Users Carlos (: Is Following
Sudofox sudofox
Hi, I'm Sudofox! I make art, trashpost on Miiverse, and run an art and animation community. Long Live Miiverse, even After The Hatena Era The Miiverse Code of Conduct forbids sharing account info for other sites. As such, please do NOT contact me here regarding any issues you're experiencing on Sudomemo.
Meet Dan! A 3DS diehard with a passion for Mario games, I'm always willing to help a fellow player out! STATUS↓ Posting-Yes Commenting-Yes Yeahing-Yes Following-Yes SERIES: Nothing Yet UPDATE: I am now becoming DANOMINATOR to match my upcoming YouTube channel!
☆ αηδгεω ☆ TheBundo
Airbear Airbear333
I've been preparing for this day for awhile, but now since it's actually here it's a bit hard to believe. Today, is the final day of Miiverse. Thank you to all my friends and followers for supporting me throughout my time on Miiverse: it's really changed my life. Today is the FINAL DAY of MVDK. We can do this guys! Current Star count: 1778/2000 Well, I guess this is it. Goodbye...
Emma camelmad
kirby is my favorite person! I am him all the time!
Zubat Zubatzoo
Steven Donaldduck2468
HI Im Donaldduck2468 but you can call me Steven I am a great mario maker creator and also plays mariokart8
britt brubrecht
This user's profile comment is private.
E$ Wii U ebgallager2
Hi. 30 posts/comments is too few, so here I am. Also, 100 friends is too few as well. A good FR message should: 1. Actually say something specific to us 2. Have proper spelling, grammar, and punctuation
Rj YvetteMack
Hi I am Rj, I love to play video games!. And I wish to be a youtuber.
Tristan F autumnequinox
I love to play super mario maker!>;> [+;!==""[[[[]]({(,> &&?:]?]](&#@%?/ ?
Sendar Sendar21
¡Hola! Mi nombre es Sendar. Soy jugador de videojuegos desde hace 22 años. Me gustan los juegos de Mario, Fire Emblem y Smash Bros. Hello! My name is Sendar. I am a videogame player for 22 years. I like Mario, Fire Emblem and Smash Bros games.
Brute Brotezop
Dylan bradmansfield123
[PLEASE LOOK AT MY LIST OF USERS I AM FOLLOWING] "When we die there are two things we can leave behind us, genes and memes." ~ Richard Dawkins, 1976 Why hello there! My name is Dylan. Here's some things you should expect to see on my profile: - Memes - Pixel Art - Some pretty good levels in Super Mario Maker - Weird things happening in my Life - Reminders (Weird Facts)
CK★ByeMV KoopaGT
Last Updated: October 7, 2017 -My MVDK series Special Levels are here! Feel free to try them out! -I don't Wii U Chat, sorry. -Miiverse is shutting down on November 7! I'm definitely going to miss all my friends and followers here... -Reached 24000 VR in MK8 and 3000 VR in MK7! MK8 VR: ~24180 MK7 VR: ~3250 SMM ★s: 91 *MK8 Hackers found: 4 *I know reporting hackers isn't my job; just taking note
Dannyh09 dannyh09
#1 level maker in the UK in Super Mario Maker with over 375,000 stars! 2nd in Europe and 14th Worldwide! Danny Super Ultrathon Completers: Bruhhhhhh Kirby Jimmy Ruds_Labs Leith Ash K Kieran DTM Kyle Trey Tyler Duo-Face
SMV☆Aιтσя♪ Aitor_9000
Hola a todos!! Me llamo Aitor ——————————————————————— Cosas sobre mi: •Divertido •Honesto •Generoso •Creativo •Listo ——————————————————————— •Clan: SMV! ★(Save Miiverse)☆ \(^o^)/ (υ_υ) )[0o0]( \(ˇ^º)/ \(›˛★)/ /(Ò◆Ó)\ Me encanta ☆dibujar☆ y♪bailar♪ Juegos favoritos: -Mario kart 8 -Minecraft -Splatoon -Art Academy ——————————————————————— Espero que nos llevemos bien! ★♪Byee!♪☆ •«~\(☆•☆)/~»•
Yul yularaya
Hola mi nombre es Yul soy una persona normal me gustan juegos como:Mega Man,Zelda,Metal Gear Solid,Mario,Monster Hunter y pokemon espero agradarles y ser una persona de su agrado y espero que podamos llevarnos bien :) Hello my name is Yul am a normal person I like games like Mega Man,Zelda,Metal Gear Solid,Mario,pokemon and Monster Hunter I hope to please and be a person of your choice :)
Aegis AegisCook
Hey, I'm happy to connect with people sharing the same games! Hit the friend/follow button!
(PACO) Tablachos
Lo mejor son los videojuegos:):-):o)
Gnome BaloogaBooga
I like games.
nemo Nemo_Fish_Water
How did you know about that? Want to go to Amtrak Town, obviously? Sounds like I have been having like 3 or more talking-to children the other day, so I wish that my ETA is just broken... Mind me if I walk my dog to Hornet Hobbies, and check my leave-taking list. Now we came to Halifax to see Chip. ‘‘Hi!’’ said Chip. ‘‘Oh no! I forgot my backpack...’’ said Chip, then don't leave my list alone...
