Ashley's Friends
Kitten882 mrsshorty94
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Dillon XDillon21
Hi im a chocolate lover and my cousin calls me a cat my class mates in 3rd grade call me chocolate cause I like chocolate alot I like to make friends online not meet them in person also do you wanna know whats sad in making online friends or friends from throughout the world is that you NEVER EVER meet them in person u only meet global friends again at school well I'll cya in minecraft bye
scrubsa themasterlife
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enderman49 gamecrazy_505
im a crazy person
foxygamer soulessfox
please friend me if you want to
BOONK GANG kelortiz
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Buzzzzzzzz SHIPUNDEN
Shadow Clone Jutsu
Consti consti26
Bryden Zerosonic159
laila sharona12
Hi und Wilkommen auf meinem Profiel.Ich heiße Sharona bin 12Jahre Alt.
xxxibvip xxibvip
randy g fredygarcia
Laila ladylai25
Hey Guys I hope u meet me in mincrart
XskeletonX Sonic_V_Sausage
so um papyrus is away for 6 years so ill play on the wii u then huh
marioRamos omfgitsjennifer
gale jaydersss
Emily Kevin121703
Hi my name is Rachel hope you like me!:)
THE BEST Deathchicken999
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Nimom Nimom787
Matty b aidendavid6
Ivan buddy345
enano skiros23
Russman Tooter1002
mee maw meemaw62
Mr creeper olivier2403
Ultimate fireman260
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Πïкø™ ♀ cjordan6553
Hi i'm MemeZ i like Memes as you can tell! Please friend request me! Goals(in games):Got all 120 Shrines in BoTW, I have completed 100% of Super Mario 3D World, (room for more goals) Hope you enjoy my content! owo
SamDzNeko Dalzovosamuel
Bonjours je m'appelle Samuel je suis un vrai geek j'aime jouer au jeux d'aventure et d'action,je fais vite confiance au gens se qui est pour moi un défaut, j'ai 14 ans je suis en couple, breff j'espére que vous aller vous amuser avec moi et qu'on va vivre beaucoup d'histoire, d'aventure ensemble donc ne perdont pas de temps et je vous dit L'ets Go!
andrew PikachuM
I love the mario seres
Joshe Kaynak
no wii u call!!! >_< lm joshe... you welcome!! ^_^ um.. so.. 1. minecraft 2. just dance 2017 -~- ok.. welcome!!!!!!!!! ^o^ bye^_^
Aidan KeepinitSteel
Hi im Aidan my birthday is september the 6th... i have united with some of my freinds and dont wii u chat me it wont work my best freinds are down below ZacharytheBoss5:tigersfan76:canonball:purpleguy567:Chinbitts A.K.A Ness