Reginald's Followers
™Jagerclaw bulbasaura
Wow, it's been a great time on here, I've met a lot of new friends and gathered a lot of memories. Subwars.
Nicole athena456545
I like the Animal Crossing series, the Harvest Moon series, the Fire Emblem series, the Pokémon series, the Cooking Mama series, and Tomodachi life...It goes on and on. I'm pretty cringey and I love anime if you couldn't tell. I can't wait to play Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer, because it looks kinda fun. Bye for now! You're still scrolling?
#RYDERDOG# Ryman74
hello my friends like a shooting star in the spot light im Ryder sills with my bey sharpedo thats right!!!!
281 Followers! Almost 300!! Follow❹Follow Hi im Connor. I <3 video games I mostly play: Splatoon Mario and Luigi Superstar Saga 200 followers may have been reached but I'll still keep counting and I will put the latest follower on my profile. So if you want a shoutout follow me! I won't be able to update all the time tho. Latest Follower: Sixty Thanks for following! (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
victoria vm403292
hello, im a christian, love to play all kinds of sports, love to bake, and love christian rap music!!!!
Evan EvMan577
Hello there, I'm Evan Floyd. Game On!
dinoboy123 ipoduser
Gabriel Gabilio
joshua JO2h-1
K+T☆★☆★☆ Klutchkins
hello im kendal i love cake and food :3 and my favorite colors are blood red and pitch black and i love scary movies im 13 i wii u chat and i dont care how old you are be careful i can be sassy sometimes lol and Tyler is the best guy in the world he is my king i need him I love him so back off boys!
ALEX MulletMafia4
am single
Evie 2JadeHenry
i love FRIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!age: haha im not saying my age on here but im born in early 2000–2005 im a teenager i like playing legand of zelda alot pokemon i like kingdom hearts fav character Riku favourite anime is:RWBY and pokemon attack on titen i speak a little español.p.s like a little español like small amout i love FRIES!!!!!!!!!! followers i will follow u
bryan bjn080204
trainseddy Eddy-2008-mariss
hay guys i whoud mostly be playing super mario maker sometimes i be playing minecraft sooo sea ya
cole coleybear5
my friends and people i don't know make me really super happy! So if you are happy of my comment please follow me. thank-you!
*りんご* I.RIHO.123
今リアルに忙しい時期なのであまり投稿できていません…。 フォロワーさん、共感してくれる方々いつも本当にありがとうございます! 嬉しい限りです♪ 古い投稿へのコメントは返せない場合があるのでなるべく新しい投稿にして下さい ~・~・~・~・~・~・~・~・~・~・~・~・ フォローは気軽にどうぞ I can't speak English… (><)sorry ~注意事項~ ・嫌なコメントしたらソッコーブロックもしくは通報します。ご了承下さい
Kevin NicINF
Chas-Wiz Yargnot-FleeBOB
FireFoxBG superfreak56
hi im brielle i like to play mincraft pokemon terniment and splatoon!!
Meow Lightwalker90
Hai! I'm TiiNii and I am in love with my 3DS-XL! :) I've been gaming for as long as I can remeber! I do not miss replacing AA batteries in my gameboy color! :] I am a huge fan of kirby , Mario and the crew, getting down on super smash bros, training Pokemon, and watering my flowers on Animal Crossing! The virtual console is LIFE! I love the play journals! keep the awesomeness coming gamers! :]
Kiki ^o^ cbraham91
Hi im Foxy. (dont take my name ze wrong way!) My Likes Animals Green Helping Kittens Memes Dislikes Cyber Bullying Bullying Animal Cruelity Rude ppl You can stop reading! GOD SAKES STOP xc
Aidan kalawar
Hello. ^-^ •15, ♀ •A Virgo, INFJ, and what I guess is called an Extroverted Introvert. •Favorite Genres: rap, metal. •Favorite Bands/Rappers/People: Eminem, Nightwish, Ludacris, Ki//switch Engage, Slipknot, Busta Rhymes, Token, Maroon 5,Marilyn Manson •Favorite Movie: The second Saw. •Favorite Show: Dεατh Note. Follow: Z, Suki, Tankjob20, Bailey B., Boy Wonder. Feel free to chat anytime. =P
Awesome allisonnm
friend me!!!
Aidan gio.vanni.rbls
i play lot of games
Raven woahits-raven
Hi, I'm Raven. I'm 14 I normally play ANCNL. some stuff about me! .I love pineapple's .I'm a dog person .I do cheer &gymnastics ……………so yeah enjoy my page
Nikola Cavgirlcake
Pokemon Trainer–Happy home designer–Mayor of Alpheim City–Gamer–Animal lover★
becca becbecca1
Alyssa alyssa47477
hey, whats poppin? im more of a person who draws... im 14... almost 15 b-day is very soon! may God love you and protect you all. :) (pure savage) fav saying (forever and always) fav song: 'look what you made me do' by Taylor Swift you should follow pretty chill.. yeah thats about it...
double L lldanes1
thanks aeroidy i love the willu if you want follow me please follow me hello people my name is LANCE i love aeroidy
camila ponyteran
∞ no importa de que raza seas de que seas fan ni tus preferencias sexuales porque alfin y acabo odio a todo el mundo∞
Dj DjCl0ud
josh dalily2021
ά★κΐήg★ά breeezy9
hi im ά★κΐήg★ά i love xbox i also love sports and nintendo and if you follow me ill follow back and if you talk to me i will talk back im 11 years old so follow me and thank you for over 600 follows and here's some more stuff about me love xbox i get something nintendo for every year love mario love sports and thats it
Mario kart 7 is amzing. I ALWAYS WIN!
Foxy DiamondDragon6
I have nintedo id already Sosaia But please freind #freindisfamily please freind request Games played splatoon,minecraft,yoshiswoolyworld, mariokart and supersmashbros thank for 90 freind next goal 100 if possible for me favorite song Hello by adele bye #newfreinds
Rich DiamondRich
It was nice to meet you human... goodbye... oh and the birthday is wrong my birthday is on 9/29 2006
Roundhead RoundheadGamer
Goodbye Miiverse! I've created so many memories here! I'm going to miss you all.
Shifou isabellapembleto
Hi.welcome. Like: Anime,art,Hamilton and more musicals, creepypasta, hanging out with my amazing friends, etc. Dislike: anything with violence or an act twords the said violence and i can go on what am I?: good question im a Libra, fellow otaku,and going to turn 13 in 2 months i do request aswell
Angel riveralikeaboss
Profile comment hidden by Villager.
Profile comment hidden by Villager.
oh yeah I don't Wii U Chat, just 653999 and mate53
this profile has trash sooo look at that i guess