Bobby's Followers
Mati_64 Pencastudios
Hola soy Matias! me gusta dibujar,ver cartoons/anime leer comics y los juegos de Nintendo. ◆Santiago,Chile ◆Wii / Wii U/ 3DS ◆age:15 ◆I speak english too :^) ◆Juegos favoritos: Smash Bros y Yoshi Island S E E Y O U S P A C E C O W B O Y ... que wea estas leyendo
woff grl christineG1969
Micaiah bigfam1970
Hello my name is Micaiah i'm 10 years old and i got this wiiu on christmas but only have 3 games, splatoon, super smash bros and super mario 3d wrold and i really love the wiiu i use to have a wii but i trashed it then i found out there is a wii mode. so the wiiu is 2 games in one. and i watch game theroy
wuplays evan_davis1
hey mc team my name is Evan i accept friend request may bff are woldrenown gussyboy ashattack jjslays jason and michael i hope you like my posts most of my build are good and have a good day every day peace.
れんあいだいすきっ☆ makenaiyouusya56
プロフィール『焼き肉好き女』の長女です! 私今年から受験生になりました! さて、次女と弟とはよく食べますが、私と三女はあまりたくさん食べないんですぅ.. YouTubeの猫ちゃんの動画かわいすぎて何度も見てしまいますぅ~ あと、私の住んでる県でとても有名な梨が私は食べ物の中では一番好きです!! 梨汁ブッシャー!!! さて、私(恋愛大好き)vs妹の焼き肉好き女&弟の!の対戦は7/19に全試合やり遂げました。旧シーズン総合の通算対戦成績等々は私のプレイ日記に記載されています。ところで8月からの新シーズンになると三女も新チームに加わって白熱のゲームバトルを繰り広げて、もっと盛り上がる試合をします。開幕戦予定の8/1から新シーズン終了予定の12/30までに不規則な日程で対戦していく。ちなみに新シーズンの新たなチーム名、チーム数等々は7/31までに恋バナ大好きのプロフィールで全て発表する見込みです。
gamer zoe myspectrumwifib2
hi im zokiel i like mario and sonic and zelda and roblox and my friend and youtube and fnaf and roblox i love disney infinity 3.0 play with me ok im really cool and mincraft too and watchng dashie
Crazymonke yodanideleon
Hi! My Name Is CrazyMonke, Not Gonna Say My Real Name,And My Fav Game is All Batman Games! Hope You Play It Alot! :) Name: Crazymonke Fav Color: Red And Blue Fav Game: All Batman Games People I Play With Always: Maxxy11 AKA JonnyGamingyt, Beast_Gamer176, Gangbeast, Tony759, CrazyMonkey2048, Sprepeat24, And Many More People! Bye Now!
Chantell Mika-chan1234
Hey everyone Chantelle here, please follow and friend request me here because I'd like to follow and friend more people. I finally got my old wii u fixed
Macey Maciey
Welcome!Nice to meet you!I hope you're doing well!I'm Macey and I'm a big gamer.I like playing all sorts of games I like lots of other things too,such as drawing,reading,acting,and helping others I prefer to write in cursive and draw on paper I Currently <3:Cuphead I take drawing requests so please check out my discussions or comment if you have anything Thanks for reading!Have a good day!
Bobby cookiepuss
Hi welcome to my profile, the name's Bobby. Im 17 and i like pizza, videogames, and watching Youtube videos. Feel free to follow or send a friend request. (if you want to) I don't Wii U Chat So make your self at home and have fun browsing through my stuff. /¯¯¯+■■■■■■-¯¯¯\ | ● ■■■■■■ •:• | ← Switch (The thing I have) | •:• ■■■■■■ ● | \__˙_■■■■■■_º__/
Madison mpanamick
fpslorenzo fps1orenzo
hi i am lorenzo. im looking to interact an enjoy some chating time with many bright people on here available when ever open minded an determined to meet add friends an be added
М4ГХХУ GlassEyez
:> da: midnightsilvereyes tumbles: m4rxxy yt: M4RXXY/Merp Derx closedverse: midnightsilvereyes
SpoopyJake JAKEY876
hiya my name is Jacob im a 10 year old kid how loves to draw and by now you know that miivers is ending tonight at 10:00 pm but no matter what have a nice night and never stop doing what you love *flips table*
Greninja supergerninja
i like pokemon #PokemonMoon #Pokemon4Life And rip my duck hunt amiibo it won't be forgotten
PumpkinBOO jadakizz05
Hειιο! :D γου мαγ сαιι мз βriαηα οг Jαdα :P I like to draw αnd RP αιοτ so dont mind me <w> <33 Follow These Awesome ppl xP JustinRoK★ RioluGamer GoOmBeR FoxboiOωO / Bleh :P ς. βοлпιε ★ Absol ★ Joltichu Caггоτ ♪ Michael TACOBELL;) Anncario munu James Have a cookie before you go! (>oωo)>● <3Follow my BFF Brookie |-/ My Goal is to reach 1000 follows x3
gbbjjjj simokilko
ciao raga
Ale cflores0411
hi. my name is Alex. i am 7 years old. I love a lot of games because they are fun . The game i love the most is minecraft.
