EDhog's Followers
Alex captainBam
Hi! like to listen to rock bands such as STP, RHCP, Nirvana, Velvet Revolver, and many, many, many, MANY more. My favorite video game is Marvel: Ultimate Alliance. You might not have heard of it because it was made October 25th 2006.Yeah I actually know when it was released! My favorite super-hero is Spider-Man. Okay, you can go look around my profile now!
Ivy raymond13579
Hi im Ivy and im your average 11 year old OR AM I Favorite Videogames:fnaf,sonic,mario, kirby and pokemon Memes for life so thats a little about me bye you wasted your time down here
▼LunaWolf▲ mk8zone
Ello & welcome to mah pro, im ▼LunaWolf▲! ▲ALERT▲ Im a huge fan of: Sonic Series, UT, cakey & gaming! offline[-] online[◆] no post[◆] Give me ur CAKEY! #Sonic×Amy4Lyfe Im le' CakeyKing! …And i want ze' cakey!! Ξ—Sonic_Iz_dah_fastest—Ξ They R best↓ ★Dappled☆, Peacewolf, Zelda, BLACKHEART, ★Luna★, »–Winter–> & Fawx! ÈωÉ £—Goal: 300—£ C’ya 'round! Sonic iz za' Chili Dawg master! ΧωΧ
Alibaba™ CaptainQuint75
heyooo i'm back from a short break :0 anywayyy... Check these peeps out: °•memesenpai⇒★★idol child★★ °•Kani⇒creativity boi ˙˘˙ °•Hope~♪⇒smol art child★☆ °•_DERP_⇒meme machine •—• °•Bia⇒anime picasso ♪♪ °•Anne Chovy⇒mp100 friendo ϋ °•Emma¦:)⇒sweet art child ♡♡♡•°
くさったジャム haru-tonton_777
プロフィールコメントは運営者が非公開にしてます。(大嘘) ざっと自己紹介。 年齢・・・810歳ですw たまに名前変えます 主にどうでもいい呟きをしたりしてます。 豆知識・口を大きく開けて舌を出していると鼻呼吸が出来ない。 実際にやって出来た!と言っているあなた。貴方は犬の様でしたよw ファーーーーーwwww 引っ掛かった人はフォローか「あ」でも「このハゲー!」でもいいのでコメント下さいw
alanah alanahlu
I AM A CATTTTT :< Why are you still here? >_< im a derp :p :< :> i love cats meow meow meow meow meow ok plz drop of 10000000 cats in my yard XD ok bye :< what now? ok im done :3 cats will rule the world! meow ok im done see ya :D
Metz metzger385
Matthew Z.E.R.0_6
Hi my name is matthew and i... do nothing ·_· soooooo i usually play with my Wii U because something is wrong with 3ds i can't hear anything
Its me Mario -_-
°•Derek•º DerekTheRedPanda
DιζςσΓ: DerekTheRedPanda#3034 SρlλΤσσηλmιησ: DerekTheRedPanda Hey! The little RedPanda is here!!(・∀・) (13Y.ORedPanda/Me;16Y.O) Roxac is my BestFriend and hi is like my brother(Roxac onee-sama)(>▽<) I like draw Sonic and Sonic characters and other^^ Bye bye!!(^_^)
Ðαмιαη damian22102
Hi I'm The Damian X3. I hope I can make new friends and make you happy. I help people with personal problems so if you need someone too talk to, I am an option. I have trust issues so I'm going to have to get to know you gender: male (you're surprised?) age: 15 weight: around 140 height: 5'7 (im smol) Taken by: Ogechi (not on MV) i Wii U Chat :3 online [ ] offline[√] out of posts[ ]
mike michael6967
Pete PetesAdventure
Hi there my name is Pete.
MEEM SK MasterAtMadden
Miiverse 2012-2017 Trashpost quality ecks dee/8 Check out MEEM Kong Former President of NSLUC Founder and leader of the Off Topic Party (OTP) Owner of North Dakota, South Dakota and Nevada oh snap, I’m a part of the TFAO. yo boi spicy
sans sans0990
People from all timelines and AUs, from Errortale to Underswap, we all cannot express the grief we have of Miiverse going away, and yes, we cannot stop Nintendo from making this decision, as its their choice. But we should all come together to realize that we should explore the world of new opportunity Nintendo has given us... hopefully Miiverse Will be replaced. Only the future will tell us now!!
ςροοκγ~κυη thedragonite149
Let us be the ~spoopy~, my Onions! Sm4sh Mains!: (MAIN-Main) Diddy Kong - Black and Gold variety (Secondary) Cloud - Green 'Advent Children' variety (Situational) Fox - Grey fur and Black and Purple coat variety (Coming on my B-Day) Bayonetta - White and Red 'Bayonetta 2' variety I won't be very active because of school Miiverse Resident Since: March 16, 2017
AntiSam Samar2017
"WeLl. SaM wAs WeAk AnYwAy. YoU dOn'T mInD iF i StAy HeRe FoR a MoNtH, nO? LiStEn To Me! I'm NoT cRaZy. YoU aLl JuSt ThInK i Am bEcAuSe I lÎkE bL00d! SeE yOu SoOn."
MlgChespin KittyDj9000
Name: Chespin Favorite tv: Rick and morty, Ren & Stimpy Adult Party Cartoon.Console: 3ds XL, Xbox 360, Ps3. Favorite Song: Dubstep,Nightcore,Trap Music. Favorite Food: Pizza,Tacos,Burger,French Fries. Favorite thing 2 wear: Jordan white Hat & Jordan White Hoodie. Favorite Drink: Slushies Favorite video game: Call Of Duty,Pokemon & Spy Hunter Goal: 20 or more.
