Lee's Followers
Heather Pokegirl1220
Things about me: Fave game:Yo-kai watch Fleshy Souls and Pokemon Sun Age:10 BIG YU-GI-OH FAN!!!!!!
#RYDERDOG# Ryman74
hello my friends like a shooting star in the spot light im Ryder sills with my bey sharpedo thats right!!!!
Momma quiettortego
hi everyone i am momma and miiverse is coming to a end:( friend request me before miiverse is gone remember i do not do wii u chat
Jasy monster13high
This account is mainly for drawing. Favorite Accounts: ™Spooky QuirkFεll→ *graceful* Heni Favorites: Undertale Eddsworld Homestuck Creepypasta OC's: Cassie- UnderFell Tim- UnderSwap Spencer- UnderVerse Kylie- UnderLust Scarlett- Creepypasta Jake- FreshTale Jason- Creepypasta SAM- Creepypasta Lilly- Creepypasta Lin- UnderSwap Stella - AsylumTale Tags: #DontEndMV #SinnerAlert
Link jugurtha1289
GLƒ★ςω¤®ď☆ elispardelle
salut je m'apelle gaspard j'ai 10 j'adore Zelda™mon manga préféré est dragon ball™ abonne toi je m'abonne a toi! désolé j'ai 10 ans (X^X)XD abonne toi ça me ferais super plaisir et mes un like a mes photo<3
Daniel dannyfinn06
he guys my name is daniel i have another account caled daniel/danfinn06 so plz firend me and follow me!
♂ RECLUSE hehi45
A Tip on splatoon, all gear is rerolable. you will see level 50's with full one ability, if you want a piece of gear full one ability, it's the brand that matters so reroling forge would get you special duration up. or squid force= damage up. so if you need more go to google. And if that helped you follow me and i'll make sure to follow you back. ü #keep posting!!!
ファイアー#むぎちゃ hayuru45
ファイアー#むぎちゃです! 名前ミニオンからかえました。 これからよろしくおねがいします! 好きなアニメは、ドラゴンボール、ポケットモンスター、ワールドトリガーです! そのなかで、1番好きなのは、ドラゴンボールです。孫悟空とゴールデンフリーザやジレンが戦うのがおもしろいですよね! 好きなゲームは、スプラトゥーン、マリオメーカー 3DSは、カービィハンターズZ リオオリンピック、ファミスタリターズ、ドラゴンボールヒーローズアルティミットミッションXです。 あと、ユータケ式、逃走中やってくれる人フレンドリクエストください。 これから、頑張っていきましょう! フォローしてくれたら10O倍%かえします! マリオメーカーでは、スピラン!りょうたがとてもすきです!!! 無言フレリクOKデス。 フォロワー500人とっぱ
Adam catherinesmith78
hello my name is ADAM and i am 8 years old i live in a manchon and i have 3 dogs one is a rotwiler and a hound and a jack rsle
Farrell AngryBirdPro99
Hey Dont Friend Me Because My World Is Cool K? K. YT:Datboi 1995 Have A Reason To Friend Me!
Colin juliewall
Kittynum Chl032003
Hey, wassup everybody?! Welcome to my user page! I usually don't post on Miiverse that much because it's not really my thing, but I do enjoy an extremely awesome life right now. So, enjoy my posts and feel free to follow me anytime!
Jacob XBMGaming937
Hi! I am friendly.
★MMP☆дďαм★ jrookstool
Hey, Its me Adam or you can call me The Rook. I make drawings ocasionally, and usually make Level Exchanges for SMM. Im a sports fan, and Love to workout and do Crossfit. My favorite sport is basketball. SMM Stats: 5.7K★'s Feel free to follow me and I will hit the follow button back, Its an instinct! Im a guy who likes to make people laugh. Thanks for the support!
passi p11p2l
Hi Leute ich bin der Pascal und komme aus Innsbruck möchte jemand mit mir Wii u freunde sein
Hayden WesmanY2k
hi i'm hayden and i like drawing,undertale,more specificly sans & pupyrus,my favorite holiday is christmas,i love horror movies but i'm not saying any names:| i mostly want to just have some more followers,i also like making pixel arts and...the loud house. new discussions every day! i am part of fire cat j's <<cat>> clan
Anime Foxy Wolfwrath07
Profile comment hidden by admin.
ψθJulianθψ Julian0601
Steckbrief: Julian0601 Name: Julian Alter: 10 Familienmitglieder: 4 Haustier, Art: Micky, Hund Hobbys: Fußball, Zocken, Chillaxen, Pokémon malen Eigenschaften: Nett, Cool, Tierlieb, Sportlich BBF: LpJustin11, nikita☆★☆★ Wohnort: Villingendorf, Landkreis Rottweil, Baden-Württemberg Clubs: #JaddiiClub«3 und SZC Ich hoffe, ihr habt Spaß mit mir! ♥♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪♪
tyler chebby06
Ishmael★★★ mdkinsal1977
Welcome To My Porfile! Hi Guys. I really do wish i have 200 Or 300 Follwers Favorite Consle's PS4 X Box 360 3DS Phone Laptop My Favorite Games And Apps @Youtube @Roblox @Make A Cake Sometimes I Dont Go On Millverse. Oh Thank You Very Very Much For The A Lot Of Follwers c:
retroboy44 retroboy44
Greetings earthlings. I'm 18 and love to game. I love anime, metal music, and other fun activities. Feel free to friend me anytime you want and I'll accept. Not a big fan of the Xbox brand. Play Station and Nintendo are fine with me. I also love to LARP. I will also Wii U Chat anytime you want. I also want to go to Tokyo, Japan. I want my Switch. I got a new account Sonicbro69. Go check it out.
Tornado R. GanonGold
gareth eukensafaris
Hello everybody! My name is Gareth! I like playing Mario Kart Super smash bros splatoon and pokemon. Feel free to friend request me anytime you like! I'm kinda full on my friend list :| Well see you later!
Grace Pire gnugget06
Yo im Grace I play Wii U I love Splatoon & SuperSmash Bros I also LOVE unicorns seriouslyI love to to read i WILL read for hours I also love HarryPotter Im a HarryPotter geek (Go Luna and Hermoine!)if your wondering im on the 5th Space unicorn soaring through♪Sorry got distracted that happens ooh look a shoe!um I love Moana talk to me about Moana an HarryPotter and im in love! GRACE IN YO FACE!
kdzone04 kdzone04
jr alexzlaz
I play mario kart 8 and other games it cool hope you friend me i will too if you do the same.
drea amarisbabe
love one piece n a good adventure
★Ajay♪ ajaybhambra
Discord: Ajay♪#7330 Hi, I'm Ajay. I'м 16 γεαгs ΟΙd. I'm shy and friendly. Best friends, João, Charlotte, Rocko, Dannie, Aran, Mike, Dorian, Colton and Lexxie!! ^-^ Being rude you gets blocked. Clans Msv CL R&γ I don't accept blank friend requests, sorry. Have a great day everyone! ^-^
Elijah elijah_sittig
devlin DevlinAHarris08
EVERYONE AND EVERYTHING IS AWESOME! ecxept the mean people. you heard me, dinyah gai.
Maddie MaddieLuv123
Hi my name is MaddieLuv123
Yo! This is Lee and this is my profile, which I do posts on the profile... QUESTIONS!
Can you dra...
Yo! This is Lee and this is my profile, which I do posts on the profile... QUESTIONS!
Can you draw?
Yes, I can draw. It's not exactly "good" but whatever.
Do you like MemeSenpai?
What about MemeSensei?
Yeah son!
So thats me!