Caerumaro's Yeahs

Comment on Caerumaro's Post


10/30/2017 6:07 PM

This house is like the TARDIS! (its bigger on the inside.)

Comment on Caerumaro's Post


11/16/2016 7:26 AM


Comment on Caerumaro's Post

★★★ Ben

11/11/2016 9:07 PM

Great level! I liked the arena at the end.

Comment on Caerumaro's Post

★★★ Ben

11/11/2016 9:14 PM

This was awesome!

Comment on Mr. Gumba's Post

Mr. Gumba

11/11/2016 3:08 PM

@ Caerumaro: Das ist nur mein Teil eines ganzen Levels der Community.

Comment on Caerumaro's Post

Fungi :)

11/11/2016 8:32 AM

Sehr schön! hahahaha! Danke XD

Comment on ワサビ's Post


11/11/2016 4:12 AM

Caerumaro Thank you for playing this course. I'll be happy, if you like its shoe.(This is joke.)

Comment on ワサビ's Post


11/11/2016 4:03 AM

Caerumaro Me too. But I'm busy now, I want to make a new course before Pokemon Moon will be released.

Comment on Caerumaro's Post


11/10/2016 7:55 AM

Sehr originell!

Comment on Caerumaro's Post

Fungi :)

11/10/2016 12:40 PM

nein ich denke ich werde das level nochmal spielen!

Comment on ワサビ's Post


11/10/2016 8:00 AM

Caerumaro Thank you for playing this course. Me too. I want to set water block. But Nintendo will not update on Mario Maker.

Comment on ワサビ's Post


11/10/2016 7:51 AM

Caerumaro Thank you for playing this course. I had hard time to adjust level.

Comment on ワサビ's Post


11/10/2016 7:45 AM

Caerumaro Thank you for playing this course. I'm glad you enjoyed this.

Comment on ワサビ's Post


11/10/2016 7:41 AM

Caerumaro Thank you for playing this course. Long time no see. I made this with reference to first fortress of SMB3.

Comment on Caerumaro's Post


11/09/2016 7:35 PM

Yay! You're back :D

Comment on ひろきき's Post


11/10/2016 5:08 AM

To Caerumaro >> Thank you playing and nice comments! Congratulations! 6 pink coins collected!

Comment on Caerumaro's Post

Fungi :)

11/09/2016 1:03 PM

Comment on Caerumaro's Post

Fungi :)

11/09/2016 12:59 PM

Du machst die schönsten level Caerumaro :)

Comment on Caerumaro's Post

Fungi :)

11/09/2016 12:52 PM

cooles level!