MV★Aπdrew's Followers
jacob Mas13r_WarFidoX
#RYDERDOG# Ryman74
hello my friends like a shooting star in the spot light im Ryder sills with my bey sharpedo thats right!!!!
Darling Wendydarling19
Laurzy LaurzYetAgain
My good bois and grills, thank you. Awesome people list (in no paticular order): Tucker Orion LukerGMRZ. Steen DerpJacob Brandon Daniel Jammy Hadouken Janoah GWAHrfield Beth Ad Trashbot Dillon PaperMario Everyone else (not me) I'll never forget you, guys. You were all awesome. See you soon, I hope. I'LL ALWAYS BE A SAVAGE
AQocto cat javon1mizell
let's play
Traytonman tman12356
I love splatoon I'm friendly and wish thet won't shut down miiverse
Lex Alexi1402
Hey I'm Lex, Lvl.18 in life, Floridian, Aries, 6'4 and still getting taller T_T ... Anyway here's some stuff I Love:Volleyball,Guitar(El&Ac),Piano,LoZ!,Bass,Drums,P!TD,ClassicRock,JoshDun!Techno,Metal,TØP,Screamo,Hardrock,Campfires, TACOS!TheBeach,Cooking for Mi Amigos:MollyJo,Matthew,Jacob,Lance,Andrew, Jr,&Andy.P.S. I'm a Christian(Also I'm in love with Harold, Don't Judge.)(>o<) ~PEACE!
Drew W. Drew3475
Hi everybody! I'm Drew. Welcome to my miiverse page. I enjoy playing video games, listening to music, watching TV, YouTube, and movies, and reading books. My favorite games are Super Mario Maker, the Super Mario series, the Donkey Kong Country series, Advance Wars games, and Fire Emblem games. Favorite TV shows: Three Stooges, WWE. Favorite Movies: Jackie Chan Movies. Thanks for stopping by.
Daddy clanmcmoo2
Ryan ryan0288
Gergő gergice
★ Hi, my name is Gergő! ☆ ☆ I'm accept any friend request ;^) ★ ★ I'm a very friendly boy and i'm 13 years old. ☆ ☆ I really like the Mario and Kirby games. ★ ★ I like to play, learn and draw. ☆ ☆ I have a brother and two sisters and my brother have a wii and a DSi. ★ ★ I have a black wii U and a black new nintendo 3DS XL. ☆ ☆ I will miss you all! ='( ★ ★ Blue bird:GamerGergo ☆
Aya-Senpai MitzeyBakura
Helloooo i am Mitzey Matsumoto i am a duelist from domino City! I'm a Christian and an anime artist. I like pasta and macrons and i hate bacon. ._. ..... Will i lose friends for that???? Anyway, here r the animes i watch Yugioh Digimon Sailor Moon Little witch academia Beyblade Hetalia Inuyasha Kaleidostar Naruto Fruits Basket Sonic X (sometimes) I hope my posts can make u smile :3
C Meister foxylegend
Open your fears, I'll be there. Open your eyes, I'll be there. 3 days and I come....
agent3 themaninpurplepj
hi welcome! my friends are Katie,Zoe,Zae,Sal,Ak★amg,agent2,tayianna,S★Halloween,and noe
Barrios Barrios1989
hui ppl •¬• im barrios *i is the boy* (another normal person) only online saturday and sundays school on mexico ;^; όωό so thanks for taping my face (ouch :p) hola papus momos tengo 12 soy hombre :v me gusta ir al parke :p *steven universe •¬• *maincra :p *no me gusta k me copien,ignoren,insulten ;^; *tampoco verlos tristes y gracias por tocar mi cara (ouch xD)
Alex alexmartin99
Hi I'm alex I'm 13 years old I'm playing super smash bros for wiiu,mario kart 8,sonic lost world,super mario maker,plus 3d world,donkey kong country tropical freeze and ninja gaiden 3 Razor's edge that was me everybody all of it and another doing playing my friend at online ok,and the plus side I have my brother his name is martin,ok.
