Naruto's Friends
Big Pimpin xDellSonicx
SSCorkey MegaCorkey16
BriAnna SpiritialFi
Herro, I'm BriAnna! I'm just your average 12 year old girl who loves games! I mainly focus on The Legend of Zelda series, but recently started playing Monster Hunters 4! I also play a online game called ROBLOX, where I create buildings... so yeah! Thank you for reading, hope to see you around! xo
JUSTIN JustinMV101
i like playing video games i love i'm nice i want and have friends let's just say most people love me
Superstar wiiuplayer936
I'm a SUPERSTAR! (Also, anyone who follows me or befriend me will become a superstar automatically too!) Also follow me on my 3DS, too! (I'll also play Mario Kart 8, Sonic Racing Transformed, Smash Bros. Wii U, Lost Reavers, Injustice, Runbow, demos, Wii Mode, and VC Virtual Console. But no Wii U Chats, please). 3DS: platinumboy910. Wii U: wiiuplayer936.
Hm.Legends robothadrian
Blake WestTownHD
The names Blake. I watch anime, play smash, read manga, and listen to Hatsune miku as well as anime openings. Im a very thirsty guy. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED
Deku Link Xtreme.xirtam
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Jaron litdreamjj
Hi My Name Is Jaron. My Favorite series Is Transformers.
Scott Project_Combo
What up everyone I don't do wii u face chat. Anyway I like playing baseball. I'm a big mountain monster fan. I have a 2ds it's just on a different user. Feel free 2 send me a friend request and I'll be your friend depending on what u post. And I love cats. I'm the leader of the polygonsquad my teammates r Micah, Marbles, Hiett, and Blaze Wolf. And I post clean stuff. So please stay cool everyone.
jerbear lolatjeremy
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The J Man Awesomedude45678
Hey Guys! What's up? I'm The J Man! I love Video Games! Send me a friend request! I have a 3DS XL. Please follow me! If u do, I'll follow u! I love Tennis! It's my favorite sport. HOME ALONe 2 Lost in new york is my favorite movie! I reply to Messages as soon as I can! I love Mario and Luigi! My favorite game is Mario Kart 8. My 2nd favorite game is New super mario bros.U Have a Great day!!!
Christophe TheChosenOne65
Bienvenue au deuxième chaîne de Wii U, je suis pas Jusco34. je suis TheChosenOne65, mon deuxième utilisateur de se logiciel Wii U. Mes séries/vidéo préféré est Project Touhou Et Vocaloid. Donc amuser-vous bien !
Cutest stevenleffew
xcplotting Marth_Love
My Wii U broke... :( Please bear with me, and when I get a new Wii U I'll post my new name here, so we can continue to be friends! Love_Marth Yep, that's it. Please friend again! Comment on one of my posts if you wanna chat, because for some reason that still works... -_- I'll never give up on you guys! Me and Marth will NOT allow all that opponent searching to go to waste..
HookJones DoctorTardis5476
im kinda shy until you get to know me. i like mario, zelda, many wii games. i love doctor who, mega man, superman, indiana jones, starwars, game of thrones, and many anime like fairy tail, d.n.angel, full metal alchemist, soul eater, cowboy bebop, hulk, spiderman, fantastic four and pizza and much more. sorry i wont use wii u chat.
marc MAZTX2001
hi my name is marc and I'm from katy, texas and I like video games.
Julian TheFollowRabbit
Are you feeling it now Mr.Krabs?
Awesome487 Monkey100000
Ωmega FERGUS1224
Ricky FloppyRibs
Hey. The name's Ricky. I'm absolutely hooked on Mario games. Yeah, I know. Mario isn't the only Nintendo franchise out there, but it's the only thing I play. Add me as a friend and follow me. I know a lot of spooky and interesting stuff about Mario games.
KingSkonny VictorySeason801
Follow me
christian saadksa
GameMaster BBboy1013
I am a man with much knowledge I and can offer any player and have fair experience with most competitive games! I'm a college student so if you decide to friend me know I won't be there 24/7. Finally, I prefer not to use Wii U chat. That's it for the most part. U know what to do. ;)
Jon Jonmundell4
I am the Guardian of Storms. Shock......psych my name is Jon peoples. i like playing games Games I have: Super Mario 3D World, Sonic Lost World, Sonic racing Transformed, Rayman Legends, Super Smash Bruhs (all), etc I'm 15, yeah dude I'm not that social when it comes to miiverse so i may not get your message in time currently have splatoon
Leighton zeldamaster15
well hi names leighton I am here to help nintendo my favorite games are super smash bros,Mario maker, Zelda, and etc. I love to show Bravery and courage and My favorite anime is Sword art online. My goal is to help others and people to know who I really am and I love to plat rpg, adventure, action, and fighting games and I wish everyone good luck with there goals and dreams
DR.1UP We-are-Creation
Major Carn jhfhart
hi, my name is jesse im 21 and i love to play video games
da Siege BobGeorge909
just a chill dude here. probably too old to be playing video games, but oh well. just got this silly thing. Level headed and sane here. I'll accept any friend request but if u get crazy, peace out.
