Users Jill :] Is Following
Bebe Bebejm
space rainbow welcome to my profile all you need to no about me is my favorite colors are blue purple and white i love anime and i like drawing. some of my favorite animes are bleach log horizon soul eater lucky star noragami and good luck girl!! and most favorite game is stella glow
Camille tangerine1234
Hello! One thing you should know about me is that I've been a fan of video games for as long as I can remember. I own only Nintendo consoles! Also, I am a Smasher. I've actually been around since the original SSB4 community, although I don't think I'm that well-known yet. Hotel Bigley Room Number: 4
Ernst chickenman2513
GAMES: Monster Hunter Pokemon Yo-kai watch Legend of Zelda CLANS: Member of Blazing Ruby Member of Thunder Storms I've played violin for 10 years now. No real specific subject, just play whatever I feel like
Leland 2.0 DuckyRedbear
Hi I'm Leland a 13 year old i'm Native American Dakota here are some things I love •Miiverse •My friends •My family •Anime •Yuki My bday is July 22 I'll be 14 next year I want to be friends with everyone Happy: ☆☆☆☆☆ Mad: ☆☆☆☆☆ Sad: ★★★★★ Confused: ☆☆☆☆☆ My favourite colour is: Red My favourite Anime is: AoT That's all I guess OH YEAH FOLLOW TYLER PLEASE!!! ^-^ THX FOR 200 FOLLOWS Taken: Yuki
★Neo1992★ supermarioearth
Name: Jesus, Age: I am 25 years old, Birthday: July 14, 1992, VR: 99999 (Max vr by May 12th on Friday) My favorite characters: Mario, DK, Metal Mario, Bowser, and Dry Bowser. My favorite music: Classic Rock, Ballad, Symphonic music, Japanese Rock and Metal, Hard Rock, and Metal (Some types of Metal) I done play Mario Kart 8 for now. :) I finally brought Nintendo Switch and play MK8DX for now. :D
♪Pinkitty♪ facemen3535
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Genji Alex-Ich
See you space cowboys... I'll doing extra drawings/doodles in my alts Alt → NotGenji (TheDragonIsMe) 'Fire Emblem' Alt → Lord Leo I will miss you hard Jessy, Fatty and 8 bit guy!! never knew news about you :,(!!
Gavin sanicspeed21
You in a pipe: sanicspeed21 Blue birb: Sanicspeed21 tumbling: sanicspeed21 wot pad?: sanicspeed21 Deviancy: sanicspeed21
P2.0 RarunZ
Hiya! I'm P2, nice to meet you! ^-^ I own a 3ds and Wii U. ( Don't FR me if I don't know you. ) I'll accept one only if I feel like I think we know each other enough. I sometimes do requests if I'm in a good mood. I do mini comics to entertain MYSELF, but if you're interested, I'll tell you about it. :3 Only Yeah Angel can yeah-bomb me, cuz she doesn't overdo it. :/
SlipStream AE4WiiU
Hi. The name is SlipStream or Eric if you like. 18 yo. MK8 racer and SMM level creator. ~Facts~ •Achieved MAX VR as Mario on 18-10-17. Track was Mount Wario. 245WW. •44K stars and over 22K different WRs "2nd in the world" in SMM. •Taken by the most beautiful woman ♥Joanna♥ •I love to play basketball and just chill with everyone. •Extremely friendly. Always willing to chat. •DC - SlipStream#7767
BENDY CozmoRobot
Hi! I'm COSMOE! I'm extremely nice! I will love being your very best friend! I'm single, I have 94% ESD <same as autism>, I have anger issues. I love Bendy!!! I will post a lot!!! WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME?!? Oh fine... I'M ALIVE! IMMORTALIZED, YOU'RE THE CREATOR, YOU TRAITOR! HEY! THERE'S NO VACCINE, TO CURE OUR DIRTY NEEDS, FOR NOW YOU MUST, BUILD UP OUR MACHINE YOU DIE TONIGHT!