Noélan Lannoe64
Bonjour moi c'est Noélan et n'ésitez pas à liker mes messages!!!!
Sonic TheOriginalSonic
Hi, I'm Sonic! Sonic the Hedgehog! I'm am against Mario. If you want to join the Sonic team, give me a follow. You're too Slow! I'm in a tuxedo for Miiverse's funeral. #SAVEMIIVERSE #TEAMSONIC
Tails Devan1995
Tails was here Hi my name is tails miles prower but people call me tails i am sonic best sidekick to take out dr eggman from talking over the city.I'm a member of the ditto clan.Miiverse is going to end at november 7. First arrive is january 7 2017.Like playing role plays then go to KingPeanut11 or used role play on me.Please don't get me banned at the last day :(
TicTac TicTacbeans
Hi i'm TicTac. i like to play games like Mario kart 8 and Super Mario maker. also feel free to follow or maybe even consider becoming friends with me. my favourite game at the moment is Super Mario galaxy 2 (i don't know why i just like the intense feeling of the game sometimes and of course the relaxing feel of it)
こんにちは!萌です!始めたばかりなのでまだまだ色々とぎこちないですがご了承くださいませ。 唐突ですが自己紹介をします。最後まで見ていただけると跳び跳ねて喜びます!(><) ボカロが好きです!インビジブルが一番好きです! スポーツが好きです!特に球技が好きです! 好きなゲームはスプラトゥーンです!腕前はA+30くらいを保つのに必死な超初心者です。コツなどあれば教えていただけると幸いです... 萌は凄くメンタルが弱いです。悪口を言われると部屋の隅っこで毛布をかけ、マイクラをしているようなやつです。なので、悪口、荒らし等の行為はお控えいただけると嬉しいです。 ざっとこんな感じです。フォローなどしていただけると嬉しいです!あとフレリクは萌が12才未満なので受け取ることができません。ご了承くださいませ。皆様の貴重なお時間を頂戴してしまい、申し訳ありません。 これからもよろしくお願い致します(^^)
Du-det Dudet2010
Hi♪ Having a GREAT TIME on Miiverse! ☆★☆♪ ♪♪♪♪↓♪♪♪↓♪♪♪↓♪♪♪ ACTION ~ stands for platformers & shooters! By the way, I'm finally playing on a New 3DS XL♪♭★
Josh202DS JoshuaMorrow2DS
Hey guys! Joshua Morrow here. This is my 5TH 3DS/2DS Account. #SaveMiiverse&WiiUChat My other 6 Accounts - JoshuaTM0509, JoshuaTM1997, JoshuaTM5997, JoshuaTM591997, JoshuaMorrowWiiU, SubstituteJoshM1 Be sure to follow me on this Account and my other 6 Accounts and send me Friend Requests on my other 6 Accounts. :-D
あいり KanAkisCHANNEL
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Nin★Fan nin_gamer_7
I'm a BIG fan and a expert of all of the NINTENDO franchises and these franchises: MINECRAFT LEGO MARVEL DC STAR WARS DOCTOR WHO #Miiverse2.0 ♪Jump Up, Super Star! (Full Ver)♪
Nin★Мarco MarcoSaumer
★Hi I'm Nin★Marco♪ ♂ and 16 years old.★ ♥Nintendo♥ | | | | | | #R.I.P MIIVERSE #BYE #LOVEYOU __________ ♥Thank's guys for all!♥ :'-( †R.I.P. MIIVERSE 08.11.2017† 1 day left.
Adam xomu22
cj rickpoldo1234
Hi. My name is CJ. I love meeting new people and making new friends. Please be my friend and follow me. I do youtube, Minecraft, MarioKart 8, and mostly Hulu. I love Naruto. You will see a lot of these in most of my posts. LOLOLOL #BenSmells #SmellYouLaterBen #YouNeedAMintBen I really hope you guys enjoyed reading this. See yah later P.S I love Wii U chat.
