AeroSky's Yeahs

Play Journal Entries Wave Race 64


08/11/2016 11:23 PM

Only took me an hour of playing to get one first place.

Comment on AeroSky's Post


07/04/2016 3:18 PM

You can make that gap one square wider to avoid soft locking with the the trampoline.

Comment on sinwook's Post


06/19/2016 4:51 AM

Thanks for your opinion.

Comment on zathaniel's Post


06/14/2016 3:14 PM

@Jason Hahahaha xD @LunyRed Yeah it's definetly a tad bit difficult's hard keeping the costume xD possible but hard

Comment on AeroSky's Post


06/12/2016 9:41 PM

I have no idea how to make them less annoying I just think they are very unpredictable. Although I did appreciate the built in checkpoint by using the pow block to get the trampoline

Discussions Donkey Kong 64 Community


06/06/2016 6:34 PM

Open Closed

Ukulele...I mean...Yooka-Laylee!

The game has been delayed until Q1 2017, a new trailer is out, and the game is looking better than ever. My thoughts on the delay are the same as always; more deve...

Play Journal Entries Donkey Kong 64


06/06/2016 10:00 PM

Comment on AeroSky's Post


06/11/2016 11:31 AM

Interesting level!

Comment on Eeee-Money's Post


06/11/2016 9:49 AM

Hey everyone! Sorry for the inactivity lately... Here's a really old course I made to be an Expert-Level Challenge! Based on feedback I received, I've restructured and tried to make it a tad easier...

Comment on Eeee-Money's Post


06/11/2016 10:50 AM

Stitch's Factory I'd already played. It's a good level, but it just didn't feel too factory-like to me, due to the theme. SMW-style courses generally feel more natural and outdoorsy to me, whereas ...

Comment on David's Post


06/11/2016 10:45 AM

@Triple J, that half pipe there was intentional. I wanted it to look like it was hanging from the vines. I have the vines going through it, so it still looks like it's attached to something.

Comment on AeroSky's Post


06/11/2016 10:21 AM

...this is where I give up. Having a hard time with those cloud springs...

Comment on AeroSky's Post


06/10/2016 5:19 PM

An alternative would have been "Opening Struggle"

Comment on Eeee-Money's Post


06/10/2016 9:59 AM

Makers always find their levels easier than the other people that end up playing them.

Comment on Eeee-Money's Post


06/09/2016 10:15 AM

TripleJ's "Cavern Scares" did a good job of making use of original music in a normal platforming level. It also did a good job of pretending to troll the player, but then not actually trolling them...

Comment on AeroSky's Post


06/10/2016 12:06 AM

I like a good puzzle. No need to apologize for creativity.

Comment on AeroSky's Post


06/09/2016 9:45 AM

Nice use of music, and good fake-outs!