anto's Followers
mimi demon demon980
slenderman the_sandwitche
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Meme~Dev OtakuBean.XD
Yo'. It's ya' meme, back at it again with the Radical Otaku trash. I'm Devin, but you can call me ''The early 2000's nightmare.'' I'm an animation meme artist. I Love: Undertale (Papyrus) Eddsworld (Tom X Tord) Splatoon (Callie) Rick and Morty (Morty is mah boi) Homestuck (Feferi) Anime (Squid Girl) Manga (To-Heart) My Spicy Memes. (WoAh!) Follow my lovelies: ★AnimDude★ >SANS< Gavin
le boss Laurent10103
salut tout le monde alors aujourd'hui vous aller compremdre je que je fais sur ma console WII U et tous ça bref en particulier je vous présenterai des photo de minecraft après rarement splatoon mais bon je sais que vous êtes bien assis confortablement dans votre canapé fauteuil ou autre chose bref si vous vous abonner je ferais pareil de mon coter.
XFranModZX Franlepro
I've got 10 years old. Im pro player my favorite games:Minecraft Tomodachi life and MK7 (MLG) LIKESAO MLG :v suscibe and like to XxByFran6xX mi YT chanel
NSMBU+NSLU juliarenata
hola soy kian tengo 10 años y estoy en 4 grado asi que les voy a mostrar algo top 5 juegos que me gustan : 1-new super mario bros u 2-new super mario bros u +new super luigi u 3-super mario 3d world 4-mario party 10 5-mario kart 8
chamboseba sebastian089
soy sebastian me gusta jugar con amigos y con primos y tal mis mejores amigos son ignacio diego mi unico familiar de wii u daniel kevin lapapa osea todos mis amigos tengo 9 años cresi con dabr jugabamos minecraft poket edition antes les tenia miedo a los zombies pero benci mi miedo gracias por seguirme y por saber todo de mi doy todo mi empeño en ello adios miveerse gracias por todo adios:)
matteo5555 matteoz07
Ciao a tutti sono Matteo5555 e o 10 finality o Dieci anni, sono un appassionato di videogiochi il mio gioco preferito è MINECRAFT se volete che vi faccia vedere qualche mondo scrivetelo nei COMMENTI! CIAONE DA MATTEO 5555 seguitemi dajjje ragaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!
LeStrap2.0 LeStraptorYT_2.0
Autre conte LeStraptorYT, Str4pt0r, Straptor Meilleurs jeux :MK8, splatoon, minecraft,pokemon MK8: regoin le tounoi "Grand VS Petit!" ID :LeStrap2.0 Sport préféré:foot ,athlétisme, badminton, Team :je recherche pour ceux que veulent des membre Region :alsace /bas-rhin Pour l'instant je n'accepte pas les demande d'amis Les abonnés m'interesse mais pas trop! YTB préféré:NashRay
amilkar amilkargamer
hola todos soy amilkar bueno me gusta juegos pokemon klonoa pacman smash bros y amo a sonic y sega es mi favorito mi pokemon favorito mewtwo y color favorito azul me gusta pokken y me encanta el smash bros tendre la nintendo switch y la gamecube no me gusta ps3 ni ps4 no xbox 360 ni one y odio los secretos y me gusta el juego pump it up y siempre estare en linea y princesa favorita daisy gracias
alexis alexislouwho77
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Nyxe DippyDippySound
hey im nyxe im from london im pan im in ny so i follow est i almost never update i will answer almost any question i like steven universe i like percy jackson i ship jaspethyst shush its canon i STRONGLY dont mind solangelo im musical trash bmc bom deh hamilton i know every word send help
jay Jayd3n07
i am jay and i love super smash bros minecraft pikman and many more
Camôωô SMV CamilaPiedra
Adiós miiverse te extrañatemos mucho... pero estoy confundida es hoy o mañana
☆Fαβιαηα☆ AngelicMelody21
hey…it's me…Fabiana (angelic21)… my 3ds had some problems and i had to reset all… but now…I'M BACK :'D #NoMiiverseEnding >:0
lino lorddiamond77
