Dom-Cena's Friends
dayn sonicdayn
plz add me i like to make friends
Elizabeth fashionpuppy
Nooo miiverse is ending! Why? My life will neve be the same! When I first found out I was so sad and I am still sad
JonoTrono LegoStarWarsII
Nash DegarioP11
Im Degario my best friend kittycat has a wii u to we play together come join us we will have lots of fun ive also got a youtube channel be sure to subscribe if you follow me ill follow you im sure we will have fun!!!!!!!! im not alowed to talk to people that are 20 and over please friend me my best friends are daniel Kittykat on my channel ill play terraria minecraft mario 3d world mario maker
Greg Gizerblade
I play on Xbox One/360, Playstation 3/4 and recently the Nintendo Wii U. Friend Requests welcome. :-)
bradford goldenbbrocks
mario kart, mario kart 7, mario kart 8, call of duty modern warfare, call of duty world at war, call of duty 3
hi im toby my fav games r call of duty black ops 2 super mario maker mario kart and more if anyone would like to play these games with me just message me and ill reply.
☆Derp☆ SupaEpic3
Hi! Im Cory My 2nd aaccount. My 1st is Cory1000 Heres some stuff about me! Splatoon:★★★★★★★★★★★★(love it) Minecraft:★★★★★☆☆☆☆☆(Kinda Do like it) Go follow omgitspaty! It would mean alot to her. An yes lm in love. Not saying who but l am byee Friends an Followers!
Hiyam Brogamer1000
♪Im lame and play video games♪ just that 16 year old rainbow boy also happy pride month •^•
Luna Luna1246
hallo ich bin Luna und ich bin 14 jahre alt ich spiele am liebsten animal crossing , tomodachi life , pokemon , splatoon , mario kart 8 , super smash und noch viel mehr ich mage star wars ich bin auch ein star wars fan und ihr könnt folgen oder freundschaftesanfrage machen
fun gizmo gizgrim
hey.My name is Kynan and I love minecraft and mario kart 8.It would be fun if we could be friends and play together.I hope you have a wonderful day and have fun ;)
Brodstar Scythed12
Kittykat Kittykat356
i cant believe its my birthday soon ive had my wii u for 2 years now...time flies.-. littrally.
Audge audgie10
Heyyy! I like to play MarioKart, Animal Crossing, and Super Smash Bros. (Btw I have a 3DS its just not connected to this account! Hahaa)
Mark AngryGaming
hi im AngryGamer im new to online wii u i play games alot so im a kinda person who will play alot
Shadow™ Shadow_Youtube12
Salut a tous voici mon dexieme compte c est moi ilyes122006 bon sinon pourquoi je suis plus connecter sur ilyes122006 c est parce que je l'abbandonne en fin c est rare que je me cp decu bon a +♥
Lidea AliIsNotOnFire
Hello, im from Australia and love playing videogames...I am a living meme
This person hasn't started using Miiverse yet.
Gabinou touslemonde22
This user's profile comment is private.
jjjj minecraft1166
★★KAYKAY★★ alley59
i go to dixie and i am a girl that is in 6th grade 13 years old. That is babysiting <3. i hate bulling 1 god 2 mary and carlah 3 T.J. is mine so back off♥♥♥♥ 4 babysitting two twins they are soo cute i love splatoon level30 rank B+ i do not do wii u calls i have 3sisters and 3brothers bye♥♡
★¥sane★ pokegirl1588
Bonjour tout le monde et bienvenue sur mon profil ★¥sane★! Ysane c'est mon prenom (bien qu'il soit peux commun) Je suis gentille avec ceux qui ne son pas méchant! XD je joue a: minecraft et Zelda The Wind walker HD J'ai aussi une chaine YouTube qui s'appelle YsaneDIY. N'hésitez pas a y faire un tour ! Je suis souvent sur miiverse. N'hésiter pas a vous abonnés: plus on n'est fou, plus on rit!
