Users Andrea Is Following
Lola .·•☆ lausand
Bσητσυл XD ! {Fιсне dе леηςαιgηеmеητ} τеαm:#AιdοηςLеςLαpιηςAηgοгας. Nουггιτυгге ƒαψοιτе:Øгēος Bƒƒ, Kεlια : #JеΤ'αdοгеМαΚεκε♥ eτ ςοη ςιgηε αςτгοıοġιφυε : ςαġιταιгε Luna: Trop sympa XDD !!!! Eηοlα : Нé,ουыιε ρας ıες мικαdος !! Rοмαιη : Мειııευгε αмι !! Mattéo jtm ♥♥♥♥♥ ςιgηε αςτгοıοgιqυε:Gεмεαυχ уουτυьευгς ρгεƒς : Сιτгοηηεııε ετ ΤнεΡαητεгε13 ρουг ыαсκ Dεςιгε ετ ıες κιмιснι ƒαη Dε Κ-ρορ. Bуε !!!!
♪★Ron★♪ Ronbo45123
AZERTY 7 Azerty77
Miiverse a été une belle aventure ! J'y ai rencontré beaucoup de personnes géniales et toutes ses personnes me manqueront énormément ! Poursuivez tous vos rêves, continuez de dessiner mais surtout restez vous même ! Miiverse was a great adventure! I met a lot of great people and I will miss all of them! Continue all your dreams, continue to draw but above all stay yourself!
zImFxnley zImFxnley
Xander 713-Man
Hey guys, I'm Xander! I've been sent you or me a friend request, and QuakStream starred all of my courses, thank you! When I get 300 stars, then I'll get the 4th Medal and I can increase to 40! And, good luck!
justin justin9812
i have a cat. i like play outside and play video games. my gool is to get 500 followers. if i do that will help a lot.
Jeremiah ChePena07
Hi i am jeremiah i am 9 fav. game try force heroes im playful and creative UM WHAT BYE
tayone$$$$ zootay
welcome to my page im a big mario and sonic fan so we can play mario kart 8 online or mario and sonic at the 2014 olympic winter games online and please follow and freinds requets me if you want to.and shout to my boy TAILS and my freind curly kid and my followers love you guys bye.
Titophe!♂© Titophe2010
TrifoxDu75 christel1269
Salut ! Je m'appelle Mattéo et j'ai 12 ans. Bon, niveaux amis... j'accepte les amis/es mais en particulier ceux qui écrivent des messages pour la demande ! Je suis un mec comme ça : gentil :★★★★☆ méchant :★☆☆☆☆ humour : ★★★★★ Amoureux : Bha moi même ! XD dédicace à : ƒįƒгįе#tropsympa LeFouDu62#continuecommeçapoto et 11merveilleux amis et 333 abonnés !!! Pas de ī mais je n'en recherche pas :D
~♪Sher♪~ PandaLover111111
AЯ†Ałε†A1† TrainAnswererGuy
Hello everyone. I'm leaving this place. Thanks for helping me along the way. For the reader(s), I thank you all for reading this message. Even though I was troubled losing friends & followers, &, of course, getting banned from here a few times while I was here, I managed to survive completely from here with the help of my friends & followers. † Stay Blessed † everyone! - Signed, AЯ†Ałε†A†
Andy Guru289VT
Hi! My name is Andy, and I'm addicted to Mario Maker! I currently have 11 medals, and am ranked around the 20s in the Regional Weekly Maker Rankings!
Shima NintendoShimaA
I'm Takayuki Shimamura. I'm one of the directors on Nintendo Land.
Zen NintendoYamaY_A
I'm Yoshikazu Yamashita. I am a director on Nintendo Land.
Eguchi NintendoEguchiA
I'm Katsuya Eguchi from Nintendo. I've produced Nintendo Land and the Animal Crossing series.
Tezuka NintendoTezukaE
I'm Takashi Tezuka from Nintendo, producer for the New Super Mario Bros. series.
