Rajah's Followers
ISAIAH MarioFan271
Hi everyone! I'm MarioFan271! I'm really awsome and funny and I play minecraft, so when ever you are playing it and I'm playing PLEASE JOIN ME!!! HOPE YOU ENJOY MY PROFILE, MIIVURSE, AND YOUR WII U! I also play splatoon and love memes, I accept ALL friend requests!! I love making friends! Also followers! Please follow me NO unfollows please. Thank you for 200+ followers. I will miss all of you. :(
i want a friend to play splatoon plz send me a frien requst and i will friend you
Saria♪ EnchantedMay
Hi, I'm May but I prefer to be called Saria♪I'm a big fan of Legend of Zelda Ocarina of time and currently playing Majora's Mask. Here are just a few of the amazing people I've met on Miiverse: Grαcie Cαт, Taylah, Didi, Cade, Carson, Young Link, Maria, Ruby, Sofia, ~αηηα~, the x king, JroVeins, Lochstar, Jer, Shawn, ♪Kat♪, Cat, Coco, Kira, Eve, Sonya, Emma. Please follow them! Goodbye everyone.
Ezekiel GOGETA123
Hoi I'm a christian who likes Splatoon and tomodachi life I don't wanna talk about anything inappropriate so don't try to talk to me about it. And I just wanna have fun!!! my best friends on miiverse are: charmander margaret jazlyn inkling Abriana pikachu Ryan Hector Ultra Gamer and iron man... I think that's all if I accidentally left you out just say... check 'em out! have a potato
★Will☆ Shyguysquad87
Hey what is up guys, it's Will! Active, friendly Wii U user since 2014. Getting a Switch mid November, make sure to find me on there! I'm with Miiverse till' the bitter end ;]
DOCTOR D ndstar20
Hello ever one i'm 14 and i'm online alot playing minecraft or smash bros or splatoon if you want to tag alone with me. friend me and you will join and i also Wii U chat so give me a call and i will pick up if not busy. I hope we can be good friends and play together alot. I also have a nintendo switch and i'm on that alot to so join me on that also see you soon bye.
Steven™ Stevecifuentes
Hola Muchas gracias por visitar mi perfil Mi nombre es Steven Tengo 13 años Mis juegos favoritos:Hyrule warriors,MK8,Super smash bros for wiiu ¿Acepto wiiu chat?Si Si me sigues yo te sigo y si no me sigues un espiritu te jalara los pies mientras duermes ok no XD Si quieres jugar conmigo no dudes mandarme solicitud Adios!
ian R2D2113
Carmen carmen403153
hello guys! i am not desperate for followers so dont you worry! took a large break but now im back! please enjoy :) and btw my bday is 10/16 ( i was dumb and put the wrong bday in my profile)
バンブルビー yukohan236
AmberChan♪ meowambie
Hello. It seems you have discovered my profile. Congratulations. Go ahead, like some stuff, follow me, don't be shy! Ah yes, you wish to hear about me? Here we go then- *My favorite show is TMNT. Get me near that stuff to hear me fangirl like an insane person. *I have a HUGE crush on Jakob from Fire Embelem Fates. *I'm an artist, but not on Miiverse. *Don't expect me to be very active. *I'm 9.
jajapotter jahicis2
Profile comment hidden by admin.
Zachary zakkman1224
Hi I'm Zakk! -10 yrs old -Likes Pizza, Nintendo Switch And Pokemon! -Has a 3ds and wiiu - Sisters Profile is MewMaddy -Best Friends Profile is jessaboo8 -In 5th grade! Thanks For Reading. Ur still here! Go Away Plz! Bye You Can leave now
phillip jr PJcoolguy215
KirbyDxFan jean212
☆£LεĢέπĎ£☆ Idfinik
Hey! I'm Legend, if you cant understand my name. I'm in 4 teams, and I own one. I love playing online(I don't care who i play with), especially in Mario Kart. I'm usually active, wich is why I cant answer some post, and I just love games! #SAVE MIIVERSE #DONT RIP I'll miss you ALL if it ends. even the ones that i never talk to. i still appreciate you all!
