Users Cheerios Is Following
Taylor Taylorbus77
Hi Miiverse! I'm Taylor. I mostly play Pokémon, but sometimes, I play other games! If you follow me I will follow you back! I may have left Miiverse, but please feel free to yeah and comment on my posts and follow me if you'd like! –Taylor
Dan★★★ DorkyNerdGamer64
Hey there gamers! thanks for dropping by! :D i'm merely a fellow gamer like you all out there i have an Nintendo 64,Gamecube, 3DS as well, I love Mario Kart 8 and am playing online all the time so feel free to add me and perhaps we may race together sometime! I also really love playing Super Mario Maker so keep an out out for my lastest levels and try them out! ;)
TheFangirl alayna.exe
hello every one im TheFangirl my favorite games are bendy and the ink machine (batim),five nights at freddys (fnaf), and last but not least undertale i love to chat and rp and would probly die with out the internet XD any one the just me?...ok
мрαηδα glxypanda
Pewdiepie GageAwesome08
Hi my favoriote games are minecraft and splatoon. I only have minecraft. If you have minecraft you found the right person (: !! And please follow me and i will follow you I hope you all have good luck in games!:-) im part of a special friend called EL clan (:
tj tjezzy766
Hi I'm Tj I am a huge Harry Potter fan and I cann't wait to talk to all of you great people. Oh yeah thanyou if you Yeah my post leave a comment or following. Bye
HyperSonic HyperSonic1113
hi guys im hyper sonic i love sonic and also i made a very amsome world on minecraft and its called ultra bowser's throne world and its amazing! my favorite song is♪sonic forces fist bump♪ and another thing i don't do wii u chat maybe?
Jacob H jharrington15
Hi. I'm age 16 Birth: 4/4/01 Sisters: Audrey, Brianna, Gracie Please follow me! 5 days left My favorite Koopalings: Iggy, Lemmy, Larry, Ludwig, Wendy, Roy, Bowser junior, and Morton. I am a fan of Sonic, Mario, Bowser, and the Koopalings. I don't video chat. I take friend requests. I like roleplays. Friends: zion, JoshM.(20), etc.
∞ Маsои ∞ ToastyTsuki
☆ Hey, it's Matt!! Or just Sammy, for my nickname!! ☆ ▼~ I speak 5 different languages!!! ~▲ ♪~ Call me Izumi, if you'd like!! ~♪ ¤ Wanna know more? Message me or just ask!! ¤ × No Wii U Chat!!! × ♡~ Cool Fact, I come from South Korea!! ~♡ ★~ I'm a guy, for the record. Just to clear stuff up. ~★ ♂- Happily Gay~♥ -♂
gayil avigayil1
hey! age:13! i love: cleveland cavaliers [basketball], KING JAMES, and music follow4follow #defendtheland
Princess princessniya05
Hi,my name is Aniya.I hope to become friends with all of you.
Cow Lover! hiurweird
Hello there! WE crushed 250 followers! how abot 400 followers and 60 friends??? My video games that i have are Splatoon (Wii U) Super Smash Bros. (Wii U) Minecraft (PC) and MC Story Mode (Wii U)! PLEASE LET ME REACH MY GOAL! ONLY YOU GUYS MATTER!
mao(マオ) daimaou_0522
10/9 更新 どうも、おはこんばんわ! まおです。 フォロワーさん 290人突破! ありがとうございます フレンド大募集中です! 気軽に、フレンドリクエスト送ってください。 [好きなゲーム] 1.ゼルダの伝説 ブレス オブ ザ ワイルド 2.スプラトゥーン 3.マインクラフト 4.ピクミン3 5.マリオカート8 6.ポッ挙 [フレンド 7人] 1人目. たけMVS#5 2人目. けいし 3人目. まりものマリネ 4人目. かくせいしたモヤシ 5人目. Y-T 6人目. かずき 7人目. ぼっちくん ゼルダの伝説が楽しすぎる!! 神獣あと2体 ハート:13個 がんばり:○ ガノンを倒すまで、絶対に諦めないぞ! マインクラフト データが、全て消えてしまったーー!!!! 絶対に荒らさないでね... スプラトゥーン データが、全て消えてしまったーー!!!!