Randy randy133
Bizzianm MattRules7890
Hey guys, Bizzianm here, or, as I'm known as on Geometry Dash/ YouTube: FezRahN [ Fez ] I am playing: Wii U: N/A 3DS: N/A Other:Geometry Dash [Bloodbath, 60hz :v ] Alright, bye guys!
Jacob? TheMagicNetwork
Hello, welcome to my profile, please refrain from looking at my art, as it is very cringey.
blepblep2 superxj5
dead sold my wii u
Leo J Narutosas
My name is Leo I am 12 years old i like every type of Games I live in Pr and Speak spanish and well i think you know Plz Follow for you can see my every Post il try to post as much as possible thank you and Friend Me
Øwen Mockingjay170
May The Odds Be Ever In Your Favor † Ehhh Everyone Welcome :P Inspirational Quote→Dσл'ī çσμητ тħε dαyş мąkε τнę dαγş ćφчиτ! I Play the Drums & Trumpet♪ Nature Fanatic^.^ Love to Read Sort of Nocturnal lol Fav Game Series:Pikmin,PM,LOZ Fav Shows:TWD,OUAT,SPN,GOT,OITNB,BM Mood:Sarcastic ;P Online{ } Offline{•} Outta Posts { } On Miiverse { } I Solemnly Swear,That I Am Up To No Good… Ciao;) |-/
Character MarioMLuigiL
{ Now playing:Smash Bros,Super Mario 3D World, Mario Kart 8, Wii Party U } My Name is Character and my Nintendo network ID is MarioMLuigiL PLEASE NOTE: Do not wiiu chat unless I message you to wiiu chat and please use messaging so I can talk to you. I would be happy to help. I am not going to accept random friend requests and send random friend requests. Thanks! ~ MarioMLuigiL
Riley BaconFor3ver
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Co2Serious THESHOWOFF100
Hello everyone it is none other than CO2RUSERIOUS unfortunately I couldn't fit my full name in the user but anyway from now on I don't do Wii U Chat ive had too many bad experiences and ive also ran out of friends ive reached 100! but if you want you can follow me and I will definitely follow you back thank you all very much!!!
watson brandonisawesome
keekan gcpd1430
hello this is cekin. som ov mai faverit gaems r paper mariro 1-3, mofer1-3, lejind ov zerder joras masc, cambat for da tari2600, soopur smach brubs, mayriro glexiy, pokiman y, and crowno twiggir
kage kage22
My name is Kage but pronounced Cage. Characters I want to see in Super Smash Bros 6: All Veterans(SSB64-SSB4/5)(MINUS Snake) Skull Kid Black Shadow Ryu Hayabusa Yooka-Laylee New Fire Emblem rep if there is a new game out by then Gengar Obscure Retro fighters Tekken Rep Ragna the Bloodedge Dry Bowser Shovel Knight(if popularity/games increase) Scorpion Chibi-Robo Custom Robo
George7777 kanguro03
Stormy178 Stormy178
expert gamer who love the zelda series.
Kiosuke124 Kiosuke124
Evan tonyrwell
Thanks for 100 followers! Hi I'm Evan. (you probably already knew that) I draw stuff and write stuff for my play journal. I sometimes ask questions, and I when I'm active I'll talk to my friends. I mostly post on The New Super Luigi U community because it's pretty much dead at this point. Don't get rekt by the trolls and admins, and remember always eat lots of spaghetti!
Brent MaximoPayne
Vince Seaphron
The name is Vince. I'm 24. Live in the USA. I've been a Nintendo fan for as long as I can remember. They have made some of the most brilliant games I've ever played. I also have an Xbox and PS4 (ID: Seaphron) Feel free to add me as a friend!! :)
Hello, my REAL name is Austin. I live in Grand Blanc, Michigan, in the USA. I am 22 years old, an...
Hello, my REAL name is Austin. I live in Grand Blanc, Michigan, in the USA. I am 22 years old, and I am a big Nintendo fan. If you see any of my posts, be sure to Yeah or comment. If you are playing a game that I have played, I can help you out if you need it. I will get along with anyone younger or older than me. Best of luck with gaming! By the way, I don't play online.