Eguchi NintendoEguchiE
I'm Katsuya Eguchi from Nintendo. I've produced Nintendo Land and the Animal Crossing series.
Zen NintendoYamaY_E
I'm Yoshikazu Yamashita. I'm a director on Nintendo Land.
Shima NintendoShimaE
I'm Takayuki Shimamura. I served as a director on Nintendo Land.
Zen NintendoYamaY
任天堂の山下善一(やました よしかず)です。 『Nintendo Land』のディレクターです。
Shima NintendoShima
任天堂の嶋村隆行(しまむら たかゆき)です。 『Nintendo Land』でディレクターをしてました。
Eguchi NintendoEguchi
任天堂の江口です。 『Nintendo Land』や『どうぶつの森シリーズ』などゲームソフトのプロデュースを担当しました。
Game Director/Chief Producer of Fighting games, I've worked on Tekken for the 17years. Currently the leader of the Tekken Project.
Azusa NintendoAzusaE
I'm Azusa from Nintendo, producer of SiNG PARTY.
タンクボーイ tank765namcotkjp
BroMii brokenrules
Hi! This is the official MiiVerse account of Broken Rules. We made Chasing Aurora. Add us as a friend!
Alex Neuse AlexNeuse
Co-Founder of Gaijin Games Creators of BIT.TRIP and CommanderVideo!
Hi, I'm Brelston from Capcom U.S.A. and I am the community specialist on Resident Evil. I'll be sharing news and info on the Resident Evil community.
Kero GoogleKawai
Googleでストリートビューを作っている河合敬一です。世界中の美しいところ、珍しい場所を360°のパノラマ写真でお届けするために、技術開発に勤しんでいます。ストリートビューを楽しんでご覧いただければ嬉しいです。 Hi, I'm Kei Kawai and I work on Street View at Google. I work hard to develop new technologies so we can bring you 360 degree panoramic images of places from around the world - places that are beautiful, remote and simply out of the ordinary. I hope you'll enjoy using Street View.
Mr. Tribes TwoTribes
This is the official Two Tribes account. You can ask us anything!
Masaccio NintendoMasarioA
I'm Masataka Takemoto. I am the director on New SUPER MARIO BROS. U.
Shimomura YokoShimomura
『マリオ&ルイージRPGペーパーマリオMIX』の 音楽を担当しました、作曲家の 下村 陽子(しもむら ようこ)です。
Dajana D DD-Knapnok
Game Producer at KnapNok Games
Masaccio NintendoMasarioE
I'm Masataka Takemoto. I am the director on New SUPER MARIO BROS. U.
GORO ABE NintendoGoro
任天堂の阿部 悟郎(あべ ごろう)です。 『ゲーム&ワリオ』のディレクターです。 Goro Abe, Director of Game & Wario, Nintendo.
BFG Elena bfg_community
Hi, I'm Elena, Communiy Manager at Black Forest Games.
Keen01 Keen_00
Hi, I am Thorsten from Keengames.
Ubisoft Ubi-ComDev
Official account for Ubisoft, the company behind games such as Assassin's Creed, Just Dance, ZombiU, Rayman, Rabbids and more! Download the Uplay application in the eShop for exclusive game content and all the latest news.
KUBOTA AlphaDreamKubota
『マリオ&ルイージRPGペーパーマリオMIX』 Coディレクター、アルファドリームの 窪田博之(くぼたひろゆき)です。 フィールドの制作も担当しています。
ゲーム開発会社プラチナゲームズの公式アカウントです。よろしくお願いします。 開発タイトル:『The Wonderful 101』(Wii U),『BAYONETTA 2』(Wii U),『BAYONETTA』他 The official account of game developer PlatinumGames.Titles: “The Wonderful 101” (Wii U), “Bayonetta 2” (Wii U),“Bayonetta,”etc.
いけばた NintendoIkebata
「ルイージマンション2」のスーパーバイザー 任天堂の池端 良仁(いけばた よしひと)です。 I'm Yoshihito Ikebata of Nintendo, supervisor of Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon / Luigi's Mansion 2.
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