Madison's Followers
ZeldaNerd theZeldanerd1
Yo, I'm teh ZeldaNerd and I love to game on. HOBBIES INCLUDE: 1. Gaming, duh! 2. Stayin' Fresh 3. YouTube gaming vids 4. Stayin Fresher 5.Jim Carrey in the past 6. Stayin Fresherer 7. Stayin Fresherest 8. The word "fresh" 9. AND OTHER THINGS TOO! FAVE GAMES of ALL TIME: 1. Shovel Knight Runner-ups: LOZ TP, LOZ SS, LOZ OOT3D, LOZ MM3D, LOZ TFH
TheWarrior Flamebro99
Hello!Im Flame heres some stuff about me Games:Minecraft,CubeSift,and more! Friend :Go take a peek! What i like:Warrior,FNAF,BATIM,Duck season,LPS. Why i love Miiveres:Well it lets people minds run wild.People that cant friend each other can cumunicate , laugh , and tell there fellings. WE WILL MISS YOU MIIVERES AND OTHER PEOPLE!
wolfia#lps lps978
ss ystamm
Hi, i'm 13. These are the games I like to play *Legend Of Zelda Breath Of The Wild *Minecraft *Splatoon I usually have gamechat off. Thanks for clicking on my face:-)
joshua joshua0623
people of miverse welcome to my world of vidio games my squad code is hoodini all you followers are part of it if anyone else wants to be part of the squad wich i mean follow and i will be posting daily.and thank you for comeing:D BEST FRIND :Evilboy and dreagon GAMES: MK7 yoshis new island Gunvolt Gunman clive call off duty black opps pokemon rumble world DREAM JOB: working at Nintendo
spoopy-kun Weirdowantgum
hi my name is Taka-kun im 13 this is second main account cause i literarly destroyed my 3ds so about me i like anime such as Bleach,highschool DxD,SAO (Sword Art Online) Yugioh and more i like the Sonic franchise and i like the Zelda series too i also like drawing i dislike haters,trolls,mean people, and downers inspirational qoute: when life gives you lemons YOU SQUIRT IT BACK INTO LIFES EYES!
hmm hnwks1109us
spook in the hoUSE :) //Fingerguns eyy I'm spoOK Fear me I'm a 10 year old bean that is horrible at art If you want q u a l i t y art then go somewhere else :) Go follow these precious dank beans º¶ieces RK☆Xeno RK☆Ołło spoOK OUT //slams into door
Corgi 0Corgi-KUN0
Hi! Im Corgi KUN0! You can call me KUN0! uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh im a bendy fan! uhhhhhhh im a human corgi btw! information- kawaii loves bacon..... (beware of huge fangirl) XD loves shipping... no senpai.... not a yandere for sure! a crybaby! blushes alot! Author-Kunio (real name) love you guys
pöisõnïvÿ TabithaLenox
“How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.” ~Winnie the Pooh♡ ♪Thank u for the friendship & support. For the yeahs & follows. Luv u all ♡ ♥Please Understand...R.I.P Mr.Iwata♥ *Joined miiverse Dec 2012*
Jaelynn Gymnasticts2007
Hi i am a new drawer and i am 11 i hope that you will follow and friend requeet me please do and have a wonderful day..!!
Pedro pedroorlandini5
Hello I'm Pedro and I like to play minecraft most of the time with my friends so if you play minecraft send me a friend request and i'll friend you p.s don't be shy.
*SF*ゆうた___ Yuta.Otsubo
顔ポチサンキュ!!!!!! 主にスプラで*SF*に入ってます フォローは絶対返します! みんなとフレンドになってタグマとかしたいです スプラは発売から即やってるのにまだSです、、、 これからもがんばります!!!!!! アデュー(\\\\\></////)
Nerd!Blue 10_Blueberry
Hoi guys......WAIT! Were u the one who poked meh face! Ignore wat i said ands let me talk about my Oc. (me) (About Meh) .A fan of under tale, and bendy. .Likes blue ;). .hates when people eats blueberrys around her. .age........i wont tell u. .blushes alot. .loves to talk and make new friends. I love all of you and plus ,ill tell u meh crush! its!!!! .No oneXD. .Single.
Calvin Cow13000
I play Minecraft, Mario Series, other games like my favorites, and soon Nintendo Switch! Best friend is definitely Octoling Q :)
Ultimate G ultimategamer034
just coolin..playing my favorite games and drawing whether on here or on paper.
ゆきミク MewTwoPee
This user's profile comment is private.