★Chessicat gannonfun
Hi guys its AVA and here are some facts about meh.... - I Love Music. - I Hate Rude People - Im [almost] always super sweet and nice. - I Love jelly beans - I love dancing/singing. - Im 13 - My BFF'S are,Fredrick, Dark cj, Stephen, Sunset, Chris, Mag kai,Panda fam, Rose,cookie, Assasin,Hawkeye, and many others. - Bye sweeties ;)
Slash SlashJC1
Hey i'm a boss teen(14) i love gaming and everyone is welcome to talk and follow me and i hope you have a awesome day•ω•
YeahςĦΔΝΞ fnafisdabest8536
YES, I'M A GENEROUS LIKEGIVER! GOT A PROBLEM?! Hey, I'm a 15 year old named Shane, I'm lit! :P I'm the leader of the Yeah clan! (Follow to join!!! ü) I can't follow back because I'm following 1000 people already! Make sure to "Yeah" my Favorite Post, plz and thx! I DON'T WII U CHAT 'CUZ WHY WOULD YOU CALL ME!? W e c a n k e e p M i i v e r s e a l i v e ! :D Thanks for reading! c:
Chelsea___ cheljos0708
Hello people I don't care who you are by the way Name: Chelsea, which you should know Age: 12 Favorite Animal: Monkey Favorite Pet Animal: Cat Fears: Bees, Spiders, and Dogs Dislikes: Rude people, and people who don't understand I do Wii U chat ♡♥♡♥Thanks For 300 Followers♡♥♡♥ I don't accept blank friend request
Jace aaronkramer
what up! It's me rev but now I have a different name. I'm 10! Favorite game: Definitely Mario favorite hobby: swimming My birthday is really January 11! I'm sorry I just had to put this in, favorite diary of a wimpy kid book: Rodrick Rules and Dog Days ( LOL! ) ... commet me for more of my favorite things! THERE CANCELING MIIVERSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chloe kf4kdy12345
Thanks for tapping on my face! My name is Chloe I'm 13 Atheist I'm a Tomboy. I'm encourging and caring to my friends + to those who are hurting inside. I try not to Judge. very talktifiv I'm clingy when it comes to someone i like. Don't wish to grow up ... you'll REGRET it! Hateful comment=comment deleted i'm 5'4 i can be the sweetest and the meanest! Out of posts: (No)
JOSE joseoribencel321
Que tal 8) Si lees esto significa se saves leerXD Ok no bueno■ mi nombre es jose ★me gustaria ser amigo de todo aquel que lee esto ▲me gusta todo tipo de juegos ♥en especial mario ●edad esta entre 15 y 10 ♥mejor amigo m No lose ♪♪color favorito rojo e azul en fin.... que mas puedo decir..... ♥¬♥
Cj jkawesome150
hey guys my real name is james i got ditched im very lonely if i hit 1,000 followers i will do any dare yall will hit me with and if i hit 15 i will the hot sauce challenge and the marshmello challange also plz friend me i love playin super smash bros i dont really have a main i can play with anyone
king cute OcToPuS-47
HI miiverse is EPIC why end it? Anyway my favorite games are -Mario -Pokemon -Minecraft (altho i play it on computer) I have a 3ds XL I want a Wii U I love Netflix My favorite shows include Flash,Pokemon,Pokemon XY Please follow My Birthday is 3/6/2007 I am 10 years old i have a dumb windows 7 Home Premium Computer And a 3ds I love Memes my fav. is How it feels to Chew 5 gum BYE
Boom Boom lololearning
·····••••••♡♡♡♡••••••····· I like pork, vocaloids and anime And I like to draw... I'm self taught Y'know My aunt is the best cook I like to eat Ma' fav food is pernil CHICKEN STRIPS i gotz mad chubbs I be 13 Meh also enjoy burgs Thanks for the follows I love frogs but ma' fav aminal is cats No hablo ingles Thanks for all ur support! bye frens!
TrailBlaze Rachelfrico
Hey it's TrailBlazer the Hybrid Dragon and welcome to my profile! I love... -Music! -Dragons -Wolves -Eddsworld [favorite character: Edd] -Harry Potter [My house: Hufflepuff] -Writing -Drawing I do interactive drawing posts so if you like that, go ahead and follow me! I'm in the Eddsworld/ Ellsworld group! Remember to always blaze your own path in life!
Beth;) pinkpandacity
Hello my name is Elizabeth • Favorite genre of Movie is comedy • If you follow me I will follow you back • Favorite kind of music stay the night by taylor alesia and there for you by erika coste • Favorite Youtubers are Jake Paul Logan Paul and Tanner Braungardt Quentin Mcconathy and Dylan Mitchell and Tanner Fox and Markiplier and Jacksepticeye and Romanattwood •ihave67followers •loves puppies
Trevor H. Saturn12345
Hi, I'm just a dumb Pre-teen with a 3ds. I'm forming a group to fight bigly. If you want to join, Just scroll down to discussions. #STOP TEAM BIGLY
Hermione28 Hermione0528
Hi i am new here. But my best friend FreshMetro is really cool so totally follow him!! I am obsessed with Harry Potter and American Girl dolls my favorite holiday is Christmas. And my favorite drink is Butterbeer (its a Harry Potter drink) and my favorite candy is a Chocolate Frog ‹3 i am homeschooled and i am 11 I AM SO SAD): Miiverse is shutting down Goodbye friends u will be in my heart!!