ом¢▲Tyler Cheesy_Lifestyle
Heya! This is Tyler. I'm a 13 year old gamer! This my ALT account to help friends get VR. <<Facts>> • I am the leader of the ом¢ (Original Mario Carters) clan on MK8. (Invite only) • I am other MK8 clans, like ¢ğς, ив, я¢м & мк¢. • Basketball is my all time sport. • I like other games, like SMM, Minecraft, and NSMBU! Follow me on Tw: TylerMK813 That way we can stay in touch!
Miles Miles-100
Hi, I'm Miles! I'm 14. Joined: March 2016 I play MK8 and Smash 4 regularly I've played DKC:TF & TLOZ: WW RIP Miiverse, thanks for all the good times (Discord): 10Miles#8336
5 tycool2
Will no longer be on Miiverse due to its inevitable end. Rip Miiverse 2012-2017.
Rosanna Cagnolino20
Ciao!sono Rosanna,ho 13anni I miei anime preferiti sono: Pokemon inazuma eleven,il leader Simeon ayp Dragon ball con Gohan e Turles il leggendario Yu–Gi–Oh,adoro Kite Tenjo(il giocatore di draghi,cacciatore di numeri),shark,III,shay,yuto & lulu Yo kai★Orochi CORPSE PARTY Sachiko Shinozaki Seguite le bellissime persone che mi seguono★ SONO UNA FAN del”LA LEGGENDA DEL DRAGO AZZURRO” Icaro ☆Ricambio★
аβ★Mark monkeyturds
Thank you all ;-; And to Riley, who I know is reading this right now, I still don't know what you're mad at me for. You can continue making hateful posts about me, I won't care. Once Miiverse ends, you'll be lonely, with nobody to talk to, nobody to gossip to, and nobody to be around. You'll never understand the true meaning of friendship, unless you start changing the way you act.
Αlt◆Zα¢h creeperboy4791
Hello! This is $G★Zachary's alt account! This account is use for Mii Maker playing video games , Miiverse, and YouTube! My real account is creeperboy365. See you later!
おとうさん kenichi0221
Ethan TristenH08
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$G★Ζα¢нαгу creeperboy365
What's up everyone this is Zаchary, I like to play Video Games, Watch TV, listen to music, and read Comic Books and also, I do Wii U Chat. I'm a fan of Shadow, Nintendo, Minecraft, and Segа! Don't forget to yeah my posts and follow me! I like to do pixel art in Minecraft. I ♥ you Sаrаh. ;) Gender: ♂ Age: 1З Clans: SG, PP, mςν, ΑЯ, RF, я¢м (as an ally) and more. See you lаter! ;)
$G▲$αгαн:) ItsMeSarah123
Hi, I'm Sarah I'm 13 Years Old! Likes: Friends, Music, Dogs, Cats, and Cartoons. Dislikes: Being Bullied, Getting Annoyed, and Losing Friends I do Wii U Chat. Facts about me: 1) I'm a cheerleader. 2) I'm Friendly 3) My Favorite Sonic Character is Amy Rose. 4) My favorite Mario Character is Toadette. 5) I like dogs and cats because they are cute! Zachary is mine. :3 Clans: SG
Drew Drew102003
I've moved on to the Switch, but I may hangout with my я¢м friends occasionally. I quit Miiverse on 10/20/17
DJ Octavio ggghhjjudyyuuuyt
Im happy! Edit: I PLAY MINECRAFTTTT!!! and Mario Kart 8 and Super Mario Maker! Have A Blocky Day! Edited again!: Nuuuu Miiverse ENDINGGGGGGGG!!!! Another Edit: I HAVE SPLATOON!
Anire AnireXD
♥˜Hola a todos x3 ♥˜Me encanta Splatoon,Mario Maker,Minecraft,The Legend Of Zelda,etc♡ ♥˜Manqueo mucho XD,pero me divierto :P ♥˜Esta cuenta es mia y de mi hermano :0 ♥The legend of Zelda Breath of The Wild ya te tengo ♪Nvl 10& Nvl 14 ♡ ♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥☆
Thanks everybody for the great times here. I'll never ...
Thanks everybody for the great times here. I'll never forget you guys.