Rody ThatsMe1221
What up people. Here's some stuff about me: Age: 17 I'm an outcast, yeah so what. I'm introverted. Anime is pretty good stuff, no lie. I ♥ One Piece! Drawing is pretty fun. I'm lazy these days. Who says I'm nice? My motto is, "Sleep now, then sleep again later" Enjoy ur day. ☆Stay special☆ снıιι Days until Annihilation: TODAY AGHHH Welp, that's it. Take care guys. Stay safe.
ZKx2 Games4Lyfe
I no longer have use of this place since i got a hold of the people who mean so dear to me, goodbye everyone. My prayers are with you all, i believe you in. Goodbye everyone!
Pinkie 2BPencil91
Hi,Im blueBoy age~ adult, also a big kid by heart :) color~green,purple,blue food~ spaghetti,rice ,chicken system~ wiiu xbone pc,soon switch,3ds that is all here is your cookie i know i cant draw o.o ok bye now :)
ƒΐгε Мαğε in14386
Hi, and welcome to my profile! My name is Isaiah. I'm 15. →I'm a Youtuber← I love to post and produce music! ♪^-^♪ §Spiritually guided§ I'm part of мςv and Ćk Coolest people ever: ★Vee™ ★Ricky™ ★Lexxie™ ★Tayla™ ★Alice™ I'll play just about anything. I have a Switch now, so you may not see me on here... Be sure to follow my little brother Ćk★Ъσςς § § § § § § § § § Well, aren't you bored yet?
Satine Souldalite
Jay Jeksteel97
Hey, it's Jay, i'm 18, I have played a few Horror games, I play Basketball, I do Hardcore parkour, I am a Youtuber and Gamer, I like lots of music, The Uncharted(game) series is awesome! And, I do Tai-Quan-Do.
overlord DISGAEA21
Hey Everyone! Am the Overlord!!! A gamer who likes awesome video games and wishes to become a great game designer!!! ”Life is a challenge, But hey, we're gamers. WE LIVE UP TO CHALLENGES!!!”- Overlord Hope you'll like my drawings! Please follow me and my friends who i follow. Thank you for seeing my profile. Peace. Btw I'm 22. Everyone gets a taco!!!:D
James hypererupter0256
I'm straight Have someone in mind 14 Roy4510 is my homie (A.J. to) good 2 get along with likes making new friends loves YouTube loves cracking jokes as soon as theres a chance loves talking to friends etc.
DubstepBro PersonaBro568
DubstepBro Here. Has posts (X) DUB-WUB POWER 0% OUTTA POSTS. () yeap, love me some dubwubs, some games here n' there, and I love me some SANDVICH... Don't take it. I mean it. DO NOT MESS WITH MEH SANDVICH OR U WILL WITNESS THE WRATH OF HEAVY.
★☆RedSplat redsplatsmash
Why hello I'm going to miss you guys. It's been fun while it lasted. Despite all of the cringe, I'm going to miss this place. Stay awesome guys! "Before I say goodbye to you, one more last fist bump!"
Sam HandsomeCamel
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Tauros Pikachu1945
Smash Bros, Splatoon, Pokken. u'll find stuff like that here.........sooo........ya...... Bruh u really wanna know more, huh? THAT Badly? ok fine u win I enjoy memes and comedy. my main in Smash is Bayo/Mewtwo and in Pokken its Chandelure/Shadow Mewtwo. DONT LOOK DOWN IM WARNING U u looked down, now u must follow me.
Shawn… Shawnie007
Whats up im shawn and if you guys want to fight me in super smash bros or even race in mario kart 8 or even play survival or creative in minecraft and maybe we can build something together so if you want to play with me send me a friend request :D. i like anime → anyway cya
JC JCsanic
Hi! im JC, im just an obsessed gamer, so if you need need tips that i hope i can provide or just wanna talk why games are cool, then go for it :3, i hope we can all get along (^ω^)......... psst....all that is a weird way of to me plzzzzz :3, also, if im not around, its because im on kik, if you wanna smash, then bring it on >:3 It uhhh JCheartless bye :3
Naruto AustinDuve
Hello, my REAL name is Austin. I live in Grand Blanc, Michigan, in the USA. I am 22 years old, and I am a big Nintendo fan. If you see any of my posts, be sure to Yeah or comment. If you are playing a game that I have played, I can help you out if you need it. I will get along with anyone younger or older than me. Best of luck with gaming! By the way, I don't play online.
