;) 1: BotW ... no need to meander off about my love/hate here or my reasons for it for the umpteenth tim...

Comment on Stagger's Post


1 hour ago

Where's Swagger? =P Yeah, thought for sure you would place SR at the top. I still need to get the new Layton game...

Comment on Stagger's Post


2 hours ago

is so rich w/ atmosphere, and is a tightly focused navigation puzzler. Since it tries to be nothing else, it succeeds wildly at what it is. A real treat, just far too brief to crack a packed but fl...

Comment on Stagger's Post


8 hours ago

Look.fot the new Miivers called MV Haven.

Comment on Stagger's Post


2 hours ago

As confirmation by the universe that my WiiU gamepad won't be ever-present on my armrest anymore, my stylus revolted and disappeared a couple of days ago. Tapping away w/ a Bic pen cap ... @Peach: ...

Comment on Stagger's Post


11 hours ago

In my standard fashion, I'm avoiding any media about XC2. Off to work ... see y'all for the final countdown.

Comment on Stagger's Post


12 hours ago

Nice work Peach! Those Hinoxen are an unruly, far flung lot. Warming words too, thanks bro ...

Comment on Stagger's Post


14 hours ago

Stagger went to sleep before I did? It truly is the end of days.

The Legend of Zelda Series Community


14 hours ago


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13 hours ago

But there is a place to go if you want to keep in touch with friends and continue gaming discussion. Do a search for the Miiverse haven. Make sure to invite friends if you like the looks of it!

The Legend of Zelda Series Community


2 days ago

Finished up 100% on Odyssey last night, so I can get back to wrapping the Platinum on Shadow of War, which I'd gotten bored with frankly ... what's that you say? Miiverse closes forever in roughly ...

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2 minutes ago

Never realized you were webless here on Miiverse. That’s very impressive, considering how much you’ve posted!

Drawings Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia Community


05/19/2017 4:54 PM

Comment on Stagger's Post


02/28/2017 9:50 PM

What? How does using Fanadi gain you points? Ha! Ribbing aside, good job Joshua. Enjoyment in gaming trumps pride by miles. I'm having the hardest time not opening Horizon Zero Dawn, but looking at...

Comment on Stagger's Post


02/28/2017 6:14 AM

I'm very hopeful the BotW horseback controls are worlds better than this. Wonderful concept here, but I find the options and maneuverability awfully lacking, and it's a complete momentum stopping k...

Comment on Stagger's Post


02/28/2017 6:03 AM

total Ganon experience in the series. Yeah, I prefer fights like WW's (and for that matter LttP's), but true to TP, you get this majesty of cinema here. All forms, nice ride, even a bit more fun fr...

Comment on Stagger's Post


02/27/2017 11:38 PM

Five times Elzo. It's my mom's favorite LoZ, so she demanded a playthrough during her visits too. Today my desultory outlook on TP melted away. The three best dungeons of the game have that effect....