Maddie's Post

In-Game New Super Mario Bros. U Game Posts


08/10/2016 1:24 PM

Dear Bowser: Why is the sky dark? Anyways, I am coming for you!

Discussions Super Smash Bros. for 3DS/Wii U Community


04/22/2016 10:47 PM

Open Closed

My First Silly-ish Question: If Any Anime Character Was Eligibl...

Usually, I post more 'necessary' discussions, but...I'm bored. Whether or not you know Japan, what character from any anime would you like in Smash, and explain wh...

Discussions Super Mario Maker Community


04/16/2016 6:10 PM

Open Closed

Tips For Beating Expert Mode?

I could ramble on and on about the 'strategies' I tried to use, but...that'd probably take up quite a few posts. So, does anyone have any actual advice? Thanks again!

New Super Luigi U Community


04/16/2016 5:53 PM

For those who are somehow sticking around to watch my posts, Tobi seems to be healing, both mentally and (hopefully) physically. Blog bully is still acting like an immature psychopathic criminal, a...

Discussions Child of Light Community


04/16/2016 3:31 PM

Open Closed

Personally, I Find This Quite A Therapeutic RPG Game...

Needless to say, I've been under quite a lot of stress lately, and I've been both angry and heartbroken at some of the cyberbullying some poor kid went through. Re...

New Super Luigi U Community


04/16/2016 1:21 AM

Well, I'm absolutely livid. I'm so ANGRY, it's unreal. Does anyone remember my post where I was attacked by a blog? Yeah, that SAME blog just doxxed some minors by posting their addresses. I've rep...

Play Journal Entries Child of Light™


04/15/2016 1:08 AM

Just played about half an hour of this game, and I'm already happy for my choice. The designs and graphics are beautiful, the dialogue is actually rather adorable, and the story and some details ha...

Discussions Super Mario Maker Community


04/13/2016 11:27 PM

Open Closed

Can People Please Help Me With the Difference Between 'Hard Lev...

I would like feedback on this question because...four words: Expert and Super Expert. I think that explains it, right? Send me (and others) tips!

Discussions Super Smash Bros. for 3DS/Wii U Community


04/12/2016 11:22 PM

Open Closed

About the Smash Ballot...

Needless to say, I like Bayonetta. She's a bit over the top, but she's alright. However, some don't like her, which I ENTIRELY respect. That aside, I don't know if...

Play Journal Entries The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD


04/09/2016 3:42 PM

After my incredible experience playing TP HD, it's time to go back to my first Zelda game!

Discussions Super Smash Bros. for 3DS/Wii U Community


04/08/2016 7:29 PM

Open Closed

Can We Talk About The Bayonetta Spain Tournament Ban?

I guess I'll say I don't know the exact details. But, just the basics had me...kind of shocked. In my opinion, while Bayonetta is a good fighter, she never seemed ...

Play Journal Entries The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD


04/03/2016 1:27 PM

'So, Daughter, what did you do today? Embark on a grand adventure that can restore humanity?' 'Actually, I went snowboarding in a Zelda game!' '...'

Discussions Super Smash Bros. for 3DS/Wii U Community


04/02/2016 12:30 AM

Open Closed

So...Is Smash 5 and/or the NX Happening?

I've barely scratched the surface of this, so please let me know. Also, ONLY IF one or both are happening...I would honestly feel a bit nervous for the timing and ...

Play Journal Entries Super Mario Maker


03/26/2016 12:11 PM

Reuploaded another course! Once more, just a few more tweaks, and one of the choices may or may not be eliminated for you, if you look closely. Once more, thanks to Mike and Eeee-Money for the help...

In-Game Super Mario Maker Community


03/26/2016 12:08 PM

Sound of Nintendo Music (3CD2-0000-0208-A882)

Play Journal Entries Super Mario Maker


03/26/2016 11:53 AM

Reuploaded my course 'Malevolent Maze'. While not a huge makeover, I tweaked a few things to make it just a bit more challenging. As always, feel free to try it out! Also, major props to both Eeee-...