▲▼⇔Мαх⇔▼▲ Max_GB.Mary
Qué onda gente de Youtu-okno xD Bueno,qué onda gente,yo soy Max,el "hermano" de Mary(MariaBarreto) (SEGUIDLA,es muy buena dibujante y con muy buena onda) y...qué puedo decir? Y si,soy Argentino,pero soy un ser imaginario ¡v¡ Me encanta la Fanta,el chocolate blanco y mi Bae♥ u/v/u Sientete libre de seguirme,y bueno,no sé que poner más así que chau. Bv
encantador macadez
hola soy regina tengo 14 y me encanta jugar mucho mario bros , o rebasar los mejores tiempos de niveles de super mario 3D world me encanta la electronica , y mi color favorito es el azul turqueza ,y me gusta escuchar a Melanie Martinez PPD:ME ENCANTA DIBUJAR F I N
Vice2017 vicengon
hola soy vice2017 Me puedes llamarme vicente
<<-abby--< Mars000
OW!!! grr watch it that was my face you clicked on!!! >:( oh sorry i gt some issues when people click on my face like that im abby yes i am a neko and go check out sum of mah frends PEACE!! (still girl bendy) #nya! #cats FTW!! #give me cookie or a lick u >:3 #patty is mah bff :3 #england is my city for realz
imposteur◆ undertale4life13
*Hello I'm geek sans ! Has you probably know i love UNDERTALE and also minecraft... If you want to friend me you need to know UNDERTALE ! And im a friend fun for talking and also I speak français . soyer mes amis !! Almost forgot ! i love drawing !!!! UNDERTALE IS LIFE subsribe too : ♪Gabε♪, Pablo .M , octoexelo , Frisk and ( /☆●☆/) ~a no friend shy geek who love his country~
Taz Bandit78
Wiicho ozznaya
Diseñador grafico, Freelancer, Editor, Guitarrista, Baterista, Gamer desde los 8 bits, Nintendo, Harry Potter, ... that´s all about me
mario ziggy310
is a me mario
☆♪Lunita♪★ Viriss
holi este es mi perfil es pero que seamos amigos,amigas clanes:VGF2,tercera sud liderNGPM,MXGF,4KND,lider♡NYA,YSK, liderPGK♪ mi juego favorito:SPLATOON :3 mis supermegores amigas y amigos: ,Gabor,sedas,amail,nadia,K☆A♪R★L♀A♂Erik,YUYA,fur★semile,inaYSK,KawaiiCute,☆⇒Lizeth☆,JøØømsŞpŞ,chiwi,helga,martin,barbilla,Daniel B,Bookluck,karina,Bowser311,no acepto vídeollamada los quiero a todos :3
Döŕň DornFelder95
"I'm the next step, waiting in the wings. I'm just an animal, trapped in your hot car. I am all the days that you choose to ignore. You are all I need." ф Follow me. Or don't. I'll follow you back. Appreciate you taking the time to look. All of my followers are amazing people. I recommend following them all. ‹3 ~L.L.I.E.~
Hojpoj qagfjehhjh6guhrd
Hey guys, I'm so gratefull for the followers!!!! I l★ve anime, zelda, the legend of Zorro(on nintendo anime channel), Karina Garcia, Miranda Sings, The Rybka twins, Colin keys, tales of the abyss, nintendogs, teken(any), technolodgy, food, holiday, American candy and airoplanes. If you haven't already visited my page please click the followers button and i'll follow you back. Hojpoj☆★♪$£€
D05m8 quezo123456
Kion sanchez_gamer250
#DontEndMiiverse >:'3/ Hola a todos me llamo Zoruark y les presentare mis gustos: 1-Me encanta dibujar furry o humano 2-Soy muy neko en la vida real y voy alas convenciones anime 3-Collecciono anime y cosas kawaiis y cosas neko 4-Me encanta conoser amigos dibujantes aun que la verdad no dibujo muy bien que digamos Asepto:(WIIUCHAT) Sigueme + Mandame tu solicitud y ♥!!Seamos amigos!!♥ >//u//<
QueenChloe queenChloe
Hanaé-42★ Poulettenana
Salut tout le monde moi c'est Hanaé-42★. ☆★♡♥♪
emma girlswiiu2015
hi i like nail art i like cookie swirl c and nyan cat ! im a artist and sweet why are you still here ? one more saying if you follow me i will follow you im 7 years old i love music and i might make a youtube chanel oh and i want 18000 followers on miiervers thanks for stopping by!
