Brad's Friends
Oscar ★☆★♪ Terraria_Is_Life
Icedoctor Icedoctor23
Hi im Blaine and I really really love games. I already have a user which was 655POWER10. I love Freedom Planet, Super smash bros for the Wii u and 3ds and Bayonetta1 and 2. Anyway Thats all peace
zuberhor55 zuberhor1487
мΐğ вøj Mexify.Live
Terraboy TerraboyChris
Hi ich bin Christian. Alter:10 Lieblings spiele:Splatoon,Minecraft,Terraria ich bin in ******* verliebt
Splatoon24 legandaryXXgamer
i like to play terraria alout and minecraft and guys hope you have a great day!and i like to play pixel gun 3D!!im level 22,and roblox!
Luigi dustindanny
hi ich heiße dustin bin 11 jahre alt und spiele super gern : Rayman Legends, Splatoon, Minecraft, und terraria! hier eine kleine einstufung : Rayman: gut, Splatonn: naja, Minecraft :fortgeschritten und terraria; alle items also MEGA OP!!!
Lolkill Tystarder9
Chaos X Terrijah
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Neusy beuy patinchen
ich bin Youtuber ich heise Neusy beuy ich bin 15 und Singel :(
amazing amazingmoo
Mikesome13 mikesome13
I've been getting into coding and such. I know: -html -css -javascript -Visual Basic -C# C++ -Batch* -ActionScript *(I don't know if coding batch files is just called batch...) And I've made quite a few webpages and applications with these.
OW MY FACE IT HURTSS!!! Heya dudes im fake russel ~~~~~~~~~~U STILL HERE?~~~~~~~~~~~~~ oh btw my drawings are trash lol Bye
Alexis AlexanderOkosi
Terraria 4life i love anime and fifa i am 13
ας☆⇒Aźιαη zillu13
ばり がいじ 123ashum
Wolf☆Zane Deco2976
Hello! I'm Zane a.k.a. Wolf Zane! Here are my favorite games! R◆BLOX Minecraft Wii U and PE Terraria Wii U and PC Super Smash Bros. Wii U And a LOT more! Terraria is LIFE!!! :) Please follow me!! B.T.W, I'm the leader of the Deco Squad, if you wanna join! Please like and comment on my posts! See all of you later!! ♥
Super izasul
hi habe: Zelda breath of the wild terraria minecraft splatoon mario maker mario kart 8 Need For Speed most wanted <3 freue mich auf neue freunde bin humorvoll lustig und nett schaut mal vorbei :D folgen könnt ihr mich auch :D
Jerry sam-luca009
BattleHero murmeli14
Leidenschaftlicer PS4 spieler Gamertag: Battle_Hero_Game
DarkDayz DeathWarlock
I can't think of a discription, so go away and stop reading.....
lonelyboy josephvianey
Why did you click on my face! still there? ok let me tell you about me I like le meme craft and smash bros also terraria what was my age agian? I like soccer also know as football in mexico
oskar drXgamerX123
hi does anyone play terraria because im allways alone.
DW jack tigerboy12epic
Hello everyone! My name is Jack but you can call me Tigerboy. I like to play Super Sm4sh Bros, Minecraft and Terraria. If you would like to play with me just send me a friend request and I will respond as soon as possible.I am also a part of a Minecraft City Group called Daisy World and I am friends with the leader, Baby Daisy. I hope you all have a great day soooooooo GOOOOODBYYYYEEEE!!!!!
Riain RiainTheRadio
?????????? karenjune89
й!&*|17№+± biglopper
Evreyone Ceck out my youtube channel and its mjmcpvp
kevin kev444
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lucas LucasFernandoSou
Mr.Fister? Youtube321123
Aiven qwswer
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Mr.Rainbow mamut9
RaNdOm Mii alexaraj
hey guys my wii u name is Alexaraj but call me alex by the way im trying to hit 1000 followers before i might get custom skins! i already have like 95 friends and four friend requests! so if you want to friend me do it qickly if i hit 1000 followers i will be AMAZED thanks for reading.if you are reading this to the end your the best.all of you are the best GUYS. thank you for reading and i am OUT!
cosmog 101 weelee08
SMY★Ьιαcку seanysunshine08
Hi Guys You Know That Sometimes Im Mean. I Love Super Mario! Favouite Mario Guy: Yoshi. Favourite Bowser Kids: Larry. Favourite Bowser Enemy: Hammer Bro. Bye ^.< :) ^.^ :-> ♥˛♥ ★˛★
§¤Nathan¤§ monkey2509
Owww You Poked My Face! ;_; Oh Hi Im Leader Of §¤ And I'd Like To Say That You Guys Are AWESOME!!!!!! (^_^) §¤ People Are V.I.P For Squad And Private Battles So You Shine My Heart Wii U Chat: Yes Minecraft Youtube Splatoon Super Smash MK8 Nintendo Land And Those Are The Games I Play GOOD BBYYEE!!!! (^o^) If You Wanna Be In My Clan Just Put §¤Your Name¤§ Why You Here?
Erencikefe erencikefe123
Hello there ^_^ Welcome to my profile My name is Eren and i'm 15 years old :-) My hobbies: @ Drawing pictures / drawing anime characters @ Playing computer games @ Take care of animals because i love animals @ Swimming / Cycling / Running @ My favourite game is Super Mario Bros. @ I have Nintendo DS / Wii / Wii U If you are'nt a bad person you can add me ^_^
Herobrine Peedo1003
cone boy hhjhjrd
i like terraria too much....... i think
Viktoriya Viktoriya_Kremer
1. ich bin ein Junge 2. bin sehr nett 3. ich finde das Terraria das beste spiel aller zeiten ist.Punkt. :D
MCW UK MCWuk1985
Currently playing super mario maker. If you have played/starred/commented on some of my levels and leave a comment asking me to check out your levels then I am more than happy to do that :)
Nintendude mar1064
Hi, I main Captain Falcon in smash 4. I love Smash Bros and will accept anyone who wants to play!! I love Nintendo and Miiverse! Mostly play : Super Smash Bros. Super Mario Maker, Splatoon, Star Fox Zero, and The Legend of Zelda: The Twilight Princess. I also collect amiibo, Hot Wheels, and a lot of other collectibles! If you want share your collection, just tell me! Don't Wii u chat.
x_killer_x War_Dragon86
papa design3000
Hallo leute das ist de design
herpderp Danl07
hi welcome i need friends
destroyer dixon9192
hi i like terraria minecraft and roblox
SaadKhan★☆ GoldenPower5
PieZZaad12 Gamer OverLord Anime is Bomb
bryson:p$$ MyNaMeIsJoE
ds anone have a psvita also wf terraria need hepe
JisforJack jacktheripper90
michael rutabaga
im am cute cause my mum says so i love her
Mario - SMG 100%
SMG2 100%
Mario maker - intermediate kaizo
Mario - SMG 100%
SMG2 100%
Mario maker - intermediate kaizo
Mario Bros DS - 100%
Mario Bros 2 - 100%
Mario 3D World - 100%
Mario Bros U - 100%
Mario Bros Wii - 100%
Mario Kart wii - 3 star ranking, and beaten 32 expert staff ghosts
wow look at how much i just showed off. :P