Users G. Sweet Is Following
xicor 12winner34
タコベー takobe
E&E! スプラトゥーンと絵心教室に時間を奪われる日々 絵柄が安定せず、人間キャラを描く度に顔が変わってたりします フレリクを頂くことが多いのですが、自分がフォローしている方以外はお断りさせて頂いているのでご了承ください フォロー・フォロー解除はご自由にどうぞ 絵のリクエストは基本的に受け付けておりません
〆(・∀・)USER RUKA1110BON
こんちは よろ~
Tails Devan1995
Tails was here Hi my name is tails miles prower but people call me tails i am sonic best sidekick to take out dr eggman from talking over the city.I'm a member of the ditto clan.Miiverse is going to end at november 7. First arrive is january 7 2017.Please give a like all my post i did and the past.
▼LunaWolf▲ mk8zone
Ello & welcome to mah pro, im ▼LunaWolf▲! ▲ALERT▲ Im a huge fan of: Sonic Series, UT, cakey & gaming! offline[-] online[◆] no post[◆] Give me ur CAKEY! #Sonic×Amy4Lyfe Im le' CakeyKing! …And i want ze' cakey!! Ξ—Sonic_Iz_dah_fastest—Ξ They R best↓ ★Dappled☆, Peacewolf, Zelda, BLACKHEART, ★Luna★, »–Winter–> & Fawx! ÈωÉ £—Goal: 300—£ C’ya 'round! Sonic iz za' Chili Dawg master! ΧωΧ
jr speedysonicfan22
Hey...Miiverse is ending but.... Lets make the best out of two months ok? if we can stop miiverse from ending that will be great! lets all put #SaveMiiverse on your post from now on And ash if your seeing this Please help spread the word! please EVERYONE SAY THIS WE LOVE MIIVERSE
EC2☆Zip Mommy-331234
This user's profile comment is private.
Alex BlazerWerewolf3
Hi! Welcome to my Miiverse Account. I Really like playing Nintendo games! My favorite Nintendo games are Super Mario Maker, Tomodachi Life, Mario Kart, Kirby, Pokemon, and much more! I own both a New Nintendo 3DS and a Wii U First 3DS game: New Super Mario Bros 2 First Wii U game: Super Mario Maker I post super mario maker levels every once in a while so please star them for more levels :D
Sonic Sonic3948
Goodbye, everyone…I'll miss you… Love, Classic Sonic.
Sloubie Sloubie
Mesdames et messieurs, bienvenue à mon profil! My name is Sloubie, nice to meet you! I'm a *cough* *cough* experienced *cough* *cough* maker in Mario Maker! I always happily read your comments in your levels too! My favourite types of levels are music levels, so I will always enjoy hearing them :-) For now, bye! (#SaveMiiverse)
candy keka2005
hola amigos como estan me llamo belinda tengo 12 años
. linkzelda1235
im young links sister hes gone and im subsititing for him you can call me chena
lEtiOsszz Latias3333
Alysa ☆★☆ HappyCupcakeGirl
THIS ACCOUNT HAS OFFICIALLY DIED. VERY SAD, I KNOW. REMEMBER MEEEEEEE!!!!!!! Here's a code to decipher: key 23! (Wklqn brx'oo plvv ph? @KdssbFxsfdnhJuo) HAPPYCUPCAKEGRL <--IMPORTANT
jade marok WahWahWahBabyL0L
♥Hi,guys im marily my real name: marina birth date: march,24,2009 followers: 71 0r 72 hobby: art,video games,sleeping following: 93
Nina >:D TemmiePotatoChan
H...Howdy~ It's me, a lil kawaii potato named Nina ^^' I don't have... a lot of friends, but you don't need friends when you like to do something like drawing or watch horror movies... My only and lovely friend is Gabe ˙˘˙, and she makes magnificent draws, not like mine ^^' Well uh... goodbye then ! .w.
Mariana xmarcelormx
Oshawott 2 Oran_berry13
My second account :)
Doggy Kittychan33
hi im Tyler love:private i miss kendal i loved her in all of my heart im 14 my senpie is kendal we both love each other we think about each other best friend in real life:jason miiveres pet:☆jimmy bun☆ im in a musal spasm in my left shoulder goodbye forever miiveres
Alex alexmartin99
Hi I'm alex I'm 13 years old I'm playing super smash bros for wiiu,mario kart 8,sonic lost world,super mario maker,plus 3d world,donkey kong country tropical freeze and ninja gaiden 3 Razor's edge that was me everybody all of it and another doing playing my friend at online ok,and the plus side I have my brother his name is martin,ok.
