Users Pet Of War Is Following
???(©∀©)1† Kobachan30
今までありがとう すれ違いで会おう よく出てくるところ 大阪 どこかの田舎 (あと人があんまり少ない) 京都も出ると思います それと3dsは全く使うことはないと思います 明日の朝の8時が最後の姿となります
******** Singledead
💁🏻~ Hello Dear Person~💙✨🌸 I wan't to say, Thanks chu for the 1,1OO+ fluffylowers, I was so happy to have past the times with you, I have certains laughs with you, share happy moments with you, and in particular Adrian (Zorro) DJ Fuzzy (An wonderful pug !) And the my community of Mexico Club, And now we will to go soon. ~Thanks chu Miiverse, Thanks chu the fluffylowers~! ♥️
Renata gueller
Hola amigos yo soy amistosa generosa etc Amigos:Meli:D Leonel LILY PIPA Lesli Sweety Boswald Nestor Dad Mathigames Neithan Scar.gam.c y Josh Son los mejores amigos de la vida los amo a todos :B:):-)**~**
SнaρeSнift P13G4m1n9
▼ ▲ ▼ I ' M T E R R I B L E ▼ ▲ ▼ What can I say? Oh right... Welcome to my stereotype description! I might as well put nothing because then the description would say something like, I'm trash, [Insert quote or meme], A description with improper spelling... The list goes on so don't waste your time reading this like how I did writing it...
Thug Nasty R0cco_Siffredi
Gluttony 184712cool
The apple ate the frog and the watermelon ate the apple and the tomato ate the watermelon and the tomato was eaten by the humans.
「N¡η☆Çøļε」 GoldRainbowMario
♪ Super Mario Odyssey - New Donk City Festival ♪ ◆★ Welcome to my Miiverse page! ★◆ ☆ Please Yeah on my final Profile-Pic! ☆ Beginning Date on Miiverse: 12/25/11 Last Post on Miiverse: 11/6/17 [Name]: Cole West [Age]: 16 [Favorite Hobby]: Playing Video Games [Friends]: Monty, Gary, Romeo, Ethan, Ciara, Gustavo, Joe, Ivan, Bailey, etc. [ I take Friend Request and I use Wii U Chat. ]
Tsunden Nintenslime
I'm a Reyn-O
leonel :] leonelyoshi33
hola mi nombre leonel (¤-¤) Edad: ∞ nunca enbejecere :v A:amistoso G:generoso A: Amigable XD D:divertido S:sincero aveces :v L: loco :) es todo si quieres saver mas de mi ve a mi otra cuenta leonelyoshi soy fan de Megaman Mario Del anime, de paisajes de Auroras, fan de dibujos increibles como los del amime ˙˘˙ Me gusta la electronica eso es todo ˙˘˙ adios
Senpai HunterDotDotDotD
In Japan, senpai (先輩) is a mentor or senior. The mentor system is found at all levels of education, and in sports clubs, businesses, informal or social organizations. The relationship is an essential element of Japanese seniority-based status relationships, similar to the way that family and other relationships are decided based on age.
sheepmomma punnybone
batjokes shipper animator art student Lizards and sneks are just adorable okay? Gregg is best ok.
TenshiFoxx SecondStar02
You poked my face! It's okay, I'll let it slide. Anyway, I'm Solo Player Tenshi Foxx! I'm self-taught in artwork, and I tend to go with the flow when I draw. I try to post everyday. Doesn't ALWAYS work out... My closest pals you should definitely check out because they're just that awesome: Cirex22 / LonelyLilEric Delxaz Nixa35 If you're rude, then you're gonna get blocked.
Ghost!Mugz LovePuppy123
Hi I'm Mugman but ya can call me muggy & Welcome to my profile :0) i draw really sloppy ♥Dank yall for 1402+ Sugar cubes♥ shout out→,Jessica,Smol☆popee,MintTeaBag,Ehartfile,Pluto,●Mangoes, ,σωσTehCat!,Blendy,CT!sans,Bley,flopbun,GhostCupso★,Mεω,Alysias Liv,azamira,SmolTeacup,spider man & Bendy Cringe beware Mugman belongs to MDHR Status: 3 dayssss
MacGyver MacGyver-1970
"Mac's Corner is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get." Do you have problems seeing all Mac's Corners? It works well on a 3DS, and you can also sign in to Miiverse using a computer. Then you can see them all! Thank you, Iwata-san, for all the great memories from yesteryear, today, and the future!
=YasCat= myliltoonyasmin
FIND ME ON Instagram:_yascatmerseglia_ Twitter: @1YasCat1 Wattpad: @YasCat Tumblr: yaskitkat
JOSE joseoribencel321
Que tal 8) Si lees esto significa se saves leerXD Ok no bueno■ mi nombre es jose ★me gustaria ser amigo de todo aquel que lee esto ▲me gusta todo tipo de juegos ♥en especial mario ●edad esta entre 15 y 10 ♥mejor amigo m No lose ♪♪color favorito rojo e azul en fin.... que mas puedo decir..... ♥¬♥
ジェイ Theherojay
Hey! ♤ S┰ひチチ '⒝◎びヒ mモ ♧ 〄 Name's Jay 〄 I mostly play MK8 〄 Current race rating: 『13000+』 〄 Current battle rating: 『2800+』 【Terrible at battling】 Note: Won't be online as often cause of school. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Later, ニガ. 〆 This is a test. ⓐⓑⓒⓓⓔⓕⓖⓗⓘⓙⓚⓛⓜ ⓝⓞⓟⓠⓡⓢⓣⓤⓥⓦⓧⓨⓩ ❶❷❸❹❺❻❼❽❾❿ ������ . ≻ᐊ≺
Yeah Angel realYeahAngel
Profile comment hidden by admin.
