Preot's Followers
steve spiker1269
Mario 3D World.
Leesham leesham
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phemya phemyaenamon
ik vind het leuk als ik heeeeeel veeeeeeel volgers heb en ik vind laila de aller leukste miiverse speler
trayurus AwesomeOhio
I hate swiss:-@
arcoiris rainbowjulia
hola a todos me llamo arcoiris y quiero acer nuevos amigos
Larry naruto8647
Hello There! I'm Larry and here are a few things about me! My favorite color is red, favorite animal is a bunny, and my all time favorite game to play is Sonic Lost World for the Wii U!
Mike jmgutzman
Yeah, you know me. Current gaming systems are the 3DS and Atari Lynx. Don't have time for console games. Portables are the future.