Users Aridusan Is Following
LeFallFry izzy998
Hi my name is Izzy! >vo I'm just your average wannabe artist and writer! I practice 24/7 If life gives you lemons make iced tea and leave making the world wonder how you did it :^) Proud Christian :D Ocs : Kirā, Zero, Lana, Olivia, Lenna, Leon, Frost, Pumkin, and Umber Damian, Chole, and Masaomi belong to me and 76m x3 Have fahn
inky-chan Wes1313
Billy billyspencer
Palutena Goddess0fLight
Hello. I'm Palutena, Goddess of Light. My duty is to protect humanity and lead my army to combat evil. I always go to great lengths to see the good in not just humanity, but in others as well. I have left Miiverse to tend more to my duties, though I will always be watching over humanity, protecting it like I always do. Farewell~!
Jon FilaStyle84
I began playing Nintendo games since the SNES first came out in 1991. My favorite game "The Legend of Zelda: A link to the past" just happened to be on that console too!
Olivia oliviabrooke
Hiya! I'm Olivia. I am a timid,outgoing,tomboy girl,and I joined MiiVerse somewheres in 2015. I love playing Nintendo games,and I love listening to Hatsune Miku and Vocaloid. I also love SpongeBob and Star Wars. I don't post daily,but,I hope that you'd somewhat enjoy my content. Ahem,sorry,I have to go now. Bye! Stay safe,everyone! ♥ **MIIVERSE NOTICE** This user has quit.
Grace º_º derpyderpo
Ayyy Miiverse is dead :') Uhmm my name is Grace and I draw stuff owo I love Splatoon and Legend of Zelda, I'm a fellow Segtendo producer and a certified video game nerd. If we become good enough friends then I'll give you my discord or somethin. Anyway, have a nice day?
TeacherGus teachergus
30 y old teacher who plays to relax! Feel free to drop me a line anytime. Even though I suffer with depression, I enjoy meeting new people.
hola miis yo soy NRSYKZ mejor conocida como Kenia y quiero ser su amiga yo juego minecraft y mario kart 8 por ahora si se unen alguno de ustedes a jugar con migo les pondre como amigos favoritos
gatilynda lyndabella
Hola gente de miiverse como estan? espero que esten bien jejejeje Juegos:Minecraft,splatoon,zelda,bayonneta1,2, Cualidades:Bonita,divertida,educada,muy cool,si quieren tener una amiga cool soy la ideal jeje me encanta splatoon alguien quiere jugar splatoon? BFF:Princess,Alexgamer,Familia2.5, youtubers favoritos:La divaza, Fernanfloo,lele,german,alejo igoa,lelepons me gusta escuchar a bts soy ARMY
KЯ»βιηχ Psych-Ayy
σωσ♪ Hi there, I'm Vanna. Youngster goofball who's massively into anime and videogames. I'm a bit of an artist, and I've got a relatively mature sense of humor too! (Whoops) I'm happy to meet new folks to chit-chat and play with! Just please treat me as you'd like me to treat you, hm? Oh, and you're welcome to friend request me and ask about OCs. Shweet? Shweet! σωσ♪
Mel rosethorn28
I'm just a simple gamer girl who is a fan of Mario, The Legend Of Zelda, Sonic, Pokémon, Super Smash Bros and Megaman series. My dream is to be a video game artist or designer. I may be a young adult, but I have big dreams. Favorite Youtubers: Markiplier Jacksepticeye Game Grumps ZackScottGames P.S, I don't accept Friend Requests.
Will no longer be on Miiverse due to its inevitable end. Rip Miiverse 2012-2017.
Herobrine tonyhawk235
Hey! I'm Herobrine. I love video games, Teen Titans GO, drawing, and anything really salty! (potato chips, popcorn, french fries, etc.) Plus, I am kind of an art critic. But I go based off of the main picture, not the little details. And I love doing splatoon freezeframes! So check my posts! p.s. I do not post videos on Youtube. Dont be afraid to send a friend request! I DO NOT WII U CHAT! EVER!!!
