"Here it comes.... s'gonna hurt" - some guy from a movie I watc...
Smashed/New Wiigu memeverse RIP'd 2017 Sorry not sorry. *designer gun noises*
"Here it comes.... s'gonna hurt" - some guy from a movie I watc...
Smashed/New Wiigu memeverse RIP'd 2017 Sorry not sorry. *designer gun noises*
Monster Hunter™ 4 Ultimate Community
What's up with people and the whole 'the end is nigh' because sony is getting an exclusive? Lol. 'I hate capcom'. Why such extremism?
Play Journal Entries
Pokémon Sun & Moon
so... they got rid of super training... that's really, really stupid but okay. 8 steps forward and 16 steps back.
Play Journal Entries
Pokémon Sun & Moon
what happened to letting you save RIGHT BEFORE you picked your starter? I miss those days...
Pokémon X and Y Community
Looking to trade for volcanion/hoopa
Willing to trade UP TO four shiny--non legendary--Pokemon for hoopa AND volcanion. Any ridiculous requests will be denied.
Play Journal Entries
Pokémon Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire
currently looking to trade for volcanion/hoopa. willing to trade up to four shiny pokemon for both.
I dunno about all that.