Mario Maker servers are officially down... 4 hours earlier than they promised... They lied...
Jason's Yeahs

Sadly I can't play SMM between now and Miiverse ending. Also I couldn't comment on his posts with no comments on them. Weird. B.O.T. The fact that you can't comment when there are no comments shows...

...and then it will be all over. The [Bad]mins will be hated and will perish because they will have nothing else to do in their lives any more.

Stupid Miiverse won't let me comment on his posts... Even the ones with no comments on them... How is this possible and why can't I comment? I was going to begin speaking about no comments on his l...

There's no place to leave comments on MK8's profile... He's too famous... He's absorbed us all... ;D"lol";D

Nobody is breaking the rules? Wow... Bye Miiverse... I'll miss everything about you APART from the [Bad]mins!

Thanks for playing everyone. There was a soft lock on the original version, I try to make changes(if I can) when I have to re-upload, so if anyone has played it before there is something new.

I will jason ,i promise ,theres just to many goodbyes ♥ Thank you jason for always treating me with a kind heart,I hope you stay here but if not take care & may ur future be everything you deserve★...
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