logen RubixCube16
hi im SS★logan loywl member of SS lets play im 10 im a boy
☆★ホモ∞ニート★☆ shinobi123
panda fs kirtot
hi friends, i'm here on another account because someone reported me for something i didn't do. anyway im here to make friends and have fun. i like to play splatoon mk8 kay aniversery.follow these people jamestony1111 benboy85 and joogles im going to have a switch soon but i still will play wiiu a lot but switch to
aaskhyltit Ugo2009
mmeowkitty mmeowkitty
hoi ppl im mmeowkitty and i love fnaf, undertale, hello neighbor, cuphead, tattletail, batim, eddsworld, and other stuff :3 I also have a major obsession with Fandroid XD so enjoy meh profile and posts :3
MiloThatch oscarcat2013
Hello everyone on miivers my name is MiloThatch and i love posting pictures of my games and giving people tips about games too. I play on my wii u nearly everyday so if you want to send messages to me i will try to get back to you as soon as possible. Feel free to check out my posts of amazing pictures of games that may catch your eye. Have a wonderful day and carry on your dreams to your future.
Adam wice88
★Hello! My name is Adam! (You can call me VVR, Wice88 or just Wice :D I have little parrot called Figaro. I do this for ALL guys on Miiverse: follow for follow. I really like Pokémon, Terraria, Splatoon and more. ★ ★My favourite manga/anime are: Dragon Ball, Wacamote, Kuroko Basket, SAO, Himouto! Umaru Chan!.
Mr.Popo rolando110875
(Jorge.Z) hello visiters! i hardly do good artwork here anymore so just enjoy my ugly "supposed" to be funny drawings my name is Jorge, here are things you should know -i draw -play video games - and visit friends and followers profiles i dont really go on here as much as i use to but when i do i draw i mostly play my modded smash4 now adays on the WiiU so uh. ye if follow i follow back
NγηfαłιŤÐΜ Nimphalou95
☆Alola☆ ☆On redémarre a zéro tout simplement!☆ Soumaïa,année 2006,fan de pokémon de mangas de Splatoon(je lai pas) ·J'aime me faire des amies et mes abonnés! #TeamDesMangas4Ever #TeamÞokémon Objectif:23o abos Dédicace a: SoumayaŤÐÞ:La boss de miiv' nimphaly02:Mon ☆Nymphali☆ niveau 1oo! ☆.·ºAbonnez-vous!Je rend!º·.☆
M. Simpson davdim
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Yumi GiroroEMalala
♪~шеlcoме in му шогld~♭ [~Undertale and AU~] [~Villainous~] [~Steven Universe~] [~CreepyPasta~] [~Vocaloid~] [~Anime and Manga~] •I love draw! •Art-Trade?Yes!Request?Maybe •Sister:Nαnα (I love you,sis!) •BFF:Chi~Chi (Bestie!),Iman-Chan(Great girl U.U),☆Ink!Sans★(Good b0i!) •I speak:Italian,English. ~I live in the dreams,please don't wake me up~ ~Don't touch my sis and my BFF!~
Ty-j.exe Ty-j101
My name is Ty-j.exe but you can call me Nightmare ty-j. Age:13 Likes:Puns and Drawing →Press follow← M.V Fam:Jelly,Ty.exe 2.0,Tran,Dumbo,Jen_the_k,****,Sakura,R!ØT★Faith,Мi§†γήi★ħ†,,Stiff Tiff,Z. Monkey,Doggy chan and Nightlight. I will miss you all till the end ;'( THE END IS TODAY I WILL MISS U ALL,ESPECIALLY YOU JELLY CAT ;')
hoi a todos soy antonieta anuque me pueden decir anto
tengo 11 años
ami me gusta los juegos de ...
hoi a todos soy antonieta anuque me pueden decir anto
tengo 11 años
ami me gusta los juegos de mario,sonic (ecepto sonic domm),pokemon,etc
los juegos que tengo son : super mario 3D world,nintendo land,sonic lost world (dealy six bonus edition) y new super mario bros.U
Posgata : a mi me encata dibujar ^_^ y tengo una 3DS :D