ヨシエル(´∀`)♭ 823832
こんにちは♪ ヨシエル(´∀`)♭です。 フォローご自由にどうぞ~ (*´∀`)/ Miiverse…もう終わってしまいますね(´;^; `) 『約3か月しかやってないのに…』 でも、皆さんとお話・絵の共感など 出来て、凄く楽しかったです。(„·∀·„) フォロー・共感してくださった方、 ありがとうございました。 残りわずかですが、最後まで楽しみましょう! 共感・フォローしてくださった方々 本当にありがとうございました。 ミバ友になってくれた皆、 ありがとう! (/*´∀`) またお話する機会があったら、 お話などしましょう! 本当にありがとうございました! また会える日まで。 さようなら(„・ω・)/
(>ώ<)まーみー koto2545
私の大事な、フレンドわぎり君 あめちゃんこの二人が、大事なフレンド このフレンドに、フォローとかいっぱいして!!だけど傷つけたらブロックするよ。わかった?という事で、イカ宜しく~~~
~Malu~ sta758
New song coming out soon♡ You can turn a life around♡ your perfect too me♡ I can't draw but i try♥ ˜Highschool˜ Freshmen♥ ♥soccer♥ ˜Mexican˜ *10 sisters ¦|* ♥Im HOME SCHOOL BIG HOUSE ♥ ANOTHER day a another hater ♥ everyday change i fell the same Not popular art club♥ Real Name: Malu T ♡Kay♡Mal♡Mj♡Keegan♡GIA♡♡♡♡
Donnie MasterDonnie
Hi im donnie i like pizza im 10 i like anime im good at ps4 games follow me if u want me to yeah all of your posts yeah my posts so i can follow you Anything else and also i watch coryxkenshin on youtube and i like to play video games i like to watch youtube im just trying to live in gods image and jesus said we should be servants to each other that means so much to me thank you ONLINE FOREVER
G&K frere comtesselenny
ThugDuck chardent
hi welcome to my profile, i will post miitopia, tomodachi life, and team kirby clash deluxe, now follow me peasent
Τς★ξснδ FlufflePuff4ever
ťęmταςтíç jцςτ τξmταςτίç ßÿ тнё щач цёанвоmβίήģ īς αρρгёçíатёď àпδ fбııбш fбг à fбııбш! ì àм ìп à сıąп пош ςο ςноцточт то тнем!!! ............yay ίf γομ γεαн опε οf мγ ροςτς γομ нάνε το çοммεήτ αιςο!!!!!!!!!! ąıωαуς ςΰρρσгт теммíё ƒıàκξς™ ξπτσу уоцг ďопцт ďопт аςκ ωнξгξ уоц ğöт тнξ ďопцт ьуξ
ης☆ Weebie615
Hi, I'm Noah! My Colors 3D Is my NNID Name :v Goodbye 230+ Followers! I'm a Christian Love Drawing <3 Closedverse is also the same :v ƒВ- Weebie Park dA- hypernova615
ThePvP984 Guigui888X
Bonjour tout le mondes je m'appelle guillaume mes 2 jeux préféré sont minecraft et overwatch gentil ★★★★★ fort en pvp ★★★★☆ trolleur ★★★★★ jump ★★★☆☆ :]:]:]:]:]:]:]:]:]:]:]:]:]:]
Q's 2nd Clearvoid
Please only follow my main account ;) (My main account "Q" can be found in friends list) Thanks for looking! I post pokemon trade stuff on this profile so my followers won't get angry. check out my main too! (Q)
X EthanX28
Hello, nice to meet you! ^w^
Tip Team-Yeah
Don't forget to follow my main account, Q! (friends list) My actual account has my art and information. Only send friend requests to my actual account please. Follow for Follow! Thanks for visiting! ♥
SEEKER1 BigFalcon08
This user's profile comment is private.
A.S.K. potatoe2006
Hello everybody!Welcome to my small part of the internet!I am a nice girl who loves,... Friends, cats, food, MUSIC IS MY LIFE! and soccor! I am homeschooled and enjoy many things like,... Playing with friends! Writing songs and singing em, and listening to music! I want to, be a writer/singer when I grow up! Shout outs to ALL my friends! Defenly William, he told me reach for my dreams! And I am!
guilhem jolisri
salut tous le monde merci pour les ouais abonner vous svp
normal allgood2009
lots and lots of you guys were telling to play lost reavers so my friends mariojordanluigi and billy190107 will see me playing lost reavers every saturday till the end of this year and you guys need to decide which i'm play next year last one was captain toad treasure tracker :)
☆•Andπεα•☆ juleisis
Hola soy Andrea, si se preguntan porqué me cambie de nombre y de mii es porqué mi prima juleisis me presto la nintendo por un tiempo ya que la mía se daño, bueno, Chao
Leila PokeBean
Splatoon FTW
iron man gundam951
hello name: ...Tony Stark... age: classified gender: male location: classified size: classified there is only one thing you NEED to know about me... I AM A CHRISTIAN! and if you follow me I will follow you back have a nice day
ξς•はαchi amstere
konichiωα ! Its me Sushi :D ! ‹¤–––•¥•–––¤> Chef ας, sous chef γς↓ Membre ξς ! Enzo mon poto, chef dla γς [Dédi] ! Bests↓! «————•∞•—–——» Cσcσ ma Zumeeelleu ! Nono lcanard :D ! Anto x3 ! Wolf le h@ckeur x) ! Ħope le milionaire $.$ ! Dark la fleure :] ! «————•∞•———–» Bientôt 1000 .·•• S+ sur splat |otre compte] Biz §.§
hello fellow gamers:·) slay your way.you'll learn that way.
Facts about me:
☆I have cousins tha...
hello fellow gamers:·) slay your way.you'll learn that way.
Facts about me:
☆I have cousins that live in tokyo,Japan.I usually go there to visit them. I get cool merchandise there!
★Anime fan
☆ the anime I watc are Gintama,HunterxHunter,One peice,JJBA etc.
★favourite youtubers are Shadypenguinn,Thekingnappy
★Pokemon fan
☆my bedroom has a pokemon themed wallpaper.