No need to be sorry, Riyago. I agree with your reason for deciding to leave.
Riyago's Yeahs

Go for it, Riyago! If it doesn't work out for you, you could come back after a set period of time, like three months or something, to check in. If Miiverse is even still around by then, heh

Understood... You'll have plenty of time to refocus on socializing with all this behind you, I'm sure.

@Jacob: I counter your waffle with BUTTER! @Noah: Sounds reasonable… @Riyago: If that's so, then I'd better get started on a high-class FE: Binding Blade remake… Yeah, salt in the wound for the Doc...

their game. He could've seen what was coming. Nintendo will protect their pride, so I will expect this game to surpass Doc's. @Amy: Heh, I hadn't watched any Spla2n yet. I might have to, if you're ...

So the other day, I ordered a PS2 Slim and a copy of Final Fantasy X. The game arrived yesterday. IT'S STILL FACTORY SEALED AFTER SIXTEEN YEARS. The PS2 Slim is set to arrive later today. I am so ...

Your presence here will be missed, Riyago. I wish for you all the best in your career as an author. I p-ray that by the hand of our wonderful heavenly Father, that woman will enter your life soon. ...

But I totally respect your decision to leave, just wanted to take this moment to reflect on some of the good times. Best of luck in everything.

Thank you, Riyago, for being unlike those people online that are undisciplined, etc. I've enjoyed your witty comments and commentary on games, and the 120 (!) part BotW log/dramatization was incred...

Such a shame… But I understand where you're coming from, even if I haven't ever seen you lose it online either. If you say it's best, I'll have to admit that you're a better judge of your life situ...

I know I'll miss you being around...I greatly enjoyed our conversations here. For the record, you always seemed like a compassionate, respectful, and overall friendly person on here to me. It'll be...

I remember playing Wario Land and realizing that Sherbet Land from MK64 was probably inspired by this world. Making it a Wario themed track.
Teacher, Author, Spirit Warrior.
I am the author of The Story Guardian. I've played games since ...
Teacher, Author, Spirit Warrior.
I am the author of The Story Guardian. I've played games since I was maybe 5. I am a Christian who devotes his life into leading by example. I am adventurous and imaginative, writing stories and occasionally drawing characters. I do my best to encourage those around me whenever possible. I can be sarcastic and hard at times, but it undermines my core personality.