ED☆Dαχυ sushies
♪Welcome ev'ryone •ώ•♪ •Hey there i'm 14! & I just LOVE DRAW!! =D a big "Thank you" for my followers, love you all♡ \(^0^ ) …Just a li'le passage in french: •Bon! Mes chers amis, abonnés... ou même adversaires :D j'vous en prie, vous pouvez regarder et suivre mes dessins! ça m'ferait vraiment plaisir! •Plz: -I take requests only from my close friends -No advertising on my drawings See ya♡
ĦarrуΡσtta aPotterhead
°˙°˙°˙°˙°˙°˙°˙°˙°˙ºHelloº˙°˙°˙°˙°˙°˙°˙°˙°˙° •~Secondary account •~First account: minou3000 •~I'm 15 years old .·•★ •~I love drawing, watching movies and music •~I'm in many fandoms (Harry Potter, Lotr...) and I like K-POP •~Δłωαγs in my heart: ☆Alan Rickman ☆Mika ☆Johnny Depp/Tim Burton •~Dream your life and live your dream :)
AvidDoodlr zombygrl
Grandmaster of embarrassing self on the internet. Trys and fails at being funny. Trys and fails at drawing. Is barely bilingual. The gayest gay.
Siradness Siradness
Joshing SuperFireGamer28
Hello! I'm a gamer called Joshing! I'll be playing awesome video games! So, I hope everyone can follow me! Awesomeness to everyone! Bye!
Gone Girl… AishlingRodgers
Hey,I'm Gone Girl... I'm a emo outcast I'm a 13 year old girl I love anime I'm single I'm biosexual I love black veil brides and my chemical romance I feel like a slãve to my boy friend My friends on miiverse are So Long And Goodnight~ Gerald Way ★GeeDraws★,Riegn,Becca,♪Katie♪♀ ♪I'm not ok♪ Follow my other acout- Emo.Witch(Emo-Witch-Forevs) I join miiverse on the 4th-7th-2017
Ava SilverPeach
•はじめまして •I'm not a weeaboo •I'm learning Japanese •My dream is to move to Japan •I love Studio Ghibli movies •Spirited Away is my favorite movie •I have Auditory Processing nobody cares though... 😭
Taco2 PacothePikachu2
This is Pacotaco's 2nd account! Go read my main account's SSB Series: S1-15 ep S2-4 ep so far! I also made another series: Paco's Adventure! Check out all 5 episodes! Be sure to Yeah them if you enjoyed! It helps me a lot! Go follow my main: PacothePikachu! Oh! Taken by: RoseRoco (kitkat7201) Main: PacoRoco (PacothePikachu) If you have read this far, then take care! See you on my main!
Xiaxia YandereChana
Hi my name is Shayla. but you can call me Ria or Riaja for shorts. Welcome to my profile btw. :o I'm 16 years old. o3o Currently a Junior now, . I know how to draw in real life and on Miiverse but sometimes drawing hard af. ;-; oмo My birthday is on October 16th. We can be good friends, but please don't make me mad. You can check out my drawings! Okay i think that is all.οωο Buh bye :3
T.O tox360
Hey, I'm T.O. Im a funny dude who plays videogames, and like to draw! But I don't do Wii U chat. I'm sorry! Rules: I don't tolerate rude comments about me on any of posts. I report people who insult me. If you continue to break my rules on my posts than I'll block you. I'm also a founder and leader of TΩ
Kain E lighting02
hello Jack Coper Militia of the A.C.E (Angle City Elites) nothing eles to say.................................. but !NO WII U CHAT! Loves:RAMEN,(and mabye my Gf ) Likes:Food,water,oxygen and more food XD Dislikes: Getting betting up and raging in video games Go away before i call in B-T
Hey wats up if ur reading this then u must of booped my face! My name is Miranda :) I'm 15 yrs ol...
Hey wats up if ur reading this then u must of booped my face! My name is Miranda :) I'm 15 yrs old Im a weird person that doesnt judge I like Youtube,art,GravityFalls,Markiplier& Jacksepticeye,Harry Potter and pizza Also follow me if u want Btw I assume no genders! – Trash So long... :|