head shot! lennartben
hi ich bin ben ich spiele gerne splatoon schickt mir gerne freundesanfragen
Split doubleNOBLE
salut a tous c'est mister boulanger non arete t'est blague elles sont nul ok:'( bon je m'appelle .... ahahah vous ne verer jamais comment je m'appelle ^_^ mais mon âge c'est 11 ans bon aller a + ............ pppsss n'esite pas a t'abonné sa me ferais plaisir et si tu t'abonne pas je je je ...... euh fais rien :'(
cvonarx cvonarx2811
сгопа myateriousSJ37
I just got outa the loony bin its nice-ish to be back-ish again. Be safe. We're all mad here. To the world you may be one person but to one person you may be the world. My catch phrase is "STAY DOCIOUS". Be the change you want to see in the world. Everyone has issues. Love. Enjoy the little things. Remember that bad times are just times that are bad. Learn from the mistakes of others. ♥
Mr Man mhmvr67
i want to play Wii U
David David_Broders
Irish own a Wii U and 3ds looking fir active players to friend I am a big nintendo fan. I like zelda ,mario and others . I am a HUGE splatoon fan and have mario maker also.............. NINTENDO WHERE ZELDA U AT????
This person hasn't started using Miiverse yet.
raudy omahastylee06
O☆P★T☆I★C☆ Charlieboi257
Hey ppl my name is Charlie i am 13 i love to play games but also to study alot send me a friend req if u wanna play minecraft or splatoon some time
Great, now my face hurts... Anyway, hi! My name is MRB! Welcome to my profile! I have some sad news: Miiverse is ending soon. But I'll stick around and keep posting until then, so let's enjoy it while it lasts. I'll also accept friend requests if you want to continue playing together after the shutdown (except blank ones). I will greatly miss you all. #Miiverse2ForSwitch! P.S. I love Miis!
G&K oly yasibti
je suis une licorne qui dab !! les sérieux degager de ce profile svp aller prandre un bouquin qui a 999999 pages les beste M&M 's ♥ ayo ♥ selma ♥ et c tout , le reste bennnnnn vous me parler pas vous me prenait comme une invisible aller on se retrouve dans le monde des licorne
LJB LachieJohn
jordan thecreeperking09
hi im thecreeperking09 but my friends call me jordan. i got my wii u when i was 10 and the frist game i had was super smash bros and i like the game! ps. i love you all!
★Aαιiγαн★ pinkpeachfan13
Hi Im PinkPeachFan13I love to play games i am a HUGE fan of mario! I love all Mario games! I am just obsessed with Mario Luigi and especially Princess Peach! im shy DoNotWiiuChat! I like to draw &Listing To♪ Thanks βγε!
どうも黒霧アゲハともうします! 暗黒魔界からのイカたち 略して、『黒イカ団』のリーダーをしております。(まだまだ、入団希望中!) 自由気ままにゆっくりとやっていきたいと思います(お絵かき中心) こんな僕ですが、是非皆さん!フォローよろしくお願い致します! たくっち同盟に、入りました! ps.これから、in率下がるかも... 好きなアニメ おそ松さん・黒子のバスケ・乱歩奇譚(知ってる人いるかな...)・ばらかもん などなど 好きなホラゲー ib・コープスパーティー・殺戮の天使・霧雨が降る森・獄都事変・魔女の家・ゆめにっき などなど 最近のニュース 一人称を、僕からオレにしました! 自分のオリキャラを書こうの会の会員募集?してます!!良ければ、よろしくお願い致します!
Dirky Metallica66
Have fun
xIcex HelloFromAmerica
Tony Teddy180714
Hallo das hier ist mein zweites profil auf Miiverse , mein profil auf dem 3DS ist yn6ot2 Ich würde es cool finden das wenn ihr mir auf diesem profil folgt auch meinem anderem profil folgt Danke .