Anam anaminstrelsU
Cat-47 Cat.47
Oww why did you click my head yeah i can break the fourth wall deal with it if you want my qr code go to my first post. If i get 100 followers i will do a Q&A. RealName:Unknown NickName:Cat_47 Age:13 Pokédex:607 My Pokémon team Delphox lv100 Houndoom lv100 with megastone Honchkrow lv100 Gliscor lv100 Shine Toxicroak lv100 Empoleon lv100 P.S. Kirby Needs Me
Sonny crystaldaye07
Shadow CLA377
Hello, I am Shadow. I am a werewolf Goodbye Miiaverse. I will miss you all so much Hahaha HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHHAHAHA
Sonic Gen7 Goonie04
Guys I Now Accept Friend Requests! Anyway Hey I'm Modern Sonic the fastest thing Alive! Just want to let ya know, Lets play some GAMES! Mario, Sonic, Mega-Man, Punch-Out, Mario-Kart, Shantae, Anything! Oh and feel free to make friend requests 'cause I want to get more friends, and please feel free to follow me by pressing that follow button, thanks in advance.
meciano meciano
the end is near... stay strong friends special thanks to: auston chara sonic dogaressa tails temmie (whos sadly banned) frisk memesampai memesensai swap paps blueberry (swap sans) and all my followers. it was nice knowing all of you :')
Ackata nahvi01!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jaliya.W jaliyawilson
♪Sonic Forces-Fist Bump♪ Wazup! Jaliya Here! Posts: 19 Online: Offline:♪ Watching Sonic X Series! Pink Posey's My Sista! Extreme Mario&Sonic Lover. Sticks The Badger is Me. Sonic Is My Representer! Speed Is My Life! I Love To Run! Bff's: Atumn, Tallshadow, GlaDOS, Sarah, and Nintenerd. Final Post: Yesterday... Welp, It was fun! Seeya soon. I'll still comment and reply.
sonic youready
Hey guys im carlos i love sonic as you can tell i am very good at soccer i play guitar and drums i sing i can dance i am 14 i am kind i love making people smile and laugh i have curly soft hair and freckles i can draw on paper to i guess thats it bye guys Sonic[me]:hey guys sonic here i love hanging with my friends amy tails sticks and knuckles i love hanging out with my friends bye
Starkiller tk421luke
Hi everyone Starkiller some things about me are -A huge Sonic and Pikachu fan -Enjoys drawing and doing different drawings -I dont use Wii U Chat -Enjoys making friends with new people -If you follow me i'll definately follow you back unless i cant because of then the limit of followers Also feel free if you want to follow me if you want random drawings and posts:D and lastly Stay Awesome:3
James pzampiello
This is it... The end... How could I let this happen? Good bye Miiverse. It's been fun...
Wolfspαrky browniechicken
Confusion can be a vary powerful tool, if used right. You should go follow α☆Arrow, and m∞nyDaWolf Pointing out illogical errors sense 2012.
Mimi yussimimi6
I love Splatoon,Splatoon 2,Undertale,Yandere simulator,Minecraft,Super Mario Kart 8,Super Mario Kart 8 deluxe,Super smash bros,Super Mario Maker,Super Mario,All Mario and Sonic olimpic games,Wii party,Wii party U,Wii fit,Wii fit U,All Wii sports,Sonic the hedgehog,Sonic boom,Netflix,Youtube,Cake,Pizza,Strawberries ANNNND I'm kind of a gamer :P ,I do not accept online dating so pls dont ask me out
Levi LeviAwesome04
Hi! My name is Levi Coleman. I love playing games. My favourite game is Sonic the Hedgehog. I am a fan of him when I was little, I love playing his games. My favourite Sonic Couple is Sonic and Amy♥. I also play Mario, LEGO and Naruto games. If you want to following me and be friends with me that's cool but I don't use Chat. And also, please nice to me or I'll block you. Have a great day everyone!
Folx Heart Sapphire00001
HoI! I LiKe UnDeRtALe! I lOvE tEmMiE fLaKeS! I LiKe AnImE aNd GaMeS LiKe UnDeRtALe! I aLsO LoVe ThE dIfFeReNt AUs! I DoN't rEaLlY hAvE a FaVoRiTe. I wOuLd LoVe To bE yOuR fRiEnD! pLuS I aLwAyS FoLLoW bAcK! This is older sister, Skittles. ... Walls have ears. Doors have eyes. Trees have voices. Beasts tell lies. Beware the rain. Beware the snow. Beware the man, You think you know. Thirteen
FoxGamer37 FoxBoy_Gamer_300
Me: Hiya! I'm Maggie. But please call me Glitter Sweet. ^.^
Amy: And I'm Amy Rose! AKA, Glitter G...
Me: Hiya! I'm Maggie. But please call me Glitter Sweet. ^.^
Amy: And I'm Amy Rose! AKA, Glitter Garnet!
Me: Together...
Both: We fight the evil Desclair and bring peace to Kanomé Village!
Amy: Please be nice to us or we will block you.
Both: Thankies!!!!!
Rena: Don't forget me and Onee-chan!
Shugo: Rena... -.-U
Me: Oh! Shugo! Rena!
Amy: AKA Kite and Blackrose!
Me: They're our BFFs!!