ςροοκγαqυα EnderCat1206
Hi.. Browse if you'd like :> ♥♀ MtF <3 ♥Im bi ^^ ♡>v> I like foxes! ♡No blank FR's please!! |Follow these people| *☆croω☆ (Cool artist) *shrimpy ( :> ) *☆★soy★☆ (Nice person ^^) *Matty (Sweet squib) *CorBY (Awesome) *IronC (Cool bean) *Purity ( Mine <3 vuv) *Cube (gum drop vuv) *•Emma• ( ^^ ) P.s... (DA=AquaBlu32) D-cord (AquaBlu) (#894 3) Quick :0
Blaze deathofpain613
i dont even know
Maddy booperdooper54
HOI MY SMOL SINNING ALPACAS!!! MEH NAME EH JEFF Dun tash meh... Age:???AYYEEE Gender:Alpaca Relationship: SINGLE AS A DANK PRINGLE Likes: -Anime -Art -Gravity Falls -Music -Dank Memes -SlipKnot -Sci-Fi -Creepypasta -UnderTale/AUs -Marble Hornets -COMICS Dislikes: -Me -Myself -I *throws book* get outta here è-é
abby Abbywiiplayer
ummm well miiverse is ending... yay. although i am a bit sad... THAT I WON'T BE ABLE TO SEE SOME ARTIST WORK AGAIN. other than that, at this point i don't care... LETS GO CRAZY! info about me that i want to reveal: i have a dog i don't have a lot of female friends (as you can tell by my name i AM a girl lol) the peeps who have memes are the best (my friend boi) and that's it sooo... bye
zack/riley IronmanZR
i play minecraft a lot i have MK8 i don't like to kick people unless i have SuperSmashBros and if you want to friend me friend me and pleace follow me my goal is to get 40 followers nope how about 80 followers im a minecraft freak i make murder mysterys maps and hide n seek maps and bed wars and more
СħĹØΞ changsha_chica
Hey guys name's Chica. I like playin Smash, FE, and Pokemon art. Age: 14 I like Navy Blue and Black. Anime/Manga=Life. FaveManga:Kiss Him not Me! Fave Anime:Can't choose Music: F(x),Shinee, Red Velvet, TWICE, BlackP!nk, and EXO I'll be posting drawings from now on so check me out! \(°▼°)/
Barbi barbi25
τεςςα↓ qwerty3645
hi my name is tessa and i am a big zelda fan i also love splatoon!If you follow me i will follow you! My favorite zelda game is oot and my favorite tv show is the flash. My favorite food is pizza!I don't do wii u chat! A shoutout to princess and Random guy and last but not least sps kayla and jayden! follow all of them!
ςιгίηκαιθτ supersonicboom11
Priscilla MidnaTwilightfrm
Sup bruh! ^ω^
Dennis Al_Wesker
August JesusChristSaves
i like if you can play
jjtc dscgDSCG
this is JJTC's ds account. follow jjtc4471 just ignore this if you'd like. I hardly ever use it. ♪“Don't listen to your parents, all they ever left is a world in a mess!”♪ o----{==(;u;)===>
ink jedi#1 robot-force2.1
Thanks for visiting my page. My dream address in animal crossing: 4A00-0027-047A
Hunter 007mclean
Korugu soucymatt
Salut ! Avant que Miiverse ferme ça serait sympa de ta part de t'abonner à ma chaîne YouTube: Mi nk (merci d'avance (^-^) )
cam mommynlilman
Hi friends and everyone
Link ameem1234
Thanks for 100 followers hope you have a wonderful day!!!! and dont forget to SMILE MORE!!!! :) :) :) :)
jason ramboGG
ik ben heel goed in gamen vooral in mario
~NerD~ GrumpyCatGal
Hi -Name-Jade -Chickentenders-Chickentenders -freinds-ςо Camila, Keira,Kayla,©ø©ø Burritos Mincraft -age-10 ~Taken by the best~ Hope you have a nice day/night ~Follow For Follow~
Hello, welcome to my profile! I'm just a 20 year old college student who like to draw.
You'll mo...
Hello, welcome to my profile! I'm just a 20 year old college student who like to draw.
You'll mostly see Zelda, Tokyo Ghoul, and horse drawings, but I draw anything that perks my interest, so I always have variety in my posts!
*I do not take drawing requests, but thanks!
*I also do not video chat, so please don't ask, I will not repond.
Thanks for visiting, yeahs, and following! :D