☆Silkena★ Silkena
Heya how it going if you want to learn facts about me[like the creeper u r] look below▼ [Crush]SODA CRUSH [Gender]. . . Kinda easy to know [BFFS]FF Sans,Kawaii Kat,RoseParis,Derp,Fresh,Kelis, Jessy Follow the people I follow their awsome!
Jessica kurry329
Hi! My name is Jessica.Some of my favorite games are Ssb4,Splatoon, Yoshi's woolly world,and Breath of The Wild.You can find my drawings at scribble, super smash bros,mariokart8,and Pokken Tournament..Oh!And welcome to my profile :D
blabla vicklemos2
I like guns I like the way they look
Gabby Gabbylflibby
Hello world, I am Gabby! Thanks for visiting my page! It's nice to meet you all and share intrests! I'm a huge gamer especially with Fire Emblem, Legend of Zelda, Overwatch, and Pokemon! I'm also love animes like Love Live, Kamisama Kiss, Yona of the Dawn, and Madoka Magica! I've met many great people here and I hope to get to know more! IwantMiitopia.... Plz Nintendo
Tay MissPeridot
Just your average artist and all around gamer nerd gal. I'm a huge fan of Zelda as well as pretty much all things Nintendo. I shall one day be queen of the pirates!
sodiepops ashmarie94
don't hate the player, hate the game, son. adult player who plays mk8 until she hates herself ^^ currently obsessed with BOTW
мςv♡Taввy xGamr4Lifex
ιðlε мιηðs αrε тнε ðενιls ωοrκsноρ I'm Tabitha, but you can call me Tabby. I play Splatoon and Mario Kart. Daisy is my favorite character. And please don't flirt with me, I already have someone for that.
αςτ★Arran mario5luigi5
Hi there! I'm Arran but you probably all knew that! ;P I'm a funny and friendly 15 year old boy with autism! Dream jobs: Actor and cartoon/video game designer! I'm 120% brony because i'm 20% cooler! ς(¬■¸■)√ Proud leader of the αςτ (Autism Support Team) (Invite only) Members: 32 DC: GamesmasterUK#1911 Stay awesome y'all *drops mic*
ςpς★Kayla purplefreak777
To think I'll cease to exist on here. Hmm. This was a beautiful place, of course excluding the last-min trolls. I accept death with grace, and will move on, like all the other average users. Tbh, I love Miiverse, k? I made really good friends on here, and it was fun journaling my Nintendo experience. Gosh, I now realize how dearly I'll miss this place... But let's stay strong and good. Farewell...
Matt D. MattDuarte
Xandra Wonder-Leaf12
Heyo, I draw stuff. Mostly Fire Emblem, Splatoon, & Pokemon. If you're here because of Splatoon, thanks! ;w; Takumi is the best.
Binarium Haruuya
★♪Шιητεг♪★ winter_breeze08
Hiya, I'm Winter! I like food, video games, did I say food, kpop, and making people happy. I Wii U Chat sometimes. Bts is love, Bts is life *Gives you holy Doritos* Plz friend me bc I have no life Bai
•●.Bere.●• DaCaSo117
.•●˙HEY!MI CARA! Ô¸Ó Deberías tener más cuidado :l Me gusta:TU PRIMO!xD(ok no) DAVID REES! La Saga De Zelda★•★ Mi PandiCornio De akbukdjdkendhcos xD(?) SKYRIM!!! (FUS-RO-DAAA!) EL ANIME ▼•▼ DIBUJAR LA SOPA Y LAS TORTAS AHOGADAS! Respirar xD y... y... :/ rayos ya no se que más poner, :v así que comprame un pan :v, o ire a tu casa en la mañana >:D (en la noche no|)
Allison brasspeach bruh.itzallie Family: Hayley, Brianna, Frank, Brittany, Aldo, Anthony, Stephanie, McKenna,
Plus Ultra!