Yonathan Bulldogjude
Hello, my name is Yonathan and I have been a loyal Nintendo customer since the release of the NGC. My favorite hobbies are studying and playing the trumpet. I love watching the Celtics, Ravens, Hamburger SV, & the Orioles! My favorite singers are Emmerson Nogueira, Celine Dion, Peter Cetera, and Christopher Cross; my favorite bands are Toto and ABBA.
☆★Nick★☆ HockeyIceGoalie6
Hello Guys and welcome to my Miiverse Profile :D! I post frequently, and some times I also draw pictures, and I think there's a picture as my favorite post! I hope you like the post that I make, and if you don't it will make me sad and you won't care... Also I do that follow4follow thing...... Well no one's probably going to read this, oh well... Also #SAVEMIIVERSE!
sofia saraysofi
Profile comment hidden by admin.
Typfoon TFull330
YIYO yiyothebest
hello/hola soy rodrigo pero mi nick es yiyo es un placer conocerlos y seguirlos si ustedes tambien lo hacen
VicorίαBPR Victoriacece81
G 13 ans et mon but dans la vie c'est d'avoir ☆★380★☆ ABONNER.Abonner VOUS sur ma chaîne miiverse Funny acnl est mon cousin allez-vous abonner a Funny acnl c'est sur youtube pas sur miiverse Mes personnes préféré sont DynaBPR, et vous R.I.P MIIVERSE
(o^o) renzo0225
BRUH oh did not see you there my name is renzo im good in tumble in mincraft im a nice friend so Lets be friends see ya bye that was my profile. why are you still LEAVE NOW
◆røi zebru SeigneurSkull
salut c est clément j'ai 11 ans je suis en 6ème j'aime les console jeux vidéo les dinosaure les animaux les véicules je voudrais avoir maximum 30 amis et objectif 480 abonnés je fait parti des teem ◆ et røi (la miene) gentil★★★★☆ méchant★★☆☆☆( sauf si on m énerve ) humour☆☆☆☆☆ pasian★★★☆☆ intelligence★★★★★ amitié★★★★☆ bizare★☆☆☆☆ drôle★☆☆☆☆ stupide★★☆☆☆ voilà vous savez tout sur moi
Sebas sebasspartan
Hola a todos :D yo me llamo Sebastián pero prefiero que me digan Sebas :) Wii U Chat: solo cuándo te ganes mi confianza Edad: 12 Años Pais: México Mejores amigos: David754, Daniel, Lolypop, GustavoGGT, etc... Hablo Inglés pero no del todo bien Cuándo quieran podemos jugar a Super Smasn Bros U o Minecraft (ya que no tengo otro juego para jugar en linea :'v) ADIOS A TODOS GRACIAS POR TODO...
MemeSenpai TheMemeSenpai
Ca'Shaun Cashaun215
Paloma Lol alberto3ds
Hola me llamo Paloma y aqui teneis cosas sobre mi: Color preferido:Rosa. Mejores amg:Omar,Poké-Hugo , Antonio, Claudia , todos los del clan y Celia. Comida preferida:Pizza y croquetas. Bebida preferida:Coca cola y agua. Si me seguis os sigo. Pasad ya. PASADDD YAAAAAAAA. Juegos favoritos:Slither.Io,Splatoon, Minecraft,Kirby,Pokémon y Fantasy Life...
RyanThe1st CheeseMo3rd
Thank you to all my friends and followers! You are why I was on here for nearly 2 years. I wish you the best of luck and I will miss this place. Goodbye...
Ororodawn MSpeer
Gary Gaborcsernath
Hola soy Gary (cof cof Gábor cof cof) esta mi tercera cuenta! sigan también a mi otras cuentas : Dark Gábor y Gábor En esta cuenta voy a ser como Gary del anime de pokemon que es presumido ,burlón etc...... ¡bueno bye!
sammy samstrader3DS_2
Sammy's 2nd 3DS Miiverse profile _________________________ Favorite Mario games: Mario Kart 7, 8, 8 deluxe, Mario Party: Top 100, Smash Bros. Wii U 3DS Favorite Mario characters: Mario, Luigi, Rosalina, Yoshi, Pink Gold Peach Favorite Smash Bros. characters: Kirby, Link, Cloud, Captain Falcon, Pit, Sonic Favorite Smash Bros. songs Mute City v.3♪ Green Greens v.2♪ Lost Levels Melody♪
Andy Guru289VT
Hi! My name is Andy, and I'm addicted to Mario Maker! I currently have 11 medals, and am ranked around the 20s in the Regional Weekly Maker Rankings!
ivanito lvan123
hola jente de miiverse como estan yo soy ivan y espero que en miiverse todos podamos combibir les mando un saludo a todos ustedes desde mexico tambien me gustan muchos de los foros y dibujos que ustedes publican muchos usuarios me inspiran a mas cosas asi que les mando un saludo y pues adios
Bye everyone, thanks for everything. Hope to see y’all in a future Miiverse service for the Ninte...
Bye everyone, thanks for everything. Hope to see y’all in a future Miiverse service for the Nintendo Switch.
Adiós a tod@s, gracias por todo. Espero verlos en un futuro servicio como Miiverse para el Nintendo Switch.