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I enjoy drawing, composing & playing music (bass&guitar), playing and watching video games. Than...
I enjoy drawing, composing & playing music (bass&guitar), playing and watching video games. Thanks for stopping by. And may the < TRI-Force > be with you.
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The Legend of Zelda Series Community
02/25/2017 11:49 PM
02/24/2017 1:12 AM
02/23/2017 12:02 AM
02/21/2017 11:06 PM
02/20/2017 10:33 PM
02/20/2017 12:41 AM
Drawings Art Academy Community
02/12/2017 1:46 AM
02/11/2017 4:00 PM
01/07/2017 12:56 AM
01/02/2017 8:51 PM
12/24/2016 10:26 PM
12/23/2016 7:52 PM
In-Game Art Academy Community
12/09/2016 9:49 AM
Title: World of Nintendo celebration
In-Game Super Mario Maker Community
11/20/2016 10:10 PM
Fire Pit-Extreme Difficulty-EASY (8B08-0000-02C0-5423)
11/20/2016 10:06 PM
Fire Pit Of Extreme Difficulty (9B4C-0000-02C0-53CE)
Play Journal Entries PixelMaker
11/20/2016 4:06 PM
Title: Pysrions Hi, this is a full screen version and without the text. The artwork is a concept for my own 2D game idea and is all original.
11/20/2016 3:27 PM
Hello, This picture is my concept pixel version of my own platformer 2D video game idea artwork for my half chip music album to be released hopefully sometime in 2017. There are creatures called th...
11/01/2016 1:31 PM
Mai Shiranui, a female ninja character from Fatal Fury & King of the Fighters
10/25/2016 5:28 PM
08/14/2016 12:58 PM
Zelda and Link together -(Nintendo) Zelda 30th celebration anniversary-
08/14/2016 8:19 AM
08/05/2016 10:21 PM
08/02/2016 6:15 PM
My version of Pixie - from Monster Rancher the game and cartoon series.
07/28/2016 12:39 AM
I enjoy drawing, composing & playing music (bass&guitar), playing and watching video games.
I enjoy drawing, composing & playing music (bass&guitar), playing and watching video games.
Thanks for stopping by.
And may the < TRI-Force > be with you.