Dear Bowser: Why is the sky dark? Anyways, I am coming for you!
Maddie's Post
Super Smash Bros. for 3DS/Wii U Community

My First Silly-ish Question: If Any Anime Character Was Eligibl...
Usually, I post more 'necessary' discussions, but...I'm bored. Whether or not you know Japan, what character from any anime would you like in Smash, and explain wh...
Super Mario Maker Community

Tips For Beating Expert Mode?
I could ramble on and on about the 'strategies' I tried to use, but...that'd probably take up quite a few posts. So, does anyone have any actual advice? Thanks again!

For those who are somehow sticking around to watch my posts, Tobi seems to be healing, both mentally and (hopefully) physically. Blog bully is still acting like an immature psychopathic criminal, a...
Child of Light Community

Personally, I Find This Quite A Therapeutic RPG Game...
Needless to say, I've been under quite a lot of stress lately, and I've been both angry and heartbroken at some of the cyberbullying some poor kid went through. Re...

Well, I'm absolutely livid. I'm so ANGRY, it's unreal. Does anyone remember my post where I was attacked by a blog? Yeah, that SAME blog just doxxed some minors by posting their addresses. I've rep...
Super Mario Maker Community

Can People Please Help Me With the Difference Between 'Hard Lev...
I would like feedback on this question because...four words: Expert and Super Expert. I think that explains it, right? Send me (and others) tips!
Super Smash Bros. for 3DS/Wii U Community

About the Smash Ballot...
Needless to say, I like Bayonetta. She's a bit over the top, but she's alright. However, some don't like her, which I ENTIRELY respect. That aside, I don't know if...
Super Smash Bros. for 3DS/Wii U Community

Can We Talk About The Bayonetta Spain Tournament Ban?
I guess I'll say I don't know the exact details. But, just the basics had me...kind of shocked. In my opinion, while Bayonetta is a good fighter, she never seemed ...
Super Smash Bros. for 3DS/Wii U Community

So...Is Smash 5 and/or the NX Happening?
I've barely scratched the surface of this, so please let me know. Also, ONLY IF one or both are happening...I would honestly feel a bit nervous for the timing and ...
Hello! Hope you're having a great day! I'll try out any game, but more often any Smash Bros, Mari...
Hello! Hope you're having a great day! I'll try out any game, but more often any Smash Bros, Mario, and just getting into Zelda.
Sadly, I'm not up for Wii U Chat. But, hit me up on Miiverse if you want! I'll be a little busy during the day Mondays through Fridays, but on here for a good while during the afternoon and on weekends!