Hey, fellow players! My favorite games are The Legend of Zelda, Kirby, and Super Mario games. My Favorite Communities list below includes games that I either have played or want to play. They aren't in any particular order. Also, I'll follow most people that follow me.
Ult.Gelphy Gelphy
¡Hoi! soy Gelphy, a decir verdad mi Nombre es "Unico" tengo 17 y me gustan las series de Juegos como Pokémon, Super Mario, Sonic, Undertale, Kirby, FNAF, y mis series de TV favoritas de Cartoon Network son: El Increible mundo de Gumball, Hora de Aventura, Escandalosos, Los jovenes Titanes en accion, Clarence, Un Show más y ☆Steven Universe☆
Lopez.0X yolokid120
Hi poeple follow me and i show games like- SUPER SMASH BRO - NEED FOR SPEED MOST WANTED U AND MORE
Gary GarySpideyMario
I draw and play minecraft. Other accounts- SonicMarioGary(Inactive) PMZ_Gary(Active)
ian 3lilmenz
Profile comment hidden by admin.
{Sp's} あい tatsu0426AB
皆これだけはわかってくれぃ... フランが一番多いけど... 私が好きなのは魔理沙だぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁ!!!! ¨なんだこいつ¨って思いましたよね。 すみません.......(フラン好きさんすいません...) 「動くと撃つ!間違えた。撃つと動くだ。今すぐ動く。」 Γおいおい知らんのかShegotmarriedandthentherewenone…」 やっぱり魔理沙は総受けだろ......
meme bella_jeili
Sup my peeps, please give me a YEAH and COMMENT DOWN BELOW on what game or drawing you want me to do!!! Also, please give me some tips on drawing!! WHY YOU STILL HERE?!? YOUR STILL READING THIS?!? YOU CAN TELL YOU DON'THAVE A LIFE IF YOUR STILL READING BYE-BYE, I GUESS?!?
«Savannah» savannahxpcool
hi my name is «Savannah» i would like to show you the games i have i will update you each time i get a game here it goes Splatoon,minecraft,Super mario maker,ZombieU,Super smash bros,Mario party 10. and that is all the games i have right now and i want you to know about me a bit i am kind,nice,and sometimes aggressive my favorite games are Spatoon and minecraft so you will see my on it most
Jake polanyi-6
hi!! im Jake ˙ˇ˙ anyway... Don't get cooked...stay off the hook! bye XD k for real now... lel just kidding bye I like turtles goodbye miiverse gonna be using my swich sorry not sorry :/ my user name in the switch is still Jake so if ur one of my friends and u also got a switch keep dat in mind... oh yeah forgot to mention im going to be visiting miiverse sometimes :3 :p
Amari Amari1130
Hello my name is Amari! I love Pokemon, Minecraft, Rayman, and Mario. I hope to reach 100 Followers soon! ^_^
MLG23 Marioluigiguy23
MarioLuigiguy23 here and I'm 15 and Mario and Luigi are My two best in the world gaming characters and WWE is my favorite sport and I love making comics and drawing! :) Mario & Luigi rpg series rocks & I make stories plus Super Smash Bros is My favorite,Nintendo is Awesome!
Zash Kong zash27
Hi, i'm zash27 here are some things about mē Favorite foods: 1. Shrimp 2. Fish 3. Sushi 4. Chicken 5. Fries 6. Fried Okra 7. Ribs ____________________________________________ Favorite Restaurant>Mongolian Grill ______________________________ Favorite Game Series: Pikmin, Donkey Kong, Mario, Starfox & The Legend of Zelda. DKC2 is my favorite game followed by DKC, DKC3, DK64, DKC: TF & DKCR. Peace!
shmoop teenypineapple
If you love something, let it go. ▼▲▼ If you don't love something, definitely let it go. ▼▲▼ Basically, just drop everything, who cares?
PizzaTime ItsPizzaTime
2 people use this accout now. One is Female, the other,male. He's 10 She's 15. yeah so. thats good. also "someone" broke the wii u, so i hope he feels bad.
PINKY! pinkydink1006
Sup people p.s I don't wear glasses I thought they were sun glasses
ディア dear_euro
スプラトゥーンとマリオメーカーをやってます。 後は、ユーロビートを作曲しています。 例えば、シオカラ節のユーロビートリミックスなどをニコニコ動画に投稿しています。
Austin Hudson75
Hi my name is Austin I like racing,shooting and fighting games. I love splatoon and squid parties I also love smash bros. and Mario Cart 8 My best friends are LC larry jackster
FL-Quest17 QuestGuy17
Hey! The name's Questguy17.
Jean-Paul GoCajuns
Kirby fan Forever!