κƒ★Flurr FlurrGamingGTA
#SaveMiiverse Welcome to my clan κƒ = (Koopaling Fans) Welcome To My Profile Im a part of Mixels Fan & Koopaling fan Also my favorite Characters are Larry,Lemmy,Iggy,Morton,Ludwig,Roy,Bowser jr. and Nabbit. ♪ Elektromania - The Other Side ♪
Kudoa Statelzrds2
HE NEEDS SOME MILK! Hey everyone I am Kudoa. I'm a kind and shy person. I'm a fan of Mario Zelda Pokemon Rareware Marvel Megaman Metroid Part of the Fΐς★ clan I joined Miiverse 12/23/2012 I'm also 18 years old Enjoy your stay I'm Batman
Wispurr LordTigerRoar
Profile comment NOT hidden by admin. Let's see, I don't know what to say. Few things you should know: ♥ to draw. Rarley do screenshot posts. Don't do Wii U Chat. I do weekly BRAINTEASERS. Forgot to say thanks to all my followers for the 200+! Not greedy but let's get it to 300, OK? Any good suggestions for anime, make sure to tell me. See ya! MIIVERSE IS ENDING EVERYONE PANIC!
:0 LolHarry3
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Goopley Goopley123
hi everyone this is my second account and its only ment for the purpose of friending you guys :) note:i probably won't post any drawings on this account at all so there is not really a point im following this one go follow my other account 'goopley' also im not gonna exepet random friend requests from everyone only people i already kinda know from miiverse (but thats a lot XD)
Dab Dabestjoshy
Some say everything has an end, but the good memories will last forever. Thank you, Miiverse. :) Salutations! I like to draw a bunch, I spend most of my free days lazing on a seat staring at a screen. I still enjoy my , but my Nintendo Switch is consuming my time. Feel free to chat with me. = Birthday: 04/04 Age: 15 Thanks for visiting my profile! Smell ya later! (^ο^)/
Lil Kitty♪ sasunaru15
hi im Angel and i follow everyone including werid people i dont care who are i will be nice and generous please follow me i love everyone so have fun friends im 13 years old nice to meet you all i love splatoon,art,and drawing sometimes i can be boring because i read books and research a lot of things Crush:Uhhhhhh, My weird friend Michael ^^" Pray and love Jesus everyday, Plz Bye!
Lucario MS30.8J14
hallo mein nahme ist Angus ich bin 9 Jahre alt meine besten Freunde sind:Max.S,Ahmet,Dena,Fin,LeonUnd Nikco nahme luca verein FV GRÖDIZT STADT LEIPZIG LIBLINGS MANSCHAFT FCB BEIDE schule gröditz grundschule
Pink Posey nyla2003
Hi I'm Pink Posey! I love Nintendo and Sega so much!I like to play Mario games.And even I've got a dream,a dream to go to Tokyo,Japan.I'm an Nintendo fan,I'm a big fan of Disney,And I'm a huge fan of Sonic the Hedgehog too! No WiiU Chats please!I only make friends who loves and fans of Disney,Sonic the Hedgehog and Nintendo!
wizardjohn joestop1
i have another mii i will go soon...
Mintpanda mintpanda1
It's nice to see you! My name is Riley and I tend to just post things that I find interesting. If your not into that sort of thing thats fine. Some stuff about me: Pokémon is my favorite Video game series. I main Rosalina and Luma in Super Smash Brothers. I'm glad you took the time to read this!
Tails WilliamTails75
Je suis Tails,il y a quelqu'un qui Habite a Paris,et je recherche quelqu'un qui connais Saint Nicolas de Bordeaux .!?Comme fille et garçon,.!?
cuphead Clowncatfish
hi i am a fan to wii u an i hope i have a fun life with the wii u company my mii is bowser jr i have the games super smash bros. an super mario makir an super mario bros. u + super luigi u i hope iL mete new friends in wii u i 1 of tham is omar i olso hav the amiibos mario bowser kiby R.O.B mr game an watch an duck hunt and toad my sistums are only DS i my birthday is aprol 13th i olso bie miis
♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪ tailspiner
I have a new ds!
Julian★TST beaniebooster
Heyo, I'm Julian. A guy that tries too hard on about everything....except school. I'm a sonic, pokemon, mario, smash fan, and basically MV is my 2nd life. I play splatoon, smash, Sonic Lost World, Pokken tournament, and Minecraft, and I also a my 3DS too.(yeah i linked my wii u and 3ds) I like RPs so yeah. Also, I'm the worst at these comments, so if your eyes bleed while reading this...
Mathias MathCer
Andrew fir11508
Hi and welcome to my profile! XD I enjoy nintendo in general and have been a fan for years. I am busy at times but enjoy finding some time relaxing/gaming! :) Enjoy Miiverse while it's here! See ya around! ─=≡Σᕕ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)ᕗ
yannis☆★ yanniissoouu
bonjour je mappele yannis jaime les animeaux . je suis gentill ^_^ jaime avoir de nouveaux amis sur miiversse si mon profile vous sa plut aboné vous objectife 100 aboné svp aider moi mon rêve est d'avoir 1000 aboné
#Idontknow takemyhand183
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Pipe starfalconshy
K-9-Dog K-9-Doge
(Note: Not a yeah bomber, I genuinely yeah posts) | Male | 19 | Birthday: 7/8/98, Cancer | Artist | I'm K-9-Dog, I love drawing art, and playing Video games. (I don't take any requests, sorry!) I use my play journal to track my achievements & hints in games, feel free to ask for help in games I play! Howl on my friends.
Bye bye