DaaFox★ 2haRTI
Robert boserobe
I love Ubisoft and Activision games too
JenJen MyExquisiteSmile
Neo CAH102013
Have a lovely Day! :D Name: Neo Age: 11 Gender: Male No I'm not Oen! >:| I like most games. Stop lying to me please... Thank you. my tears fall to the floor...
Cole placement93
Moonman Willystop
hello!By day I am a normal miiverse guy by night,I am a totally epic super hero who loves to play super mario 3D world,mario maker, mario kart,etc,etc.I am the founder of the soicety of superb screenshots(SSS),an elite few who take and share amazing screenshots! if you injoy my post or screenshots please follow or friend me! keep gaming & GAME ONNN!!!!!
ItzKevinz Kebbz1
☆★Hi there! My name is Kygoer★☆ Games that i play: Nintendo Land, Super Mario Maker Questions: Q. How good are you at gaming? A. Expert. Q. Do you have SMBU ( Super Mario Bros. U)? A. Yea! but i do not play it that much :) And also, Thank you nintendo for making miiverse!!! Goodbye Everybody!
Silica yoshi3089
Salut Cam est dans la place ! J'adore écouter SAO sur le site Manga VF j'aime aussi Yokai Watch et Re:Zero!
timpower Mini-Waga
abonez vous a ma chaine youtube oncle rire et titi guilbert
marvin blaehwurst
Hi i love the Wii u
Shadow DarBy_Gamer
¡Hola chaval! ¡Si lo tuyo son las cosas divertidas e increíbles quédate aquí! Los juegos que actualmente subo a Miiverse: Super Smash Bros for Wii U, Mario Kart 8, Splatoon y Random. -10 publicaciones diarias de Smash Bros + Publicaciones Random. - Cada día publico 2 nuevos dibujos. - Cada sabado a las 16:00 (hora española) celebro un torneo de Splatoon (Toda solicitud es bienvenida)
Nathan briganthan
Et salut tout le monde Nom: Nathan Âge: 9 ans Classe: CM1 B Jeux Préféré: Minecraft - Yo-kai watch & Miitopia Chaîne Youtube: NathanGameur51800 Sortie au mois Août Merci abonner vous et a bientôt. SALUT
Gabica ZiGabi
Hii :)^^ We are Ziga (my boyfriend <3*) and Gabi = *ZiGabi* (happy couple:) and we love playing all Nintendo games:]. Follow or Invite to play with us:) Have fun:) ...PRIVATE QUESTIONS, PRIVATE MESSAGE!!!! ...and NO WII U CHAT!!! ...Friend request: [18+] Thank you, come again^^ SERBIA!
samben kally5
salut je m appelle benjamin et j ai 11 ans et je suis belge
Pineapple! Carina765
Yay!! Welcome to my profile! If you don't like pokemon or cute pink fluffy unicorns then get outta here! Just kidding but♪That's what I like♪Oh yeah, and I'm 12 years old! Busy being Splatoon2 addict! I love all things kawaii and I'm in charge of the SCF clan which stands for Stylish Creative Fashionistas. I own a n-switch, a DSi, 3ds, wii.I own over 100 games and I love vocaloid! Woomy god out!
kk cuboids
Sean poodiepie1213
Hey guys, my name is Sean
M.J.A MJA068
AIDEN AidensMonster
deadpool SinbadKozelski08
CJ mariluigi88
Hey Everyone! Here's my information Name: C.J. Jamerson (MariLuigi88) Age: 16 Likes: Super Mario Bros., Sonic, The Simpsons etc. MK8 Clans that I'm in The Fun Racers (My Clan) The Kings Note: I sometimes Wii U Chat.
