Users Caleb Is Following
Moltern YT mkirbyplays
I love you all. My channel is: Moltern Kirby @MiiverseMoltern Moltern Kirby YT#7338 totally female irl If you followed me also follow mkirby mkirbyplays, mkirbyMker & mkirbybonus. This was supposed to be made for games when I got my New 3DS. lol. sigh. �
Lorenzo SoapScrub360
plenetsavr Never_Turn_Back
lets sav plenets oficial maga men ov mivers i lov astronimy itz relly coll i hab a dog namd luwee he liks to chu up my fruniture if ur a fan ov mi posts folow me plz
mii ZZZZZZAaazzaza
☹ MK2naFekoP
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Lard Cow TheRealLardCow
Roy NurseRoy417
Oh what a night! Late December back in '63! What a very special time for me! As I remember what a night! So I'm Roy, nice to see you. The self proclaimed Fire Emblem Guru Proud owner of a Robin and Ness amiibo. Hector is a beautiful man. But Ilyana and Florina are the best FE waifus, keep your Tharjas and Camilias. I'm a Part time Tactician. Something about maids
ЁvσξJoseph evolutionarybio4
its great its really great just trust me *revives japanese pride* This account was created on November 20, 2015 at 5:55 pm.
Caleb LucasMainSSB4
Sup everyone, My name is Caleb and I use Memes Age:13 [Teen] I love to draw and eat Pizza with friends. Grade:7th [now] Favorie Food:Shrimp with Ketchup/Fries with Ketchup Dislikes:Anything with fangirls Likes:Pokemon,Miitopia, Earthbound series and Super smash bros series and yeahbombers expect memesenpai. Dislikes:Memesenpai
Patrick patcat5
Greetings! I'm an Irish bloke. I draw sometimes, make (bad) jokes, and generally trashpost. Lillie is the best and you can't convince me otherwise. Pythagoras was a mean man.
LuciYES hammCoffe
Sami ☆ Derpycatmeowth
Eyyy, I'm Sammy. I'm a 15 year old tomboy that likes video games, video game music, drawing, using the web, and cats. I also speak in Spanish as well. R.I.P. Miiverse. Google+/YT/DA/Wattpad: TabbyPiggy D-scord: nugget ★ #9669 Alt Account: Crashy (CrashyCrashMun) 2nd Alt Account: Sue (SueSakamoto) 3rd Alt Account: Jeff (Cheesy-CheeseCat)
Klaus Klaus_AltAccount
This account is indefinitly defunct. Posting is to be minimal and is likely going to be restricted to Super Mario Maker uploads.
Starlight Meme-Factory
HALLO! im Starlight. LOVE meme and time for FACTS 1.i am a MEME 2.songs or NEVER GONNA GIVE YOU UP 3.draw useless things GET STALKER *calls police* WELP:'[
RIP Thomas ExplosiveEevee
Hello, I'm Thomas, Please wipe your feet before entering. Thank you. lol same! Nice memes! Keep up the good work! I doodle like a poodle with his legs cut off! Been on the 'verse since 11/29/2012
LukerGMRZ. lskywalker
Even at the end of Miiverse, I'll always be roaming this place. I'll never forget the people who made this site such a fun experience. Thank you all.
Kyon FantasyLifeIsGr8
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EYP★oqueso FricknThotPatrol
I'm back boiz
Eli ImBakAgn
Oogtar King_of_Jungle
This account of Oogtar, king of jungle! Aaeeuh!! No eat my Rock TV or else. Oogtar hate school, it boring, man... Before Santa bring presents to goody-two foots, Oogtar get best toys, Hehehe... Dino-bunga!! What like: Mammoth rib. Bodacious babes. Rock TV. Corn. Swing on vine. Oogtar come from Super Mario World cartoon!
Walrus justboston
Googoo Gajoob.
Jr JrLock
So strange that Miiverse is over now, huh? It's been fun while it lasted. Anyway... Sonic the Hedgehog is my favorite platformer franchise. I like Mario a lot too. Mega Man is my favorite "run and gun" platformer franchise. Chrono Trigger is my all-time favorite RPG. The Legend of Zelda is my favorite adventure franchise. Soul Calibur II is my favorite fighting game. I am a Christian.
Big D exavior2115
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Davix2461 NETGER52
Hey Im Aure looking foward to make some friends
Dark Roy 3 king99995
"So long, you did me so wrong, I don't wanna go on living in this world with out you" (2X)
Andrew dinorhino11
I'm an autistic gamer who plays Mario, Crash Bandicoot, Super Smash Bros., Donkey Kong and other games.
Zeldablade TheSevenLights
Hello, I'm zeldablade. I'm 19 years old and currently in college. I like action rpgs(kingdom hearts, tales of series), action adventure games(the legend of zelda series,platformers(mario series),and adventure visual novels ( zero escape, phoenix wright and fates stay night series)
Jordy Jordy742
This is a separate account for my 2DS. Jordy247 is my main account. Every drawing made and every 'Yeah!' given from this, and from my other, account is manually done. The 'J' for my drawings means that I personally hand-drew the image, but did not make the original resource for it. (I created the "I'm pretty sure no posts are going to be copied today." 'meme', and I'm proud of it.)
MIISTVEkng CTurtalt
Welcome to The Adventures of MIISTVEkng and Lugi, a bizarre comic strip series featuring blatant knockoffs of MII king and Luigi. This account is in no way affiliated with MII king, and should not be taken seriously. -CAST- MIISTVEkng Lugi Admin Phantasmastve Maro MIISTVEkng's Mum MM57 Comic by C. Turtle.
syd !! :0c sydneycat2003
oh worm. i love ava. miiverse is ending oh boyo. if you wanna keep in touch with me, my kick (without the c) is SmolSylveon
SAMMEH Arcticwolf418
A Y Y ITS TIME TO STOP WHERE ARE YOUR PARENTS?! oh- I'm Samie. JUST SAMIE- im not edgy. totally not- (wink-wonk) ~i identify as an avocado (and maybe a bean) **THEY/HER PRONOUNS. (he pronouns are also acceptable) ok fine... ~im just a bit edgy- ;;;;;;;;^) __________ RIP Lulde siempre te amaré..
Christian3 PacManWorld2
Hey, i'm Christian. I main toon-link, Pac-man, and zelda in smash. Favorite game: Pac-man world 2. I'm a big Pac-Man and rhythm heaven fan. Electric Light Orchestra is my favorite band. Talk to me anytime. Vinesauce 4 life. Nothing but trash post on here, with a drawing occasionaly. Get cozy and make yourself at home in my trash bin. Christian X Ava is best ship
Catron cyndatwo
the account i use most is Cowron (nnid: penguinjeans) my tumbler glasses are the same as the nnid, my bird is named catronjeans thank you! also side note: my mii on this account looks like its melting, i know
Sam Sammichu1
Bye miiverse. Wii Will miss you. (last day left of miiverse. i will miss you all when miiverse ends. remember that i have Clozed Vέrς so you can fïnd me there.) I like... -Memes -Sonic The Hedgehog -Mario Kart (I have mario kart wii, mario kart 7 and mario kart 8) -Smash Bros. (i have all games except melee and N64)
Mr. BlueBird: MachineOfMeme
a CLOSED uniVERSE: BrightGalaxy
A DISsing ChORD: BrightGalaxy#1073