K.J.'s Friends
PrpleSk8er Bossepticeye2018
Oh.Hi. i see you taped my profile. oh well, i guess ill tell you about me. I'm 13. i like to play splatoon, smash bros, nintendo land, super mario 3d world, and super mario maker.All friend request r xepted.So if you wanna be apart of the squid skaters, become my friend. No wii u ch@ srry. If you squid taunt me or be rude to me,ur off my friends list. But anyway th@ is all 4 now. PEACE OUT SQUIDDO
littlecho littlecho10
can you be my friend
phillip54 Phillip1969
splatoon and mario kart 8 is the first game that i played in wii u and its great
beastmode! zayabeastmode
ǧiZelda lukeman009
FF ★Galax★ bestxboxgamer04
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AQTriz christopher0307
hi friends
HonestlyYT soundwaveplayz
White Fox kello-kun
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ρδ|ρяоχłм silverdubstep
Man... Im awesome! I wont take any requests just like that. If you want to friend me, say the reason why please!!! I have a thing with trust. Anywho this applies to anyone except people I know IRL!!
Traaaaash™ Cookerstarring
Woomy! (Herpa derpa! You stumbled upon my account! I guess I could introduce myself to you.) Woomy woomy.(I like to play Splatoon a lot and I like many Super Mario games).Woomy! (I definitely appreciate yeahs and follows, yet alone you reading this profile message.Just call me Toaster or Cenede (Ci-need). Note that I'm often on either Mario Kart 8 or Splatoon, and sometimes go on Mario Maker. bai!
Shadowlive shadowpcgamer
yo I play splatoon and I befriend as many people as I can also I post sometimes follow me too and I have a clan the Live clan and also the KING clan also most of the time im recording hope you all have a nice day bye-bye :-)
kyrazenaRX alix55
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™♪Danny●ω● CaroAndDany
Hi! My name is Daniela. I am a HUGE fan of Nintendo! I've been having electronics around when I was 5 years old! If you call me in Wii U chat I will not answer. My favorite games are Splatoon, Mario and Sonic 2016 Olympic Games, Mario Kart 8, and Tokyo Mirage sessions FE. #nintendoswitchhype! X3
★Lucas★ Luca056
hi im luca and welcome to my profile. this account is small but i belive that we can make it somthing better! I dont really have a main wepeon in splatoon but i usually use a N Zap for ranked and sometimes a sniper for fun. just message me if ya wanna have a squad or private battle and im happy for any kind of 1v1 and im not that bad
Steven blunderbust77
InklingRac Judah27
Hi I'm Judah or InklingRacerBrawler as my youtube channel and I just got my Wii U and my 3DS
Brandon SS brandon7005
Jay superjay804
MageyGooms DavitsFamily
CureZephyr Luna2599
enjoy surprise reactions i will have in videos i will make!
Evilta Cvmy93
I'm a fun loving and very competitiveperson who loves a good challenge. Always willing to help in co-op, loves PvP. Please be patient my games are often interrupted nonstop and my Internet isn't the best. "Come on, I'm wanna go!"
Cerys Cerys04
mitchy mitchyk
WhiteLuxry tristansaintfleu
This person hasn't started using Miiverse yet.