Ryan rbriscoe
Welcome to my profile. Just your average player on Wii U. Lifeboat ♥ I build things. Modder at mind. (wot) Opinions said here are mine alone. Rest In Piece Miiverse™ 2012 - 2017 ( But not the admins. Admins will not be missed)
шббму★kyle superdudekyle
Hey you! Yes you! Feel free to ask if you want me to yeah some of your posts! Im a yeah giver. Im in 4 clans, such as øмεgå, KS★ and SA★!Im the leader of the шббму nation clan 12 members in the clan! Just ask to join! Co-Owner:шп★Louis. Every follow and yeah is much appreciated! Can I get to 800 followers by the end miiverse. I know thats a big difference from my amount of followers. Bye!
Yokaï lauriane59
Bonjour a tous alors je m'appele lauriane depuis petite je joue au console j'adore les jeux de guerres aventures etc mon jeu du moment est splatoon ;)
Nicole♪ NicoleMarie93
Hello! My name is Nicole. I'm 23 and I'm just a Nintendo nerd who loves to have fun! I am very competitive. Come at me bro!
Hey, everyone! I'm a lifelong Nintendo fan who's owned every Nintendo system since the N64. My favorite game franchises are Mario, Zelda, Sonic, Metroid, Smash Bros., and Donkey Kong. I'm also a diehard Dallas Cowboys fan. A few ground rules: -I don't accept random or blank friend requests. -Please try to stay at least relatively on topic on my posts. -All troll comments WILL BE DELETED.
demonisk wisky1
hi i'm demonisk i changed my mii. i am currently open for friend requests so feel free to send one. i like playing mario kart 8,and super mario 3d world. you will occasionally see mee on the nsluc. p.s i don't wii u chat.
Felix Felix26
Joshua I-BulldogStudios
You can find me on Tumblr or on the Switch now! If we're friends here, I hope to see you there!
zachary zacharycorsetti
I'm back, ladies and gents! Right now, I have my sights set on Wii Party U, MK8, SSBU and MPX. Stay tuned for more!
やや_サナペン kinta411
はじめまして、韓国とアニメが大好きです!! ちなみに、TWICE、BLACKPINK、BTOB、GOT7が特に好きです♥ スプラ、ようつべコミュに出現します 気が向いたときしかミバス来ません 完全フォロバします! 今までの作品消していきます
Peter peter83tennis
gunss every were
???TOWER GAMES??? Welcome to my tower games competition ◆Rules & How to Play◆ Anyone & Everyone can play Look in "OPEN DISCUSSION" below [↓] for the latest tower game. Each tower game has a new topic Send in your answer to see if its on the tower There is top "10" answers each game The top answer is the hardest ■RULES■ ●Only 1 answer per post ●enter as many times as you like (©)
Johnny imsosporty
Hey y'all! Welcome to my profile! I'm a huge Mario fan and have been for more than 15 years! Games I'm currently playing: Splatoon, Super Mario Maker, Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon, and Mario and Sonic at the Rio 2016 Olympic Games. If you need any assistance on any of my favorited communities, don't hesitate to speak with me! I would be glad to help!
Mario Seth Mario_Seth
STATUS: Normal. All systems Green. Affiliation: 2nd Wave SHD agent Rank: Tactical Officer Info: Likes Dragonroo's/Wolfaroo's follows UbiSoft™, likes playing Tom Clancy's: THE DIVISION Is a Pokemon Dragonite trainer.. [Ubisoft® Club Member] FMR. Nintendo™ Supporter.
This person hasn't started using Miiverse yet.
Hi miiverse friends l'm Dom-Cena.
I love Lego games,Mario games and more.
I have Splatoon, Mario...
Hi miiverse friends l'm Dom-Cena.
I love Lego games,Mario games and more.
I have Splatoon, Mario kart 8, Lego marvels Avengers, Batman arkham Origins, Call Of Duty Black Ops 2, Lego star wars TFA, Nintendoland and more.
i like Shooting games, aventure games and sporting games. My real name is Dominic but i go by Dom-Cena. I like the wii u chat. I can talk to many people on wii u chat.