A heartfelt goodbye to all of my friends and followers here on miiverse.;w; I never thought I'd become so attached to this community these past few years. I may not have joined here in the beginnin...
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I'll stay on Miiverse as long as I can till the very end. ;w; Goodbye to all of my friends and fo...
I'll stay on Miiverse as long as I can till the very end. ;w; Goodbye to all of my friends and followers that I can't keep in touch with on the Wii U or 3DS. I hope to find you again on the Switch (whenever I can buy one) or anywhere else. Keep me in your heart because I already have a place in mines for yours♥~
I LOVE BOWSER!♥♥♥ He is my most favorite character ever! Yoshi is my 2nd fav! ^u^