Ms.Marvel Peter_Yee
Amy NintendoAmy
I'm Amy from Nintendo. I'll stop by to talk about fun activities and pointers about fun games, so be sure to look out for me!
★Sammy.Jr☆ samsuly
Hey, this is Sammy and Suly!!! Our Best Buddies: Jason , Metalsonic and Felina, Max and Akira, Glich, CalebLogic sorry if i missed anyone not my intention T.T
Twig strobe
Hello! I'm Twig the Blue Pikmin and just by my name you could tell that... i'm a Pikmin Fan (I have all 4 games in fact) and i'm funny (aleast I try to be) and nice to most people.
Kεviп♪ RickiNNID
Heyy! I'm Kevin. I draw and game like you and I'm Christian. LoZ is awesome. ′· ω ·`)
NotanAlien Malideus
I am just a simple farmer, tending to my memes. Totally not a being from beyond the threshold of time and space. I enjoy the simple things in life, like long walks, puppies and kittens, and siphoning the inherent mana from unsuspecting planes, rendering them grey and desolate. ... I mean trains. I like trains. anywho, Shoutout to some dank pals, 50precent, Nin10do XD, Pluto★, and Zo-Zo.
leonel leonelyoshi
hola •_• ˙˘˙ mi nombre leonel edad:∞ nunca embejecere :v jajajaja xd ok no:v juegos: varios amigos: JOSE,Diego, chicabon, isaac108 cool bones, son mis mejores amig@s :D D: divertido A : Amistoso C: celoso :v XD A:amigable S: Sincero digo la verdad ayunden MEE MIIVERSE ME RESTRINGIO sigueeme >>⇔⇔→→→→en mi otra cuenta leonelyoshi33 GRACIAS
Timothy Teenta
my name is Timothy, a 14 year old living in texas. i'm homeschooled. i love gaming and parkour. i've achieved a black belt in taekowndo which took 3 years! i have 5 siblings. around strangers i'm quiet and i keep thing to myself. i don't speak unless spoken too, but if i see someone being rude to every one else, i wont hesitate to say something. but i am very kind and outgoing around my friends.
Lord Gamer You_Dont_See_Me
Welcome to my profile... My favorite video games (se means series) mario bros (se)/legend of zelda (se but no cdi)/gmod/oh sir!/golf with friends/ and more but im too lazy to type them all. although alltime favorite series The Legend of Zelda I have a steam account with my nickname(?) being THE END so... go see it... if you want... i cant think of anything else for this description so...
crοw ☆ ptilosis
!on semi-break! hi im crow (or lucas) and i love kumatora with all of my cold dead heart!!!!!!! he/him (transguy) - 13 - gay - autistic - infp - taurus other/fictionkin (dfi you id as lucas or kankri please) i like hot dagn, THE MOTHER SERIES, lackadaisy trunglr - ptilo go follow Karden <3 don't ask me for free art. consider contacting me for a trade or commission!
Temmie MegB1106
Hey!Nice to meet you!
maylina Maylinajap
Masaccio NintendoMasarioA
I'm Masataka Takemoto. I am the director on New SUPER MARIO BROS. U.
sofa mango Em-Aari
Hey! My name is sofa-mango! -I like gaming and talking with friends -I like any type of games... -If you follow, I will follow back -take drawing request. -love drawing pokemon Merry Christmas! 'w' That is all my good miiversians, have a good one!
ψTaylor mariosonicrules
I'm Taylor, i'm 23 years old, and I love to draw! And I'm Friends with everyone! No Wii U Chats please. :) If I not comment to you, it's because My 30 comment limits are up for today. So I'll comment you back when I can. And I don't accept friend requestes, if I know you well, I only accept requests from my Friends. I don't take drawing requests either. And please no spam "First" comments
Zedd Xeerawth
Pokémon humor is a dying art. I am not Anton Zaslavski. I take suggestions, but i don't do requests.
Villager orayan
Kep Jaxon jtpurswell
Hey, I'm Kep wanna play?
heyopc heyopc
buthed stay determined saw nick don touch
Sr.TRØN cristhianjose
Hola que hace! yo me llamo CRISTHIAN tambien llamado TRON. Tengo 14 años. Me gusta hacer muchos amigos y amigas , apoyó a los demas como también mis amigos o seguidores. Me gustan los gatos •ω• y lo kawaii. Mis personajes favoritos son: 1- Mario y luigi. 2- kirbi. 3- pikachu. Me gusta dibujar y hablar. Sigueme+ , dale !Aja! a mis dibujos y comenta :3 !Gracias por leer esto los quiero! Chao
neon~ cassidy1212
ayy its kinyo back up account I guess I may use this as a spam account so I'll post doodles i don't normally post on my main account.
★dragon64★ catnip1996
o(σ▼σ)v V for victory its neko64 im 21 and i injoy drawing my oc's alot some more then others depending on what im into at the moment i also really love Pokémon mostly dragon types mosty garchomp i also love anime like JoJo's bizarre adventures☆°•o(σ▼σ)o•°☆ bf:rizevock i have dyslexia oc's sonic:cotton cody lady koda joker main:niko dog:pom pom and others
I am Pet Of War. My name is awkward, I know.
I am male.
I am an experimentalist.
I am a sound en...
I am Pet Of War. My name is awkward, I know.
I am male.
I am an experimentalist.
I am a sound engineer.
I am thirteen.
I speak English and any Latin-based language. (German, Spanish, French, etc.)
I have autism.
I am a furry.
I am existential.
I am philosophical.
I am somewhat cryptic, but not satanic.
I am disturbing at times.
I am nice.
I am in depression.
I am gay.
Thank you for your time.