AshenHero bluegecko-2013
I am a Çнřĺśț-ιαη first, a Çõñ-şèřv-τívε second, and a Texan third My favorite music is Orchestral, and Ćħŕļşț-ļāń rock I have a fascination with History, Politics, Geography, Law, ect. I have a very dry since of Humor I've been on Miiverse since 2012 My favorite games are The Legend of Zelda, Age of Empires, and Uncharted 4 Once a Hylian always a Hylian.
Tobi tobi17
Do you want to read my profile? Are you sure? You´ve met with a terrible fate, haven´t you? Lol
◆Code:Iota Delta74
Follow if you this read wrong. ♪♥♪♥♪♥♪♥♪♥♪♥♪♥♪♥♪
I'm an antisocial Emo that has depression and no self estime I get embarrassed just talking to people I enjoy drawing but suck at it --loner --I'm 13 --dating the best girl --Emo --Enjoys puns --I play flute --I'm a guy --just realized no one cares --skeleton bros sans & Papyrus BFFs Andrew & Bri
ψ»——λсе—›ψ NeonBlast_Games
Hey! I'm Ace! I'm the fresh squid you see on the block! Be prepared, for if you're not.. my Grim Range Blaster's gonna get you! ~Requests please~ #Tentace //♡Set It off trash♡// Squadmates! : Ace, Tentatek and Grim. Splatoon nerd. challenge me! (OvO)/ Elite sniper! I had a great time on Miiverse, and i'm glad I had it. If you wanna chat, throw me a friend request ~
Allan D. wiggedrocket516
Hi, I'm the older brother of MemeSenpai. I can't draw like he can, but I can write up some spicy fanfiction while telling you that Dio Brando is the coolest character ever. I seldom take Miiverse seriously. The majority of my posts are about as useful as the points you could earn in 'Whose Line Is It Anyway?'. I'm 22 years old. I work in a pharmacy during the day. I play games at night. ★
Brock NYGINDPHIFan2014
Im done,I quit,No point on going on Enjoy n,n
я¢м◆Joey SparcoRZ
Farewell >6949
Sugiyama jerry.desu
I'm a Japanese American living in Illinois and studying in civil engineering. I'm known as being stubborn so heads up... I don't play mk8 often but I play when I get the chance. Student life tbh @_@ Call me Jerry if you like Get well soon Addie♥ We miss you
Cam madworlddw1
ayye here's a few things about me. 1.die hard cowboys fan 2.i live gold and bleed purple(no not by the lakers) 3. im a atl hawks fan 4. im a dallas stars fan. 5. I LIVE AND DIE BY THE BLUEJAYS. 6. diehard fan of blackbear, jez dior, g-eazy, kevin flum, luke christopher, witt lowry, & Moosh & Twist. 7. im 16. 8. im not a fool for online dating, its weak tbh. xdxdxd 9. the end to no.8 was cncr
Chris Chris7O7
Yo! The name's Chris! Welcome to my lair. I like to draw and stuff. So uh,Yee. Enjoy your stay here and if you enjoy my content, don't hesitate to YEAH BOMB my posts (pls do it) lmao. Anyway, that's all from me, have a nice day. ┐( ̄ヮ ̄)┌
Ada★ 0xSalemwolvesx0
«01/17» Adelaide is not my real name things i like: pokémon • nature • animals • dragons • axis powers hetalia • foreign culture/language • space • memes Demi-ace (sorry admirers) I'll turn 15 next year but miiverse won't be around to see it :)
Aye. Fav bands include Rush, Eagles, Led Zeppelin, Metallica, Avenged Sevenfold, Disturbed, Five ...
Aye. Fav bands include Rush, Eagles, Led Zeppelin, Metallica, Avenged Sevenfold, Disturbed, Five Finger Death Punch, Genesis, Van Halen, Volbeat, Shinedown, Bullet for my Valentine, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Iron Maiden, Megadeth, Killswitch Engage, Slipknot, Pantera, and more.
Sports include soccer, but I love NFL football and I'm a 49ers fan.
"How do I live, without the ones I love?"
-A7X ♪